Athletics Terminology: A Comprehensive Glossary
Athletics Terminology
Discus throw: Tir disc
Shot put: Tir pilota dura
Javelin: Jabalina
Hammer throw: Tir pilota dura mitjançant un cable
Triple jump: Salt triple
Long jump: Salt de longitud
High jump: Salt d’alçada
Pole vault: Salt amb perxa
Sprint running: Sortida d’esprint
Hurdling: Salt de tanques
Middle distance running: Cursa de mitja distància
Long distance running: Cursa de llarga distància
Hurdles: Valla
Discus: Disc
Steeplechase: Cursa de tanques
Marathon: Marató
Tartan Track: Synthetic material used to cover the track in athletic events. Terra de la pista.
Ash: Old substance that covered the tracks in athletic events.
Bar: A flexible horizontal bar to be jumped over in jumping event.
Cadence: The regular execution of the stride. El ritme.
Dash: Any race without obstacles. Cursa.
Competition number: Number that identifies each competitor. El número que porta.
Sprinter: Athlete who take part in sprint events. Velocista.
Heel: Measurement used to control the exact length to be run in jumping events. Taló.
Lane: Each narrow part of a track intended for each runner. Carril.
Spiked shoes: Sabatilles de claus
Water jump: Obstacle d’aigua.
Field: Camp, camp esportiu.
Mat: Tatami.
Staggered starts: Lloc de sortida.
Throwing cage: Xarxa per tirar el disc.
Sand pit: Caixa d’arena.
Baton: Testimoni
Prezone: Zona prèvia
Disqualification Bell: Campana de desqualificació
Starting pistol: Pistola de sortida
Get set: Preparar-se
Plasticine marker: Marcador de plastilina
Take off board: Taula de batuda
Pacemaker: Marcapasos
False starts: Sortida falsa
Take off step: Fer un pas
Laps: Voltes
Arrival judge: Jutge d’arribada
Mass start: Inici massiu
Pitch: Camp, llançament
Track: Hipòdrom, via
Court: Tribunal
Course: Trajectòria
Ring: Anella
Rink: Pista de gel
Beat: Colpejar
Score: Marcador
Umpire: Jutge de línia
Draw/equal: Empatar
Bring forward: Change the date of an event so it happens earlier. Adelantar
Carry on: Continue.
Get round to: Start
Get up to: Fer
Go in for: Enter
Go off: Stop liking.
Join in: Participate
Knock out: Defeat and remove from a competition. Eliminar d’una competició
Look out: Be careful. Estar atent
Pull out: Stop being involved in an activity. Retirar-se
Put off: Delay. Posposar
Put up with: Tolerate. Suportar
Take to: Start
Take up: Start
Height: Alçada
Mad: Boig
Side: Costat
Compete: Competir
Fond: Aficionat
Free: Lliure
Involve: Implicar
Mean: Mitjana
Sure/certain: Segur
Allow: Permitir
Associate: Relacionar amb
Fortune: Destí
Maintain: Mantenir
Rod: Vareta
Bat: Colpejar
Competitors: Competidors
Present perfect (have + 3a forma verbal): Comença al passat i continua al present. Per exemple: He has been an athlete for nearly 20 years. Per parlar sobre experiències de la vida. Per exemple: Have you ever met an important athlete?
Past Perfect (had + 3a forma verbal): Coses que van passar al passat. When he arrived, the race had finished.
Modal Verbs
Obligation: have to, not have to (no obligació), must, should, should have.
Advice: should, should have (in the past), ought to, had better (implica urgència), if I were you, I would…(donar consell).
Ability: can, could, to be able to. Per parlar sobre habilitats.
Permission and prohibition: can, may, could. Per demanar o donar permís.
Certainty: must, may, might, could, can’t. Per expressar certesa.
Possibility: may, might.
Adverbs of Frequency
Just: Present perfect. I have just seen Peter running his first half marathon.
Yet: Final de la frase.
Already: Ja.
Still: Algo que no està acabat. I have been waiting for Lucy for 3 hours, but she still hasn’t come.
Once in a while, every now and then, from time to time, several times (final), many times (pregunta).