Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems
Communication Enhancement Systems
All possible forms of communication that enhance or supplement speech and writing. 3 classification criteria
According to the Final Objective
Alternative Communication: A communication system or code, which consists of symbols in order to replace spoken language.
Augmentative Communication: A communication system that serves to improve an existing communication.
If You Need Help or Not Another Person
- Dependent Communication: Done with the help of a person who interprets the messages produced by the user.
- Independent Communication: Produced by the user in its entirety.
If You Do Not Need Resources to Create Messages
- Communication Aid: Need external resources to produce communication.
- Unaided Communication: The user produces and receives messages with their own body without interference from external elements.
SAAC for People with Sensory Impairments
Limited communicative ability and, if severe, can affect the perception of reality. Two situations for choosing a system: if the person has reached a symbolic level in their language or if the person has not.
SAAC for People with Hearing Impairments
Depend on many factors: the age at which the deficit occurred, severity, communication skills, family, and social life. There are 3 methods:
Gesture: Based on the functions of language and made through hand signs and facial expressions.
The Alphabet Dactylologic
Play through the letters of the alphabet of signs made with hands.
Sign Language
Visual, physical, and oral communication system. A symbolic system in which signs are made with the movements of the hands and arms in space. Comes with greater understanding of facial expressions. It has its own grammar and is unrelated to spoken language.
Articulated Signs
- The Shape of the Hand: How the hand is placed means one thing or another.
- The Place Where the Sign is Articulated: The right place where the sign is done, usually the head top, waist to shoulder width.
- Movement, Orientation, and Direction of the Hand: The hand is put in a form and moved in a direction.
- The Expression of the Face
Oralist: Use spoken language anyway.
Pure Auditory Method
Hard work remains hearing without visual aid.
Labiofacial Reading
Capture information from another person through sight, reading lips and face. The joint must be clear, correct, and at a moderate speed. Adequate lighting. Should talk about (1-4m). Simple but correct sentences. No longer than 40 minutes.
Cued Speech
A communication system that enables speech perception through sight. It uses gestural support.
Bimodal Method
Production of speech accompanied by signs. Uses the syntactic structure and rules of oral language. It has 2 ways: the spoken word and the manual sign based on sign language.
Makaton Sign System
Language program with the goal of providing a means of communication and encouraging language development in children and adults. The vocabulary should be basic, small, and very functional. Progressive education and graduation of difficulty. 8 stages and each stage in 35-40 words. Custom vocabulary. Panels used.
Instruments for Hearing Impairments
Hearing aids and cochlear implants.
SAAC for People with Visual Impairments
Braille: Tactile reading and writing system for the blind. Conventional code formed by combinations of dots in relief grouped in cells, expressing letters, punctuation, numbers, etc. Gives 63 possible combinations. Resource materials: glasses, contact lenses, magnifying glasses, microscopes, speaking Braille’s (ear) hearing to translate written information, computer programs, etc.
SAAC for Deafblind People
Suffer disconnection with the environment, impacting the training of other senses, such as touch. To decide the system, consider which way was lost first, if concurrent, pre or post locutiva, etc.
Alphabetic Codes
For acquired deafblindness, following the structure of oral language applied to the palm.
Fingerspelling in Palm
Figures are in the palm of the right hand.
Shift in Palm
Uppercase type in the palm of your hand to complete words as if writing on the hand.
Signed Codes
Sign Language
When some remaining vision is left.
When some remaining vision is left.
Dactyl System
Combination of the dactylologic alphabet for the deafblind with sign language adapted for implementation in the palm of the hand and entire arm.
Any sign is developed from the relationship:
- Top of the palm is face.
- Thumb is ear.
- Wrist is neck.
- Forearm is chest.
AAC for People with Difficulties in Motor, Cognitive, or Language Areas
Non-Vocal Graphic Communication Systems
Resources and strategies that allow messages to keep producing a social exchange. Objectives: To replace the absence of spoken communication (alternative) and expand the channels of communication with people who are in the process of language acquisition (augmentative system).
Equity or daily:
- Non-Verbal Language: Faces and gestures used for communication, adding meaning to the message. These are universal codes added to specific codes.
- Objects: Learning set with toys and objects with which it relates.
- Graphic Materials: When oral communication problems are serious, images and photos can be used. A way to start then switch to more abstract/symbolic code. Writing is an alternative spelling for those with a good literacy level.
Representations of a sensory perceptible reality, associated with a similar socially accepted one.
Pictographic Symbols
Relation of similarity in their graphic forms with references to attempts to express (icon).
Non-Pictographic Symbols
More abstract. Do not establish any similarity with what they want to express graphically (symbol). Each letter is a symbol representing a sound.
Bliss System
Panels, Notebooks, and Media
Media showing a series of symbols with which the user creates their message.
The board or panel is made of light wood, cardboard, etc., which is insufficient. Notebooks are usually plasticized cardboard. Small cardboard may be additional for message production and faster intercom. All panels should display the communication system used, the user’s name, and address.
Bliss System
Universal system, composed of various types of signs. Some have meaning for themselves (classifiers) and modify the meaning of those they accompany (indicators). Uses a subcode of colors to facilitate use: yellow-people, green-verbs, adjectives, and descriptions-blue, orange-objects and nouns, white-papers, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. pink-social references, greetings, apologies.
Issues Affecting the Meaning of Signs
A symbol can have different meanings depending on its size. Using conventional counters that have between 150 and 400 symbols. The user must have cognitive skills with a considerable level of abstraction to construct messages from symbols, and potential visual and auditory discrimination to understand the code.
Pictograph Communication System (PCS)
Provides a visual language for people who cannot speak or read. Consists of pictographic symbols, iconography, and simple drawings that allow users to communicate easily. Facilitates the construction of simple sentences from a series of symbols on the user’s desk.
Symbols of the Pictograph Communication System
Internal elements of the system.
Symbol Design
Symbolize words and concepts. Simple, clear symbols can be easily reproduced in printers.
Each pictogram is available in two sizes: 2.5 and 5 cm. The larger size is used with older people with sensory and visual difficulties. The smaller size is used by people who need a large number of symbols for communication.
Symbols and Words
are the symbols on the printed words, it provides quick access to the identification of pictograms.
At SPC there are 6 categories of symbols that refer to the function of each: yellow-people-green verbs, adjectives and descriptions blue, orange objects and nouns, white papers, prepositions, conjunctions .. pink-social references , greetings, apologies.
Conditions for use SPC: necessary cognitive skills such as recognition and identification of ways, some memory or attention, good auditory and visual capacity, minimum of communicative intention. Good system for people with low level language, vocabulary and little difficulty in forming sentences.
Procedures for the selection of symbols: 3 procedure to select the appropriate image:
Technical examination or inquiry: A speaker was asking questions or pointing device symbols and the user responds by a panel of some media, or through Whether or not physical or from signals, gestures.
Direct Selection: indicates the selected option directly
Choice Codified: the user has a special code that facilitates the production of signs and signage for groups, using codes, colors … strengthening intellectual level and not enough people with intellectual disabilities.
Technical documents: ranging from panels to electronic communicators included all those instruments / mechanisms that facilitate the selection of symbols in cases of very limited mobility or no. Communicators have to replace the mouse or keyboard function and thus allow access to certain computer users.
Selection of resources: the instruments that help in communication autonomy can not be used by all users equally, should be selected based on skills of candidates. The variables taken into account: degree of mobility, a selection of symbols, ability to run repetitive movements, speed, efficiency. Communicative acts allows control of the environment from technological devices: laptops ..
Sorting SYMBOLS:
Simple: meaning alone, are any of those symbols that have meaning of its own
Combined: classifier consisting of a symbol and a modifier
Overlapping: 2 simple symbols superimposed are specified in the overlay of 2 more symbols.