Augustus Caesar and the Roman Empire: A Comprehensive History

Augustus Caesar: The First Roman Emperor

After 14 years of war, Octavian reunified the Roman world. Augustus, meaning “Sacred,” achieved immense success and, after his death, Romans deified him. He preferred to be called “Princeps,” the First Citizen. He became the sole ruler, with real power solely under him, ruled for 56 years, stabilized borders, and fostered economic growth.

Family Life During Augustus’ Rule

Upper-class women were educated and participated in public life. They enjoyed equal rights and were allowed to own and control their wealth. Augustus, however, exiled his own daughter, Julia, for offending his public image. He also punished celibacy, emphasizing a well-ordered family as the foundation of a well-ordered empire.

The Military Under Augustus

During Caesar’s time, the average Roman served for seven years in the army. Soldiering became a profession, and 16-25-year-olds were paid regular wages. As Rome expanded, so did its armies.

Economic Trade and Politics

Imperial markets opened opportunities for wealthy elites. Trust was essential for hegemony. Romans levied taxes, collected rents, and recruited soldiers from conquered peoples.

Supplying Rome and Its Cities

Feeding a million people became a complex task. Food and grains were imported from Egypt, Sicily, and North Africa. Only a few cities required imports due to their large populations. Most people worked the land, and agriculture flourished, consuming products from newly conquered lands. Rome constructed new cities, including modern-day London, Paris, Barcelona, Budapest, and many other European cities.

Luxury Trades

Intercontinental, long-distance luxury trade thrived. Rome imported myrrh and other spices from Arabia, ivory from Africa, and textiles from India. Roman metals and gold coins reached China, crossing mountains and vast distances.

The Golden Age of Greco-Roman Culture

When Rome conquered Greece, it adopted its culture, including the Greek language, literature, architecture, and artistic traditions. Rome maintained a polyglot culture in its conquests across Europe and Asia, with Latin as the administrative language. The invention of concrete made large-scale construction practicable.

Religion and Imperial Rome

Religion was centralized on the emperor-god. Augustus rebuilt temples and encouraged the worship of ancestral gods. Sacrifices were made to gods like Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva.

Decline of the Roman Empire

Several factors contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire:

  • Invasions by Barbarian tribes
  • Economic troubles and over-dependence on slave labor
  • The rise of the Persian Empire
  • Overexpansion and military overspending
  • Corruption and political instability
  • The influence of Christianity and the loss of traditional values
  • Weakening of the Roman armed forces

Mare Nostrum and Pax Romana

Mare Nostrum, meaning “Our Sea,” referred to the Mediterranean Sea and the lands surrounding it across three continents. Pax Romana was a period of stability and peace enforced by Rome.

Rome’s Birthday

April 21st marks the founding of the City of Rome.


Patricians (from Pater, meaning “Father”) were “free men” distinguished from the majority. They were wealthy, powerful, and held hereditary positions of influence.


Plebeians lacked hereditary ties and property. They served as military officers but were initially excluded from government and could be enslaved if captured in war. Marriage with Patricians was forbidden. Initially, they were the only members of the Senate.

The Struggle of the Orders in Rome

Disagreements between Patricians and Plebeians began 15 years after the fall of the kingdom and lasted for 50 years. Plebeians, as foot soldiers, had the advantage of strength and numbers. Patricians imposed the Law of the Twelve Tablets, which was harsh on the poor, especially the Plebeians, leading to fear and a lack of rights. This solidified Patrician power. Eventually, Plebeians gained representation in the Senate and the right to elect two tribunes.


A Tribune was a Plebeian officer elected by Plebeians to protect their lives and property. They had veto power against the Senate’s proposals.


The Roman Senate was the legislative and consultative body of the government, a “board of old men.”


The Senate elected Magistrates to carry out the administration of the Republic. After one year, they became members of the Senate.


Two Consuls were appointed by the Senate. One of the two held supreme civil and military authority. They were appointed for one year.