Assisted Restricted Exercises: Techniques & Benefits

Assisted Restricted Exercises

Assisted restricted exercises are defined as exercises where the forces of resistance offered to the action of the working muscles are applied to develop muscle power and endurance.

Principles of Resistance:

An external force may be applied to the body’s levers to oppose the force of muscular contraction. Tension is created within the muscle by the opposing forces, leading to hypertrophy and increased power.

  • It develops in response to the application of the maximum resistance that can be built up when muscles work against it.
  • Volume: It can be observed/measured as muscles are capable of exerting greatest strength when they are fully extended in the outer range.

Techniques of Resistance:

  1. Starting Position: Comfort and stability of the body are crucial, ensuring the patient’s full attention is on the pattern of movement.
  2. Pattern of Movement: The patient must be well-acquainted with the pattern, which can be taught passively or as an active exercise. The patterns should follow the contraction and stabilization of bones.
  3. Stabilization: Stabilizing the bones of origin of the muscle to be resisted improves efficiency.
  4. Resisting Forces: Can be applied manually (e.g., force line, weight, spring). The pressure is exerted on the patient’s skin and adjusted accurately to match the muscle’s power.

Patient Cooperation:

The patient’s interest is stimulated by precision in applying resistance, recording progress, verbal encouragement, and competition.

Resistance can be given by:

  • The physiotherapist
  • The patient’s weight
  • Weight and pulley circuits
  • Springs and elastic structures
  • Malleable substances
  • Water

Progressive Resistance Exercise (PRE)

Muscle restoration using PRE for volume, power, and strength was first described by DeLorme in 1945.

To ensure relaxation and lack of strain on the joints between movements, a rest stop is incorporated. As the power increases, the resistance must be increased proportionately.

Character of Movement:

The movement should be smooth and controlled. Speed should be consistent, and the range should be full.


  • Low Resistance, High Repetition: Appears more suitable for weak, elderly patients, or those with conditions like Osteoarthritis (OA).
  • High Resistance, Low Repetition: Builds up power in muscles suffering from disuse.

Effects and Uses of Resisted Exercise:

  1. Resisted exercises are used to build up and restore weak muscle power, which is essential for coordinated movement.
  2. It increases blood flow to the working muscles, bringing oxygen and nutrition to the area and assisting in the removal of metabolic products.
  3. A general rise in blood pressure frequency anticipates exercises and may help perform these exercises correctly.
  4. Heat produced as a result of strenuous muscular activity causes vasodilation in the skin. The skin feels warm and appears pink, indicating heat loss to balance the gain from muscle activity.