Baroque Literature in 17th-Century Spain: Quevedo and Góngora

THE BAROQUE: historical and cultural context:

the period is the cultural movement that develops in Europe during the seventeenth century. In Spain, part of the so-called Golden Age of literature. This century in Spain is ruled by the Habsburg monarchy: lll felipe, felipe lv, and Charles II. The current situation is decaying, and Spain lost its hegemony in Europe for France. All this is accompanied by an economic crisis and considerable social unrest. The pessimism and disappointment are the feelings that dominate the thinking of the baroque.
The rebellion or escape are the only exits. In religion, dominates the spirit of the counter and discredit the mundane and earthly. In art and literature, will appreciate the formal and contrived complication. The difficulty is considered synonymous with beauty. There is a strong tendency to exaggeration and distortion of reality in any art form, and exalted wit. –
The concept is concerned with the content of the text. It is based on associative inventive concepts that are expressed with economy of language. Use plenty of rhetorical figures. Its most important representatives are Francisco de Quevedo and Baltasar Gracian. –


pay more attention to form over content. The expression is contrived and difficult, but pursues the aesthetic beauty. Literary figures are used. Your maximum representative was Luis de Gongora.

Luis de Gongora:

Luis de Gongora was the maximum representative of culteranismo, also known by the name of Gongora. Born in Cordoba in 1561, studied in Salamanca and had various positions within the church. In 1617 he was ordained and settled in Madrid as chaplain to the court of Philip III. After the fall of his patron, the Duke of Lerma, back to Cordoba and died, sick and penniless, in 1627. In the poetry of Gongora prevail two distinct styles: a style easier, and way darker and culterano. The difficulty of Gongora affects both topics to your style. It shows in his poems all own resources culterano style: use of learned words, use of religious meaning of profanity, periphrasis Poems.


Love: appears, often a disillusioned vision. Love is presented as a fleeting feeling that often is not reciprocated. – From CIRCUMSTANCES and laudatory: dedicated to praise famous people, cities, writers, friends … Or circumstances. – Philosophical and religious: they are concerned about the brevity of life and the subject of death, the Sacred and desengalo …- – satirical and burlesque: against Lope de Vega and Quevedo RIVER IS WIDE, or against the vices of the court and the society of his time, etc …. He also wrote letrillas. Gongora’s romance is an Authentic created romances in which stand out for its novelty, the romance of captives and those that revolve around fishing and hunting.

Poems adults:

in them is where the author shows better culterano and complex style. – The Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea: Recreate the classic myth of the Cyclops Polyphemus, who, enamored of the nymph Galatea and jealous of the relationship of this with acis, a rock falls down on the young man to kill him. The poem is constituted by sixty-three octaves and is based in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. – The Solitudes: it was conceived as a work in four parts, of which the author wrote the first and only part of the second. The subject of the poem is slight: a young castaway, rejected by his lover, comes to a coast where he finds some shepherds and attend a wedding, after living a while with a fisherman and his family to ke moves on. Gongora is intended to show the benefits of country life off the court life.Gongora rating of poetry: the poetry of Gongora was despised in Spain in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The complexity and difficulty to understand its content was the argument of many critics, among them himself encontrenaba Menendez Pelayo. However, in France admired the poet cordobes Parnassians both as symbols, thus beginning his rehabilitation.


Francisco de Quevedo was born in Madrid in 1580. Alcala study and Valladolid, and exercised, then, the office of director of duqe of Osuna. He was banished from court for a while to back ke for the post of secretary of felipe lv. Then remained imprisoned for five years for unknown reasons since 1639. In 1645 he died in Villanueva de los Infantes. His poetry is characterized by emotional intensity and the condensation of thought. The metric is varied: sonnets, silvas, songs, epistles in triplets, etc. –MORALES philosophical poem: a) metaphysical poems. In them the author expresses the tragic sense of life and there is the contradiction of the Baroque spirit: some poems expresses its regret at the brevity of life and anxiety over the passage of time, in others it appears Christian asceticism and shows life as a hoax and a positive vision d ela death. B) moral poems. These poems show the corruption of the world and makes a serious satire of Spanish reality. His position is stoic. C) religious poems. The death comes as a liberation, but usually appears the conflict between the beliefs and feelings of the author. “Love poems: love poetry of Quevedo start of Petrarchism and expresses the contradiction of showing love as the only thing capable of overcoming death and distress, but at other times, appears as an unattainable ideal. These compositions are among the most beautiful of Spanish poetry. – POETRY satirical and burlesque: it repeats the themes listed in serious but used his poetry in them the mockery and satire.