Assessment Tools for Literacy and Cognitive Development in Children
1. Basic Functions Test – PFB
Neva Milicic and Olga Berdicewski (1974)
To assess the degree of maturity reached by the child to start learning reading and writing. Establishing a prognosis with regard to the time the child could delay the acquisition of reading and writing. Organize classes for children with differential immaturity.
Primarily children who have completed kindergarten or newly initiated 1st grade.
Consists of 8 subtests: copying figures, visual memory, a copy of figures in the air, auditory memory, repetition of story, repetition of complex words, cutting and plotting test.
Cognitive Areas / Basic Functions Evaluated
- Visual-motor coordination
- Psychomotricity
- Coordination
- Audiomotor resistance
- Investment figures to back
- Fatigability visual-motor
- Memory and attention
- Memorization
- Memory Capacity
- Hearing
- Managed care
- Linguistics
- Language
- Language Understanding and expressive vocabulary
- Memorization capacity
- Pronunciation resistance
- Echolalia
Validation Criteria
Not standardized for Chile. Each test can be evaluated from 0 to 3 points, only takes the raw score. The total score relates to the time the child will take to learn to write (if quantitative).
Single. Requires a room with table and chair for the child. Proof that contains paper and pencil tests, verbal and manipulative. Estimated time 8 minutes.
Blank sheets of paper, pencil mine, stopwatch, test sheets, two frets, scissors and a protocol.
2. Basic Functions Test
Neva Berdicewski Milicic and Olga (1974)
To assess some basic psychological functions related to school learning. Early diagnosis of skills for reading and writing of children who present some risk of failing in school years 1 to 3 to avoid future problems.
Children in their last year of kindergarten, 5 years and six months to 7 years and six months.
58 items, divided into three subtests.
Cognitive Areas / Basic Functions Evaluated
- Visual-motor coordination
- Analysis and Synthesis at driving efficiency
- Perception Accuracy graph forms
- Discrimination
- Auditory Memory
- Auditory
- Sound Consciousness initial
- Hearing final Sound
- Language
- Vocabulary
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. The raw score is transformed into percentiles obtained for each subtest and for the global test. A score from establishing whether the child will perform good, fair or poor in learning reading and writing.
Collectively and individually. Groups from 8 to 30 children, with an assistant. It requires a large room, without distracting noises. It takes a blackboard and down for examples. Pencil and paper test, and verbal, with objective-type items Estimated time is 48 minutes. You can make a break after the test of auditory discrimination.
Cuadernillos, paper and pencil. Matchbox semi-filled, plastic pencil pulp, non-metallic button 2 cm. diameter, key to 7 cm. long, 2 cm coin. diameter of 12 cm plastic comb. long and 2 cms. wide, glass bottle 2 cms. and a half in height and 1 cm. in diameter, a metal teaspoon. Clock.
3. Exploratory Cursive Test – PECA
Mabel Condemarín and Mariana Chadwick (1982)
To assess the level of development of cursive script, in terms of speed and quality of the copy. Identify gaps and errors in the rate or speed and mode of execution of the initial writing.
Children from 2nd to 5th grade, from 6.7 to 10.6 years of age. Students with dysgraphia at any age.
Consists of 3 subtests: normal execution speed, fast speed of implementation and quality of the copy.
Instrumental Areas / Writing / Evaluated
- Copying speed
- Normal italic copying speed
- Fast italic copying speed
- Copy quality
- Calligraphy
Validation Criterion
Standardized for Chile. The score obtained according to locating the T-score performance and percentiles, according to the course and age.
Individual and collective in groups of up to 10 children. Pencil and paper test. Estimated time 10 minutes.
2 graphite pencils without gum, watch with a second hand, booklets for the child and record sheet.
4. Metropolitan Readiness Test – MRT
Gertrude Hildreth and Nellie Griffith (1965), Abarca, S. et al, adaptation to Chile (1965)
Aims to identify children with special educational needs through maturity assessment for learning literacy.
Pre-kindergarten children in kindergarten, age 5 ½ to 6 ½ years.
Consists 100 items divided into 6 subtests: word meaning, meaning of phrases, information, matching, numbers, and copy.
Cognitive Areas / Basic Linguistic Functions / Skills Evaluated
- Meaning of words: passive vocabulary
- Phrases: sentence comprehension
- Perception
- Recognition of similarities and visual differences
- Numerical
- Concepts
- Concept of height, width, half, fifth concept of number, recognize and write addition and subtraction
- Concept Integration
- Copy
- Visoperceptiva visual-motor coordination
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. Raw score is translated into a percentile, then categorized into immature, low normal, normal, above normal or higher.
Individual and collective. Pencil and paper. Estimated time 35 minutes, divided into three sessions.
Booklet, colored pencil.
5. Test of Token
Luigi Ennio De Renzi and Vignolo (1962), Ines Mondaca et al (1979) adaptation and standardization for Chile
To assess the understanding and perception of spoken language through verbal commands of increasing complexity.
Children between 6 and 12 years.
Consists of 5 parts: 10 items per part, except the last with 22 items.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Oral Language Perception
- Comprehensive Understanding of spoken language
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. Raw scores according to socioeconomic level (high, medium and low).
Single. Test verbal and manipulative. Estimated Time 30 minutes.
20 sheets of 5 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white), in 2 shapes (circles and squares) and 2 sizes (large and small).
6. Test of Token
Luigi Ennio De Renzi and Vignolo (1962), Ines Mondaca et al (1979) adaptation and standardization for Chile
To assess the understanding and perception of spoken language through verbal commands of increasing complexity.
Children between 6 and 12.
Consists of 5 parts: 10 items per part, except the last with 22 items.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Oral Language Perception
- Comprehensive Understanding of spoken language
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. Raw scores according to socioeconomic level (high, medium and low).
Single. Test verbal and manipulative. Estimated Time 30 minutes.
20 sheets of 5 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white), in 2 shapes (circles and squares) and 2 sizes (large and small).
7. Language Exam
Ricardo Olea (1975)
Achieve a general appreciation of language in its phonological, semantic and syntactic to detect disturbances.
Children between 7 and 11 years 11 months. For older children should raise the level of demand.
The test consists of 50 items divided into 4 areas: anatomical terms for phonation, receipt and issue of language, language comprehension and expression.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Anatomical Conditions
- Reception and Emission
- Expression
Validation Criteria
Individual. Test verbal. Estimate time is not indicated.
Manual and Print
8. Test of Vocabulary in Images – TEVI
Max, S. Echeverria, Maria Olivia Herrera and Miguelina Vega (1993)
To assess the level of understanding that has a passive vocabulary of Spanish speaking subject.
Children between 2 years 6 months to 16 years, speakers of Spanish.
Is presented a set of 115 films in 12 categories of increasing difficulty. Each card has 4 line drawings, each representing grammatical categories (nouns, adjectives and verbs) that are grouped by classes. The subject must select an image that corresponds to the term expressed by the examiner.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Passive Vocabulary
- Knowledge of passive vocabulary
- Understanding Language Development
Validation Criterion
Standardized for Chile. Raw score is compared with the average age and result percentile.
Single under 8 years with the possibility of group for seniors. It contains two parallel ways that apply equally. It requires a quiet room, a chair and table for each child. It is a verbal test. For children under the examiner records. For more the subject record in your answer sheet. Estimated time 20 minutes per child.
Application Manual, Set of 115 sheets, list of stimuli, pencil and a protocol for each child.
9. Reading Comprehension Test of Progressive Language Complexity – CLPA
Felipe Alliende, Mabel Condemarín and Neva Milicic (1982)
To measure reading comprehension, mostly in the stages for the 8 years of general basic education of children attending.
1st to 8th grade.
Divided into 8 levels of reading, each has a booklet. There are two forms A and B, with a total of 16 booklets. Each level consists of 4 to 6 subtest.
Areas Evaluated
- Sentence or phrase area
- Plain text area
- Paragraph text area
- Complex text area
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. The score obtained according to locating performance percentiles, T and Z scores.
Individual and collective. Pencil and paper test with objectives items. Estimated time 45 minutes.
Booklets, pencil, rubber and watch.
10. Specific Dyslexia Exploratory Test – TEDE
Mabel Condemarín and Marlyns Blomquist (1970), Olga Berdicewski, Neva Milicic and Eugenia Orellana (1974) standardization for Chile
Locate the reading level of a child, exploring specific errors in oral reading that characterize the mode reading of dyslexic children to use the results as individual corrective treatment guide.
Children aged 6 years and 10 years 11 months.
Consists of 2 parts: 1 reading level with 100 items and the 2nd level with 71 specific errors items. The children read letters, syllables and words without meaning in increasing complexity.
Instrumental Areas / Reading / Evaluated
- Reader Decoding Level
- Letter names
- Syllable sound of the letter directly to single syllable
- Consonant sound directly with double consonant sound direct
- Syllable double consonant
- Syllable spelling consonant followed by direct or indirect moves simple level
- Syllable complex indirect complex syllable level with single-level diphthong
- Syllable with syllable-level complex with single-level phonogram
- Syllable with syllable-level complex with diphthong phonogram and level with simple syllable diphthong phonogram and complex level
- Specific Errors
- Lyrics sound confused by the beginning of the word spellings
- Lyrics confounded by similar letters
- Investments
- Investments whole word
- Investments letters within words
- Investments order of the syllable in the word
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile, raw score translated into T scores and percentiles, by age and course.
Individual. Reading Test. Estimated time 15 minutes.
Cards with letters, syllables and words, protocol and pencil.
11. Token Test
Ennio Luigi De Renzi and Vignolo (1962), Ines Mondaca et al (1979) adaptation and standardization for Chile
To assess the understanding and perception of spoken language through verbal commands of increasing complexity.
Children between 6 and 12.
Consists of 5 parts: 10 items per part, except the last with 22 items.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Oral Language Perception
- Comprehensive Understanding of spoken language
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. Raw scores according to socioeconomic level (high, medium and low).
Single. Test verbal and manipulative. Estimated Time 30 minutes.
20 sheets of 5 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white), in 2 shapes (circles and squares) and 2 sizes (large and small).
12. Test of Token
Luigi Ennio De Renzi and Vignolo (1962), Ines Mondaca et al (1979) adaptation and standardization for Chile
Children between 6 and 12.
Consists of 5 parts: 10 items per part, except the last with 22 items.
Cognitive Areas / Language / Evaluated
- Comprehensive Understanding of oral language
- Oral Language Perception
Validation Criteria
Standardized for Chile. Raw scores according to socioeconomic level (high, medium and low).
Single. Test verbal and manipulative. Estimated Time 30 minutes.
20 sheets of 5 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white), in 2 shapes (circles and squares) and 2 sizes (large and small).
13. Literacy Assessment Instrument based MII
Carmen Soto (1997)
Evaluate literacy from interactional integrative methodology.
Children 3 through 8 who have difficulties in basic reading and/or write.
Consists of 7 or 8 items that assess the capacity of literacy activities open response.
Instrumental Areas / Literacy / Evaluated
- Answering questions based on a text open read comprehensively
- Read pieces which are capable of explicit and implicit information narrated text in written form from their own experience with thread of ideas correctly
- Building the meaning of the text, based on a correct serialization of paragraphs that compose
- Draw scenes referring to the text read
- Create a simple text phrases from given
- Creating a piece from his own experience, using proper the structure of their native language understand and relate to their respective sentences correctly represent serious paragraphs of the text submitted
- Identify the events that belong to the text, differentiating them from those who do not belong to it
- Order paragraphs of text would be correct
Validation Criterion
Analysis qualitative and quantitative standards has not.
Individual. Pencil and paper test. Estimated time: not given.
Work booklets, Print to contextualize the stories.
14. Language Exam
Ricardo Olea (1975)
Achieve a general appreciation of language in its phonological, semantic and syntactic to detect disturbances.
Children between 7 and 11 years 11 months. For older children should raise the level of demand.
The test consists of 50 items divided into 4 areas: anatomical terms for phonation, receipt and issue of language, language comprehension and expression.
Cognitive Areas / Evaluated
- Language
- Anatomical Conditions
- Oral-pharyngeal fonoarticulatorios bodies
- Hearing
- Motor
- Elocution
- Broadcast reception and auditory-verbal perception and memorization of prayers joint
- Understanding simple verbal Orders
- Understanding complex verbal Orders
- Understanding Orders gestures
- Expression
- Graphic Expression by gesture vocabulary
- Spontaneous expression of a fairy Tale
Validation Criterion
Individual. Test verbal. Estimated time is not indicated.
Manual and Print
15. Reading and Writing Test
Ricardo Olea (197?)
To detect abnormalities for children to make a referral to specialized centers.
Children of school age.
No information.
Instrumental Areas / Evaluated
- Literacy
- Language
Validation Criterion
Quantitative analysis
Individual Test. Verbal and paper and pencil. Estimated time: not given.
Laminated, pencil and paper