Around the World in 80 Days: A Journey of Wonders

1. Novel Analysis: Around the World in 80 Days

a) The Wager and the Journey

The Bet:

  • What is it? To circumnavigate the globe in 80 days using various modes of transport.
  • Timeline: Set in 1872. The journey begins on Wednesday, October 2nd at 8:45 PM and must end on Saturday, December 21st at 8:45 PM.

Challenges and Arrival:

  • Difficulties: Inclement weather, unfavorable winds, train derailments, potential robberies and attacks.
  • Arrival in London: The protagonists arrive 24 hours earlier than expected but initially believe they are 5 minutes late due to traveling eastward, following the sun’s path. They realize their error the next day.

b) Character Analysis

Phileas Fogg:

  • Description: A man of about forty, noble and handsome, tall, slightly overweight, blond hair and sideburns, smooth forehead, pale pink complexion, and magnificent teeth. Hardworking, calm, phlegmatic, and with keen eyes.
  • Virtues: Punctuality, resourcefulness, and determination.

Jean Passepartout:

  • Description: Fogg’s French servant, around thirty years old. Resourceful, punctual, and sincere.
  • Contrast with Fogg: Younger, more talkative, and prone to occasional impulsiveness.
  • Hindrances: His capture by Sioux warriors during a train attack causes a delay. His indiscretion in Hong Kong leads to him missing the steamer.
  • Contributions: Ultimately realizes they have arrived on time, ensuring the wager’s success.
  • Separation and Reunion: Separated from Fogg in Hong Kong due to intoxication and reunited in Japan.

Other Characters:

  • Inspector Fix: Pursues Fogg throughout the journey, suspecting him of bank robbery.
  • Aouda: Joins the journey in Calcutta after being rescued. Develops a romantic relationship with Fogg, culminating in marriage.

c) The Power of Technology


  • Energy Source: Coal-powered steam engines.
  • Advantages: Not reliant on wind, enabling faster and more reliable travel.
  • Technical Stops: Required for refueling and replenishing coal supplies.


  • Impact: Significantly shortened travel times between Europe and Asia.
  • India: Journey from Bombay to Calcutta, with a three-day train trip between the cities.
  • USA: Journey from San Francisco to New York, reduced from six months to seven days by rail.
  • Dangers: Indian attacks in the American West, mitigated by colonization efforts.
  • Improvements: Revolutionized communication and travel within India and the USA.

Other Transportation:

  • Train and steamer from London to Brindisi.
  • Steamer from Brindisi to Suez and Bombay.
  • Train from Bombay to Kholby.
  • Elephant from Kholby to Allahabad.
  • Train from Allahabad to Calcutta.
  • Steamer from Calcutta to Hong Kong.
  • Schooner from Hong Kong to Shanghai.
  • Steamer from Shanghai to Yokohama.
  • Steamer from Yokohama to San Francisco.
  • Train from San Francisco to Kearney.
  • Sled from Kearney to Omaha.
  • Train from Omaha to Chicago and New York.
  • Commercial ship from New York to Queenstown.
  • Train from Queenstown to Dublin.
  • Small boat from Dublin to Liverpool.
  • Train from Liverpool to London.
  • Taxi from London to the Reform Club.

2. Mapping the Journey

(Instructions for drawing the routes on a world map)

3. Historical and Geographical Context

a) Climates:

  • London: Oceanic
  • Suez: Desert
  • Bombay: Tropical
  • Calcutta: Tropical
  • Hong Kong: Subtropical
  • Yokohama: Temperate
  • San Francisco: Mediterranean
  • New York: Continental

b) British Reign:

  • Queen Victoria: 1837-1901

c) Industrial Revolution:

  • Definition: A period of major industrialization and mechanization, transforming society from agrarian to industrial.
  • Origin: Began in Britain between 1780 and 1850.
  • Characteristics: New materials (iron, steel), energy sources (coal), and engines (steam). New machinery, division of labor, improved transportation (trains, steamships), and interaction between science and industry.
  • Worker Conditions: Low wages, long hours, poor living conditions, and inadequate hygiene.
  • First Railway: First steam locomotive built in 1803 by Richard Trevithick. First useful railway line, Stockton-Darlington, opened in 1825, using steam power.

d) Imperialism:

  • Definition: European powers’ expansion and colonization of territories outside Europe, driven by the need for markets and raw materials.
  • India: Under British rule from 1757 to 1947, facilitated by the East India Company.
  • Hong Kong: Became a British colony in 1843 after the First Opium War, related to the opium trade with China. Returned to Chinese control in 1997.

e) Western United States:

  • City Planning: Orthogonal or grid pattern.
  • US Independence: Declared in 1776, freeing thirteen colonies from British rule.
  • Westward Expansion: Driven by immigration, gold rushes, land annexations, and access to land. Resulted in displacement and conflict with Native American populations.

4. Personal Assessment

Around the World in 80 Days is an entertaining and educational novel that explores diverse geographies and cultures. It highlights the importance of punctuality and resourcefulness, while also emphasizing the power of love and human connection.