Avant-Garde Movements: Futurism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism


Vanguards do not want any kind of recognition and seek marginality. New ways of understanding culture and aesthetics:

  • Philosophies arise that reject the existence of God and affirm the sovereign dimension of man.
  • Spiritual crisis, the movements are born breakthrough.
  • Avant-garde movements are born since 1905 (new aesthetics that express novel ideas or realities).
  • Desire for originality (to show the reader something amazing).


  • Breaking with the above and the desire for originality.
  • Enactment of manifestos (written programs designed to show the precepts of the new art).
  • Incitement to scandal.
  • Playfulness of art.


In 1909, Marinetti raised the passion for speed and power. Futurist poetry is characterized by courage, boldness, and revolution. The poet is left to be carried away. It is characterized by the deletion of punctuation marks and disruptive linearity. Adjectives are modified and syntax is removed. Letters are used in different sizes, types, and colors. (Salinas and Alberti).


Germany. It stands out for its critical social commentary and constant complaint. High value is placed on imagination and dreams, trying to express the physical through mental images. In poetry, themes are inspired by a critical view of society and feelings of horror, suffering, and solidarity following the First World War. In theater, complaint works, engaged, and anti-bourgeois. (Valle).


Picasso. It represents simultaneously various aspects of a single reality, not just its image. In poetry, it leaves the score and the metric is irregular. The poem becomes a succession of notes and moods without a visible link, without continuity. It aims to create a work of art with autonomy, valid in itself. Apollinaire’s calligrams are well-known.


1914. Considered to destroy everything and start from scratch. It shares with other isms the desire to break, a taste for provocation and scandal. Dada and many poems imitate babbling baby talk. The predominant note of Dadaism is its sense of humor. Its followers do not take anything seriously, not even art.


Influenced by Freud, it proposed venturing into the realms of the subconscious and dreams, the only areas where the actual functioning of thought occurs. Man must move away from reason. Breton and Aragon are exponents. It proposes automatic writing (writing quickly without a preconceived theme). It is a revolutionary literary movement and more productive. It struggles to liberate the creative power of the artist and renew poetic language. Formal structure: verse and chaotic enumerations. (Dali, Alberti, Lorca, Cernuda, and Aleixandre).

Spanish Vanguard: Creationism

Gerardo Diego. Creating a new language, consisting of striking metaphors, phonic games, elimination of the accessory, ideological vacuum, creating a reference image without real, sustained in the pure form and pure form originating with the phonetic or semantic inferences unpublished juxtaposition of images, new layout. The language of poetry breaks with the creationist standard. The words leave their primary representative function to achieve a deeper significance.


Gomez de la Serna. It encompasses everything new. Special importance is given to metaphor and the suppression of the story, of narrative and rhetorical excess. It avoids the sentimental and there is a fragmented perception of reality (an incoherent world can have no other expression than that of fragmentation). With this, Ultraist art strongly advocates a dehumanized art.