Baroque Architecture and Sculpture: Bernini’s Influence
Baroque Architecture and its Makers
The Baroque architecture begins with the breaking of the classical balance. It is manifested in:
- Materials: Stone, marble.
- Building elements: Columns following orders with entablatures, or giant proportions. Renaissance shafts are replaced by spiral columns, curved entablatures, waving façades, semicircular arches, barrel vaults, groin vaults, and hemispherical domes on outer shells.
- Decorative elements: Designs based on curves, plants, leather, and curtains. Decorative holders could be removed.
- Architectural typologies: Basilican and central.
- Character: Based on the bombast of the elements and the dynamism of the curve. The overall conception is led by the building.
- Interior treatment: Fantastic effects.
Key Figures in Italian Baroque Architecture
Carlo Maderno completed the Basilica of Saint Peter and finished it with a monumental façade of alternating classical elements.
Baldassare Longhena designed Santa Maria della Salute.
Bernini and Borromini were representatives of Italian Baroque architecture.
Bernini was appointed architect of Saint Peter’s. In the principal apse, he devised a transparent altar for the chair of Saint Peter. Important buildings include: San Andrés del Quirinale (plant based on the curve, the gate changes: the façade is classical, arch).
Francesco Borromini: Church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane and Sant’Ivo della Sapienza (plant based on the triangle).
Guarino Guarini designed the Chapel of the Holy Shroud with a star-shaped plan.
Transformations in Sculpture: Bernini
Baroque sculpture emerged from the Renaissance substrate, connected with Hellenistic Greek, in the name of trying to break the balance of classical realism. The realism is an idealized naturalism, including disorders (analysis of reality with all its virtues and defects), macabre themes, cruel or frightening.
Appearance: Capturing the transience of a moment. This motion is produced in the physical structure and composition of the scenes. The figures and stone materials, colored marble, bronze, or stucco are proposed for the exaltation of religion.
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Gian Lorenzo Bernini learned sculptural technique in his father’s workshop. His inclination towards research and experimentation led him to study the figures of Michelangelo and Hellenistic sculpture. Works include: The Boy Jupiter and the Goat Amalthea. Ancient evolutionary trend, introduction of materials, theatrical and stage movement of figures. He was the greatest exponent of Baroque aesthetics. His most outstanding works are: The Rape of Proserpina, David.
He devoted his efforts to papal commissions for Urban VIII, Alexander VII, and Innocent X Pamphili Chigi. His works are grouped into three major groups:
- Urban works: Fountain of the Four Rivers, The Triton Fountain.
- Inside the Basilica of Saint Peter: Saint Longinus. The Chair of Saint Peter serves to connect the apse of the transept with the principal basilica. The top comprises a transparency surrounded by angels.
- He created a type that includes the tomb of the Pope, the figure of the deceased, and allegorical allusions. Introduction of the theme of death in the form of a skeleton. Materials: colored marble and gilded bronze. Tomb of Urban VIII, Tomb of Alexander VII.
Other works include Constantine and The Blessed Ludovica Albertoni, but the most significant is The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa.