Aviation Safety: ATC, Airports, and Operational Hazards
Topic 9 “Medium” Factors: ATC and Airports
The Aircraft Operating Environment
- Aircraft have their own “machine factors” relating to safety, but aircraft also operate in two key manmade environments:
- Airspace under air traffic control (ATC)
- Airports
- ATC and airports each present a set of hazards and safety aids for flight.
ATC and Navaid Safety Enhancements
- Most ATC/Navaid enhancements are “broad-in-purpose:”
- Flight efficiency
- Capacity enhancement
- Cost reduction
- Safety
- “Legacy” navaids and airspace management
- Newer generation technologies:
- GPS and WAAS
- Consequences:
- Increased situational awareness
- Increased alternatives
Common Airspace Hazards
- Issues:
- Inadequate Navaid coverage (altitude & area)
- Operational errors by pilot or ATC
- Ground vehicle errors
- Inadequate communications coverage
- Enroute separation (altitude and distance)
- “Lost” aircraft/inadequate aeronautical information
- Emergency action alternatives
- Responses:
- Satellite-based communications
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Runway Incursions
- Contributing factors:
- Complicated airports & confusing signs & markings
- Operational errors by pilot or ATC
- Ground vehicle errors
- Safety enhancements
- Improved airport signage and lighting
- E-maps of airport in cockpits (EFB)
- Airport surface detection equipment (ADS-X)
- Airport surface monitoring equipment (ADS-B, LCGS)
- Improved training and awareness
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Foreign Object Damage
- Foreign object debris sources:
- Pavement deterioration
- Objects disturbed by airport maintenance
- Objects dropped from airport vehicles
- Storm deposited items
- Miscellaneous “trash” around terminals
- Tools and personal items of airside workers
- Safety responses:
- Movement area inspections
- Education of airport personnel
- Designated vehicle routes
- Inspection/restriction of vehicles and loads
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Wildlife Collisions
- The “offenders:”
- Birds (on ground and in-flight)
- Terrestrial animal strikes:
- Domestic animals
- Feral animals
- Wild animals
- Safety responses:
- Wildlife hazard studies
- Wildlife hazard management programs
- Special observation and reporting of events
- Special inspections and data collection
- Bird radar detection systems
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Taxiing Hazards
- Hazardous situations/conditions:
- Wingtip clearances from aircraft and structures
- Maintenance and construction sites
- Remaining on full strength surfaces
- Jet/prop blast
- Safety responses:
- Proper airport layout and marking
- Use of “wing-walkers” in confined areas
- Attention to surroundings and vulnerabilities
- Airport/airline policies on engine operations
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Ground Equipment
- Typical “offenders:”
- Mobile fueling trucks
- Ground servicing equipment
- Boarding bridges
- Passenger transporters
- Safety responses:
- Driver training programs
- Proper airport layout and marking
- Proper GSE parking/storage positions
- Use of wing-walkers/gate supervisors
- Electronic airplane and bridge guidance technologies
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Natural Hazards
- Runway surface conditions:
- Snow or ice contamination
- Heavy rainfall
- Standing water
- Safety responses:
- Airport runway inspections and condition reports
- Snow and ice control programs
- Attention to runway design and maintenance
- “Grooving” of runways for turbine powered airplanes
- Use of pavement friction testers
- Runway “braking action” reports
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Maintenance Hazards
- Poor condition of paved and unpaved surfaces:
- Wearing surface integrity
- Cracking and potholes
- Depressions/uneven surfaces
- Shoulder and edge lip erosion
- Fading/wearing of markings
- Improperly/inadequately marked/lighted areas
- Excessive rubber accumulations in touchdown zones
- Inoperative lighting elements
- Improperly marked/lighted construction/maintenance
- Responses:
- Pilot reports
- Standards and inspections
- Intensive and funded maintenance program
Common Airport Hazards & Responses: Ramp Mishaps
- Ramp mishaps:
- Ground equipment collisions (previously discussed)
- Fuel spills/fuel hazards
- Personnel injury/death
- Turbine ingestion/prop strike
- Falling
- Crushing
- Safety responses:
- Training
- Supervision
- Communications