Automotive Ignition Systems: Components, Operation, and Diagnostics

Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Magnetism is the part of physics that studies phenomena related to magnets and the interaction between electric charges at rest, as well as the properties of materials derived from these phenomena. Electromagnetism refers to magnetism produced by the effect of electricity.

Conventional Ignition Circuit Components

  • Primary Circuit: Battery, ignition switch, and primary coil winding.
  • Secondary Circuit: Secondary coil winding, distributor, spark plugs, and spark plug wires.

Ignition Coil Details

Ignition Coil Elements

  • Iron core
  • Primary winding
  • Secondary winding

Coil Winding Placement

The secondary winding is typically placed outside the primary winding because it generates more heat, and this position allows for better cooling.

Ignition Coil Operation

Current flows through the primary winding, creating a magnetic field in the iron core. When the current is abruptly interrupted (by the opening of distributor points or electronic switching), the magnetic field collapses rapidly. This collapse induces a high voltage in the primary winding due to self-inductance and an even higher voltage (thousands of volts) in the secondary winding due to mutual induction, which is sent to the spark plugs.

Distributor Function and Components

The distributor’s main function is to distribute the high voltage current from the ignition coil to the correct spark plug according to the engine’s firing order. In conventional systems, it also houses the mechanism (contact points or a sensor) to interrupt the primary coil current.

Distributor Contact Points (Platinos)

In older ignition systems, mechanical contact points interrupt the primary current. The fixed contact is called the anvil, and the moving contact, operated by a cam on the distributor shaft, is called the hammer.

Ignition Timing Angles

  • Closure Angle (Dwell Angle): The angle (measured in degrees of distributor shaft rotation) during which the contact points are closed, allowing current to flow through the primary coil and build a magnetic field.
  • Opening Angle: The angle during which the contact points are open.
  • Dwell Percentage: Represents the percentage of time the contacts are closed relative to the total time of one ignition cycle for a single cylinder.

Contact Point Gap and Dwell Angle Relationship

The dwell angle is directly affected by the gap set between the contact points when they are fully open. A smaller gap results in a larger dwell angle, and a larger gap results in a smaller dwell angle.

Ignition Timing Advance Mechanisms

  • Centrifugal Advance: As engine speed (RPM) increases, weights inside the distributor move outward, rotating the cam or trigger wheel relative to the shaft. This causes the spark to occur earlier (advances the timing) to ensure peak combustion pressure happens at the optimal point for higher speeds.
  • Vacuum Advance: A diaphragm connected to manifold vacuum adjusts the timing based on engine load. Under light load (high vacuum), timing is advanced for better fuel economy. Under heavy load (low vacuum), timing is retarded slightly to prevent detonation.

Detonation and Pre-Ignition Explained

  • Detonation (Knocking): An uncontrolled, explosive combustion of the remaining air-fuel mixture after the normal spark-initiated flame front has started. It causes a sharp pressure rise and a characteristic knocking or pinging sound.
  • Pre-ignition (Autoencendido): Ignition of the air-fuel mixture before the spark plug is scheduled to fire. This is usually caused by hot spots within the combustion chamber (e.g., glowing carbon deposits, overheated spark plug tip).

Spark Plug Characteristics

Spark Plug Heat Range

The heat range indicates the spark plug’s ability to transfer heat away from its firing tip into the cylinder head. It reflects the plug’s operating temperature under various engine loads.

Spark Plug Heat Range Types

  • Hot Spark Plugs: Have a longer insulator nose path, causing them to retain more heat. They are used in engines that run cooler or at lower speeds to help burn off deposits.
  • Cold Spark Plugs: Have a shorter insulator nose path, allowing them to dissipate heat more quickly. They are used in high-performance, high-compression, or forced-induction engines to prevent overheating of the plug tip, which could lead to pre-ignition.

Resistor Spark Plugs Function

Spark plugs often incorporate an internal resistor. Its main function is to suppress Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) generated by the high-voltage spark. This prevents interference with the vehicle’s radio and sensitive electronic systems like the Engine Control Unit (ECU).

Ignition System Tools and Diagnostics

Strobe Light (Timing Light)

A strobe light is used to observe the ignition timing marks on the crankshaft pulley or flywheel while the engine is running. It allows for accurate checking and adjustment of the base ignition timing.

Decoding Spark Plug Codes (Example: NGK BCPR6ES-11)

Spark plug codes provide detailed information:

  • BC: Thread Diameter (e.g., 14mm) & Hex Size combination
  • P: Projected Insulator Tip
  • R: Resistor Type
  • 6: Heat Rating (Scale varies by manufacturer; lower numbers are typically hotter for NGK, higher numbers are hotter for Champion/Bosch)
  • E: Thread Reach (e.g., 19mm or 3/4″)
  • S: Standard Copper Core Center Electrode
  • -11: Pre-set Spark Gap in millimeters (e.g., 1.1mm)

Electronic and Distributorless Ignition Systems

Advantages of Transistorized Ignition over Conventional

  • Higher available voltage to the spark plugs, ensuring a stronger spark.
  • Elimination of the capacitor (condenser) used with points.
  • If contact points are still used (as triggers), they handle very low current, dramatically increasing their lifespan and reducing maintenance.
  • Improved engine starting and performance, especially at high RPM.

Inductive Pulse Generator Components

Used in many electronic ignition systems to signal crankshaft/distributor position:

  • Rotor (Reluctor): A toothed wheel attached to the rotating shaft.
  • Permanent Magnet: Creates a magnetic field.
  • Pickup Coil: A coil of wire where voltage is induced as the reluctor teeth pass by.
  • Stator: The stationary part holding the magnet and pickup coil.

Ignition Module Signal Processing

The electronic control unit (ignition module) receives the signal from the pulse generator (inductive or Hall effect) and processes it. Key functions include:

  • Signal Shaping/Modulation: Converting the raw sensor signal into a usable digital waveform.
  • Voltage Stabilization: Ensuring consistent operation despite fluctuations in vehicle voltage.
  • Dwell Control: Calculating the precise time needed to charge the ignition coil based on engine speed and load, then switching the primary current off at the correct moment.

Hall Effect Sensor Components

Another common type of sensor used for ignition timing:

  • Hall Effect Element: A semiconductor chip.
  • Permanent Magnet: Creates a magnetic field through the chip.
  • Shutter Wheel (Rotor): A wheel with windows or vanes that pass between the magnet and the Hall chip, interrupting the magnetic field.

These components are often housed within the distributor body (in distributor-based electronic systems) or mounted near the crankshaft or camshaft.

Hall Effect Principle

The Hall effect occurs when a current-carrying semiconductor is placed in a magnetic field perpendicular to the current flow. A voltage difference (the Hall voltage) is generated across the semiconductor, perpendicular to both the current and the magnetic field. In sensors, interrupting the magnetic field with the shutter wheel causes this voltage to switch on and off, creating a digital square wave signal.

Hall Sensor Applications

Besides ignition timing, Hall effect sensors are widely used in vehicles to:

  • Measure rotational speed (e.g., wheel speed sensors for ABS, transmission speed sensors).
  • Detect the precise position of components (e.g., camshaft position sensors, crankshaft position sensors, throttle position sensors).

Crankshaft Sensor Information

An inductive or Hall effect sensor located near the engine flywheel or crankshaft pulley provides critical information to the ECU:

  • Engine Rotational Speed (RPM): Determined by the frequency of the pulses.
  • Crankshaft Position: Determined by specific patterns or missing teeth on the reluctor wheel, allowing the ECU to know when pistons reach Top Dead Center (TDC) or other key positions.

Distributorless Ignition System (DIS) Coil Types

DIS eliminates the distributor cap and rotor:

  • Waste Spark System: Uses coil packs where one coil serves two cylinders that are at opposite points in their cycles (e.g., one on compression, one on exhaust). The coil fires both spark plugs simultaneously. The spark in the cylinder on its exhaust stroke is ‘wasted’.
  • Coil-on-Plug (COP) or Coil-near-Plug: Each spark plug has its own individual ignition coil mounted directly or very close to it. This provides the most efficient spark delivery.

DIS System Diagnostics

Common static checks for DIS coils include:

  • Measuring the resistance of the primary winding using a multimeter.
  • Measuring the resistance of the secondary winding using a multimeter. (Compare readings to manufacturer specifications).
  • Dynamic checks involve using an oscilloscope to analyze the primary and secondary voltage and current waveforms during engine operation.

Coil Rail Constitution

A coil rail is an assembly that integrates multiple ignition coils (typically for COP systems) into a single unit for easier mounting. In some advanced designs, the switching transistor (igniter) responsible for firing the coil may also be integrated into each coil module within the rail.