Automotive and Mechanical Terminology: A Comprehensive Glossary

Automotive and Mechanical Terminology

AIRBORNE (aerotransportado, en el aire): Carried by or through the air.

AT FULL THROTTLE (a todo gas): The state in a vehicle engine when there is the maximum acceleration power.

BLOW UP (estallar): To explode.

BRAKE PADS (pastillas de freno): A thin block which presses on to the disc in a disc brake.

BUMP (choque): A blow or collision.

CAM (leva): An eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft, used to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another engaged or contacted part.

CHICANE (chicane): A short section of sharp narrow bends formed by barriers placed on a motor-racing circuit to provide an additional test of driving skill.

CLEARANCE (margen, gálibo): The amount of space or distance by which a moving object clears something.

CLOG (atasco): An obstruction or blockage.

CLUTCH (embrague): Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism.

COOLANT (refrigerante): An agent that produces cooling, especially a fluid that draws off heat by circulating through an engine or by bathing a mechanical part.

CRACK (grieta): To break without complete separation of parts; fissure.

CUT OUT (an engine) (pararse): To stop; cease.

DEFECT (defecto): The lack of something necessary or desirable for completion or perfection; a deficiency.

DEPLOY (desplegar): To put into use or action in a proper position.

DIVERT (desviar): To change orientation or direction.

DRAG (resistencia aerodinámica): The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.

EARTHING (toma a tierra): A system used in electrical devices to avoid accidents due to electrical flow and currents.

FLAT SPOT (pérdida de gas): 1) A point during acceleration when the engine seems to lose power for an instant / 2) Describes the shape of the tire when it has burned due to a locked tire when braking.

FLY-BY-WIRE (vuelo por cable): Aircraft control through systems operated by electronic circuits rather than mechanical rods.

FORKLIFT TRUCK (carretilla elevadora): A vehicle having two power-operated horizontal bars or rods that can be raised and lowered for loading, transporting, and unloading goods, especially goods that are placed on wooden pallets.

FUEL LINE (tubo del combustible): A pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine.

GAUGE (indicador): The lack of something necessary or desirable for completion or perfection; a deficiency.

GEAR (engranaje, marcha): A toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, that gets in contact with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction.

GEARBOX (caja de cambios): A protective casing for a system of gears.

GLIDE (planear sin propulsión): To fly without propulsion.

GRIP (asa): A mechanical device that grasps and holds.

JAM (bloquear, atascar): To block, congest.

KERB (bordillo): a line of stone or concrete forming an edge between a pavement and a roadway, so that the pavement is some 15 cm above the level of the road.

LIFE SPAN (vida útil): The average or maximum length of time an organism, material, or object can be expected to survive or last.

MISFIRING (fallo en la combustión): The act of failing to ignite when expected.

NUT (tuerca): A small square or hexagonal block, usually metal, with a threaded hole through the middle for screwing on the end of a bolt.

ODD (raro): strange, not usual.

OVERRIDE (toma de control): The act of taking control of.

POD (vaina, cubierta): A casing or housing forming part of a vehicle, as a streamlined external housing that encloses engines or fuel.

PUSHROD (barra de empuje): A rod moved by a cam to operate the valves in an internal-combustion engine.

QUARRY (cantera): An open surface excavation for the extraction of stone.

RAM AIR TURBINE (turbina de aire de impacto): A small turbine and connected hydraulic pump, or electrical generator used as an emergency power source for aircraft.

RUGGED (áspero, escarpado): Having a rough irregular surface.

SEAL (sellar): To close hermetically.

SENSITIVE (sensible): Easily altered by the action of an agent or variable (eg. Temperature, electricity…).

SHAFT (vara, eje): A long thin object or part.

SNAP (partir, quebrar): To pull apart or break with a snapping sound.

SPIN (girar, dar vueltas): To rotate or turn rapidly.

SPIN OFF (conducir rápido): To ride or drive rapidly.

TANKER TRUCK (camión cisterna): A truck constructed to transport liquids, such as oil.

TIGHTEN (apretar): To make or become tight or tighter.

TOP UP (rellenar): To raise the level of (a liquid, powder, etc.) in (a container), usually bringing it to the desired level.

TORQUE (par de torsion; puede referirse al par motor): The ability of a shaft to cause rotation.

TUB (cuba, cascarón): A large vessel (= recipiente, nave).

WEAR AND TEAR (desgaste): Loss, damage, or depreciation resulting from ordinary use and exposure.