AutoCAD Command Reference
Posted on Sep 10, 2024 in Technology
- 3D: Creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects
- 3DARRAY: Creates a three-dimensional array
- 3DFACE: Creates a three-dimensional face
- 3DMESH: Creates a free-form polygon mesh
- 3DPOLY: Creates a polyline of straight line segments in three-dimensional space
- 3DSIN: Imports a 3D Studio File
- 3DSOUT: Exports to a 3D Studio file
- ‘ABOUT: Displays information about AutoCAD
- ACISIN: Imports an ACIS file
- ACISOUT: Exports AutoCAD solid objects to an ACIS file
- ALIGN: Moves and rotates objects to align with other objects
- AMECONVERT: Converts AME solid models to AutoCAD solid objects
- ‘APERTURE: Controls the size of the object snap target box
- ‘APPLOAD: Loads AutoLISP, ADS, and ARX applications
- ARC: Creates an arc
- AREA: Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas
- ARRAY: Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern
- ARX: Loads, unloads, and provides information about ARX applications
- ASEADMIN: Performs administrative functions for external database commands
- ASEEXPORT: Exports link information for selected objects
- ASELINKS: Manages links between objects and an external database
- ASEROWS: Displays and edits table data and creates links and selection sets
- ASESELECT: Creates a selection set from rows linked to textual selection sets and graphic selection sets
- ASESQLED: Executes Structured Query Language (SQL) statements
- ATTDEF: Creates an attribute definition
- ‘ATTDISP: Globally controls attribute visibility
- ATTEDIT: Changes attribute information independent of its block definition
- ATTEXT: Extracts attribute data
- ATTREDEF: Redefines a block and updates associated attributes
- AUDIT: Evaluates the integrity of a drawing
- BACKGROUND: Sets up the background for your scene
- ‘BASE: Sets the insertion base point for the current drawing
- BHATCH: Fills an enclosed area with a hatch pattern
- ‘BLIPMODE: Controls the display of marker blips
- BLOCK: Creates a block definition from selected objects
- BMAKE: Defines a block using a dialog box
- BMPOUT: Saves selected objects to a file in device-independent bitmap format
- BOUNDARY: Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area
- BOX: Creates a three-dimensional solid box
- BREAK: Erases parts of objects or splits an object in two
- BROWSER: Launches the default Web browser defined in your system’s registry
- ‘CAL: Evaluates mathematical and geometric expressions
- CHAMFER: Bevels the edges of objects
- CHANGE: Changes the properties of existing objects
- CHPROP: Changes the color, layer, linetype, linetype scale factor, and thickness of an object
- CIRCLE: Creates a circle
- ‘COLOR: Sets the color for new objects
- COMPILE: Compiles shape files and PostScript font files
- CONE: Creates a three-dimensional solid cone
- CONVERT: Converts 2D polylines and associative hatches to the optimized Release 14 format
- COPY: Duplicates objects
- COPYCLIP: Copies objects to the Clipboard
- COPYHIST: Copies the text in the command line history to the Clipboard
- COPYLINK: Copies the current view to the Clipboard for linking to other OLE applications
- CUTCLIP: Copies objects to the Clipboard and erases the objects from the drawing
- CYLINDER: Creates a three-dimensional solid cylinder
- DBLIST: Lists database information for each object in the drawing
- DDATTDEF: Creates an attribute definition
- DDATTE: Edits the variable attributes of a block
- DDATTEXT: Extracts attribute data
- DDCHPROP: Changes the color, layer, linetype, and thickness of an object
- DDCOLOR: Sets the color for new objects
- DDEDIT: Edits text and attribute definitions
- ‘DDGRIPS: Turns on grips and sets their color
- DDIM: Creates and modifies dimension styles
- DDINSERT: Inserts a block or another drawing
- DDMODIFY: Controls properties of existing objects
- ‘DDPTYPE: Specifies the display mode and size of point objects
- DDRENAME: Changes the names of named objects
- ‘DDRMODES: Sets drawing aids
- ‘DDSELECT: Sets object selection modes
- DDUCS: Manages defined user coordinate systems
- DDUCSP: Selects a preset user coordinate system
- ‘DDUNITS: Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision
- DDVIEW: Creates and restores views
- DDVPOINT: Sets the three-dimensional viewing direction
- ‘DELAY: Provides a timed pause within a script
- DIM: Accesses Dimensioning mode
- DIMALIGNED: Creates an aligned linear dimension
- DIMANGULAR: Creates an angular dimension
- DIMBASELINE: Continues a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous or selected dimension
- DIMCENTER: Creates the center mark or the center lines of circles and arcs
- DIMCONTINUE: Continues a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the second extension line of the previous or a selected dimension
- DIMDIAMETER: Creates diameter dimensions for circles and arcs
- DIMEDIT: Edits dimensions
- DIMLINEAR: Creates linear dimensions
- DIMORDINATE: Creates ordinate point dimensions
- DIMOVERRIDE: Overrides dimension system variables
- DIMRADIUS: Creates radial dimensions for circles and arcs
- DIMSTYLE: Creates and modifies dimension styles on the command line
- DIMTEDIT: Moves and rotates dimension text
- ‘DIST: Measures the distance and angle between two points
- DIVIDE: Places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object
- DONUT: Draws filled circles and rings
- ‘DRAGMODE: Controls the way dragged objects are displayed
- DRAWORDER: Changes the display order of images and other objects
- DSVIEWER: Opens the Aerial View window
- DTEXT: Displays text on screen as it is entered
- DVIEW: Defines parallel projection or perspective views
- DWFOUT: Exports a drawing web format file
- DXBIN: Imports specially coded binary files
- DXFIN: Imports a drawing interchange file
- DXFOUT: Creates a drawing interchange file of the current drawing
- EDGE: Changes the visibility of three-dimensional face edges
- EDGESURF: Creates a three-dimensional polygon mesh
- ‘ELEV: Sets elevation and extrusion thickness properties of new objects
- ELLIPSE: Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc
- ERASE: Removes objects from a drawing
- EXPLODE: Breaks a compound object into its component objects
- EXPORT: Saves objects to other file formats
- EXTEND: Extends an object to meet another object
- EXTRUDE: Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects
- ‘FILL: Controls the filling of multilines, traces, solids, solid-fill hatches, and wide polylines
- FILLET: Rounds and fillets the edges of objects
- ‘FILTER: Creates lists to select objects based on properties
- FOG: Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects
- ‘GRAPHSCR: Switches from the text window to the graphics area
- ‘GRID: Displays a dot grid
- GROUP: Creates a named selection set of objects
- HATCH: Fills a specified boundary with a pattern
- HATCHEDIT: Modifies an existing hatch object
- ‘HELP (): Displays online help
- HIDE: Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines suppressed
- ‘ID: Displays the coordinate values of a location
- IMAGE: Inserts images in many formats into an AutoCAD drawing file
- IMAGEADJUST: Controls the brightness, contrast and fade values of the selected image
- IMAGEATTACH: Attaches a new image object and definition
- IMAGECLIP: Creates new clipping boundaries for single image objects
- IMAGEFRAME: Controls whether the image frame is displayed on the screen or hidden from view
- IMAGEQUALITY: Controls the display quality of images
- IMPORT: Imports various file formats into AutoCAD
- INSERT: Places a named block or drawing into the current drawing
- INSERTOBJ: Inserts a linked or embedded object
- INTERFERE: Finds the interference of two or more three-dimensional solids and creates a composite 3D solid from their common volume
- INTERSECT: Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or regions
- ‘ISOPLANE: Specifies the current isometric plane
- ‘LAYER: Manages layers
- LEADER: Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature
- LENGTHEN: Lengthens an object
- LIGHT: Manages lights and lighting effects
- ‘LIMITS: Sets and controls the drawing boundaries
- LINE: Creates straight line segments
- ‘LINETYPE: Creates, loads, and sets linetypes
- LIST: Displays database information for selected objects
- LOAD: Makes shapes available for use by the SHAPE command
- LOGFILEOFF: Closes the log file opened by LOGFILEON
- LOGFILEON: Writes the text window contents to a file
- LSEDIT: Lets you edit a landscape object
- LSLIB: Lets you maintain libraries of landscape objects
- LSNEW: Lets you add realistic landscape items, such as trees and bushes, to your drawings
- ‘LTSCALE: Sets the linetype scale factor
- MASSPROP: Calculates and displays the mass properties of regions or solids
- ‘MATCHPROP: Copies the properties from one object to one or more objects
- MATLIB: Imports and exports materials to and from a library of materials
- MEASURE: Places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object
- MENU: Loads a menu file
- MENULOAD: Loads partial menu files
- MENUUNLOAD: Unloads partial menu files
- MINSERT: Inserts multiple instances of a block in a rectangular array
- MIRROR: Creates a mirror image copy of objects
- MIRROR3D: Creates a mirror image of objects about a plane
- MLEDIT: Edits multiple parallel lines
- MLINE: Creates multiple parallel lines
- MLSTYLE: Defines a style for multiple parallel lines
- MOVE: Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction
- MSLIDE: Creates a slide file of the current viewport
- MSPACE: Switches from paper space to a model space viewport
- MTEXT: Creates multiline text
- MULTIPLE: Repeats the next command until canceled
- MVIEW: Creates floating viewports and turns on existing floating viewports
- MVSETUP: Sets up the specifications of a drawing
- NEW: Creates a new drawing file
- OFFSET: Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves
- OLELINKS: Updates, changes, and cancels existing OLE links
- OOPS: Restores erased objects
- OPEN: Opens an existing drawing file
- ‘ORTHO: Constrains cursor movement
- ‘OSNAP: Sets running object snap modes and changes the target box size
- ‘PAN: Moves the drawing display in the current viewport
- PASTECLIP: Inserts data from the Clipboard
- PASTESPEC: Inserts data from the Clipboard and controls the format of the data
- PEDIT: Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes
- PFACE: Creates a three-dimensional polyface mesh vertex by vertex
- PLAN: Displays the plan view of a user coordinate system
- PLINE: Creates two-dimensional polylines
- PLOT: Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file
- POINT: Creates a point object
- POLYGON: Creates an equilateral closed polyline
- PREFERENCES: Customizes the AutoCAD settings
- PREVIEW: Shows how the drawing will look when it is printed or plotted
- PSDRAG: Controls the appearance of a PostScript image as it is dragged into position with PSIN
- PSFILL: Fills a two-dimensional polyline outline with a PostScript pattern
- PSIN: Imports a PostScript file
- PSOUT: Creates an Encapsulated PostScript file
- PSPACE: Switches from a model space viewport to paper space
- PURGE: Removes unused named objects, such as blocks or layers, from the database
- QSAVE: Saves the current drawing
- ‘QTEXT: Controls the display and plotting of text and attribute objects
- QUIT: Exits AutoCAD
- RAY: Creates a semi-infinite line
- RECOVER: Repairs a damaged drawing
- RECTANG: Draws a rectangular polyline
- REDEFINE: Restores AutoCAD internal commands overridden by UNDEFINE
- REDO: Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command
- ‘REDRAW: Refreshes the display of the current viewport
- ‘REDRAWALL: Refreshes the display of all viewports
- REGEN: Regenerates the drawing and refreshes the current viewport
- REGENALL: Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports
- ‘REGENAUTO: Controls automatic regeneration of a drawing
- REGION: Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects
- REINIT: Reinitializes the digitizer, digitizer input/output port, and program parameters file
- RENAME: Changes the names of objects
- RENDER: Creates a realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model
- REPLAY: Displays a BMP, TGA, or TIFF image
- ‘RESUME: Continues an interrupted script
- REVOLVE: Creates a solid by revolving a two-dimensional object about an axis
- REVSURF: Creates a rotated surface about a selected axis
- RMAT: Manages rendering materials
- ROTATE: Moves objects about a base point
- ROTATE3D: Moves objects about a three-dimensional axis
- RPREF: Sets rendering preferences
- RSCRIPT: Creates a script that repeats continuously
- RULESURF: Creates a ruled surface between two curves
- SAVE: Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name
- SAVEAS: Saves an unnamed drawing with a file name or renames the current drawing
- SAVEIMG: Saves a rendered image to a file
- SCALE: Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X, Y, and Z directions
- SCENE: Manages scenes in model space
- ‘SCRIPT: Executes a sequence of commands from a script
- SECTION: Uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region
- SELECT: Places selected objects in the Previous selection set
- SETUV: Lets you map materials onto geometry
- ‘SETVAR: Lists or changes the values of system variables
- SHADE: Displays a flat-shaded image of the drawing in the current viewport
- SHAPE: Inserts a shape
- SHELL: Accesses operating system commands
- SHOWMAT: Lists the material type and attachment method for a selected object
- SKETCH: Creates a series of freehand line segments
- SLICE: Slices a set of solids with a plane
- ‘SNAP: Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals
- SOLDRAW: Generates profiles and sections in viewports created with SOLVIEW
- SOLID: Creates solid-filled polygons
- SOLPROF: Creates profile images of three-dimensional solids
- SOLVIEW: Creates floating viewports using orthographic projection to lay out multi- and sectional view drawings of 3D solid and body objects
- ‘SPELL: Checks spelling in a drawing
- SPHERE: Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere
- SPLINE: Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve
- SPLINEDIT: Edits a spline object
- STATS: Displays rendering statistics
- ‘STATUS: Displays drawing statistics, modes, and extents
- STLOUT: Stores a solid in an ASCII or binary file
- STRETCH: Moves or stretches objects
- ‘STYLE: Creates named styles
- SUBTRACT: Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction
- SYSWINDOWS: Arranges windows
- TABLET: Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet
- TABSURF: Creates a tabulated surface from a path curve and a direction vector
- TEXT: Creates a single line of text
- ‘TEXTSCR: Opens the AutoCAD text window
- ‘TIME: Displays the date and time statistics of a drawing
- TOLERANCE: Creates geometric tolerances
- TOOLBAR: Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars
- TORUS: Creates a donut-shaped solid
- TRACE: Creates solid lines
- TRANSPARENCY: Controls whether background pixels in an image are transparent or opaque
- ‘TREESTAT: Displays information about the drawing’s current spatial index
- TRIM: Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects
- U: Reverses the most recent operation
- UCS: Manages user coordinate systems
- UCSICON: Controls the visibility and placement of the UCS icon
- UNDEFINE: Allows an application-defined command to override an internal AutoCAD command
- UNDO: Reverses the effect of commands
- UNION: Creates a composite region or solid
- ‘UNITS: Sets coordinate and angle display formats and precision
- ‘VIEW: Saves and restores named views
- VIEWRRES: Sets the resolution for object generation in the current viewport
- VPLAYERS: Sets layer visibility within viewports
- VPOINT: Sets the viewing direction for a three-dimensional visualization of the drawing
- VPORTS: Divides the graphics area into multiple tiled viewports
- VSLIDE: Displays a raster image slide file in the current viewport
- WBLOCK: Writes objects to a new drawing file
- WEDGE: Creates a 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis
- WMFIN: Imports a Windows metafile
- WMFOPTS: Sets options for WMFIN
- WMFOUT: Saves objects to a Windows metafile
- XATTACH: Attaches an external reference to the current drawing
- XBIND: Binds dependent symbols of an xref to a drawing
- XCLIP: Defines an xref clipping boundary and sets the front or backclipping planes
- XLINE: Creates an infinite line
- XPLODE: Breaks a compound object into its component objects
- XREF: Controls external references to drawing files
- ‘ZOOM: Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport