Banking, Accounting, and Tax Terms Explained
Banking, Accounting, and Tax Terms
Banking Terms
BRANCH (sucursal): One of a bank’s local offices.
EXPAND (expandir): To make something increase.
CLIENTELE (clientela): People who visit a particular business.
MOTIVATE (motivar): To inspire someone to do something.
SUPERVISE (supervisar): To monitor and direct something.
WORK ETHIC (etica de trabajo): A belief in working hard.
RELATIONSHIP (relación): The way people interact with each other.
BANK MANAGER (director de banco): Someone who supervises the employees and daily operation of a bank.
OVERSEES (supervisa): To observe something to ensure it is done correctly.
ADVISE (asesorar): To guide and give information needed to make a decision.
GOAL (meta): A planned level of success or achievement towards which a person works.
ORGANIZATION (organización): The way that people or things are arranged or distributed.
SOLVE (resolver): To find an answer or solution to something.
STUB (talon): A piece of paper with paycheck details.
PAYROLL (nomina): A list of employees and wages.
ON CREDIT (a credito): Taking something and agreeing to pay later.
INVENTORY (inventario): A company’s total supply of something.
PROCUREMENT (obtencion): Acquiring goods at the best value.
CASH COLLECTIONS (cobro en efectivo): Total amount of money received in a month.
CASH DISBURSEMENT (desembolso de efectivo): Payment made to meet previous obligations.
REPORT (informe): To report on something means to provide information on it.
GROSS WAGES (salario bruto): An employee’s wages before taxes and other expenses are deducted.
TOTAL WAGES (salarios totales): The total amount of money that a company pays its employees.
CHECKING ACCOUNT (cuenta corriente): An account that someone holds at a bank that allows the holder to write checks or use a debit card to remove money.
Tax Terms
TAX CONSULTANT (asesor fiscal): A person who helps people organize their taxes.
CIRCUMSTANCES (circunstancias): The general conditions of something.
TAX RETURN (devolución): A form that states how much taxes they have paid or owe.
BACK TAXES (impuestos impagados): Unpaid taxes from years before.
DEDUCTIONS (deducciones): An expense that reduces a person’s taxes.
AUDIT (auditoria): An inspection of financial records.
ADVICE (aconsejar): Help or guidance.
CLIENT (cliente): Someone who buys goods and services.
EXCHANGE (cambio): A place where stocks are bought and sold.
SERVICE (servicio): An action that a professional is paid to do for a client.
ON ONE’S BEHALF (en tu nombre): To serve as someone’s representative.
Bank Manager:
- Oversees the day-to-day operation.
- Expands clientele.
- Supervises departments.
- Motivates.
- Makes cash disbursement.
- Makes reports on cash collection.
- Tracks purchases made on credit.
Tax Consultant:
- Finds deductions.
- Provides audits.
Bank Manager:
- Relationships with customers.
- Solves complex problems.
- Sells products.
- Monitors the status of city equipment.
- Prepares purchase orders.
Tax Consultant:
- Guides a counselor.
- Assists a client after the problem is resolved.