Aviation Navigation and Flight Calculation Essentials
The angle between the plan: 23.5º
The angle between a (60ºS 165ºW) (60ºS 177ºE): 78º
What is the time at 60ºN meridian 010ºE: 220’
What is the longitude 6NM of 58º42”N 094º00’W: 093º48.5’W
The chart distance longitudes 179ºE 175ºW: 133mm
What is local time at 65º25’N 123º45’W, 22:00 UTC: 1345
The ISA FL330: -51
What is the final position at 60º00N 030º00W: 60º00N 090º00W
What is the altitude at 90º: 23º
Position along longitude 130º00E – B100NM of 225º(T): 01º11’S 128º49’E
Two positions plotted at (80ºN 000º): 203º
In order to position at (10ºN 03º00W): a rhumb line track
The rhumb line at (45ºN 010º00W): 315
The distance between two points is 42mm: 36.30NM
The distance between AB 180NM: 6º
The distance between two waypoints 200NM: 14NM
The two standard parallels 10ºº40”N: 0.44
The standard parallels of Lambert 07º40”: 0.39
The great circle at (59º34.1N 008º08.4E): 400NM
The great circle at (70ºS 030ºW): 132º(1)
The extended tower 240º/35kt: 30kt
The outer marker ILS 3º glide, located 4.6NM: 1450ft
The constant of cone 0.3955: 23’18”
The constant of cone 010’E: 0.75
The chart distance 10’65’N: 1:5000000
The local length 53’N: 1:25000000
The convergence factor 0.78535: 51’45”
The local mean time 095’20″W: 1738:40 previous day
The equivalent 70m/sec: 136kt
The automatic flight control (60’00″5-070’00W): 9′ less than the final one
The automatic flight control (10′): 60’N to 60’N
The automatic flight control (55’00N 020’00W): 274′
The following information 65-520kt: 320’/60kt
The following points 60’N 30’W: a 9′ decrease
The flight 100 given true track: 119’3′
The departure between 60’N 60’E: 170’W
A Mercator 1:3704000: 1:1852000
A straight line 4.63cm 1.50NM: 1:6000000
A straight line 4.89cm, 185NM: 1:7000000
A great circle tracks (59S 141W): it increases by 6′
A ground feature 30′ left: 160′
At 60’N scale 1:3000000: 1:6000000
At 47’N: 1:6000000
At latitude 601N Mercator 1:5000000: 17.8cm
A chart has the scale 1:1000000: 20.6
Assuming zero descent, 1500ft/TAS 320kt: 26.7NM
An island appears 30′, 276′, 12’W: 054′
A ground feature 325′, 280′: 30NM and 240′
A ground feature 315′: 9mm
Approximately how many nautical miles is 12cm at 1:2000000: 130
A Lambert conformal 0.75: 34’W
A Lambert conformal cone 0.80: 011’E
At 0422 an aircraft FL370: 445
An island is observed 15′: 268′
An island 15′: 088′
An island 60′: 046′
An island 45′: 059′
An island 30′: 220′
An island 30′: 145′
A flight is made from 49S 180E/W: 1000
A course 120′(1)y(61’30N): 66.7cm
Assume a Mercator distance AYB 6cm at 1:9000000: 60’N or S
On a Mercator latitude 60’N, 002′: 1:2780000
On a chart the distance 45’N, 46’N is 6cm: 1:1850000
On a direct Mercator latitude 45′: 110NM
On a direct Mercator latitude 15’S: 122.3NM
On a direct Mercator latitude 45’N, 70NM: 86NM
On a direct space 5′ latitude 60’N is 8cm: 1:350000
On a polar stereographic at 70’S 065’E: 225′
On a polar stereographic 70’N 60’W: 030′
On a Lambert meridian 5′ latitude 37’N: 1:5000000
On the 27th of February at 52’S and 040’E: 0743 UTC
For a landing runway 23 (22 magnetic): 22kt
For distance 1860NM – 1685NM the point A to Y to B, 1000NMI at 490kt: 530NM
In a navigation distance of 49NM: 1:1300000
25.6 US gallons equals: 803kg
130ft/m equals: 3.7m/s
How many NM is 1m 45s at 136: 3.94
How long will 3NM take at 269kt: 1m 07s
Fuel flow per hour at 22 US gallons: 1h 32min