Baroque Masterpieces: Judith, Christ, and Anatomy

Judith …
realism represents the exact precise instant in which the heroine decapitated the Syrian general. The work is an apotheosis of blood and Judith run its mission with accuracy and professionalism comparable to those of a butcher to carve up an animal. The painting has been interpreted as a kind of revenge for the humiliation they felt at being raped Artemisia, hence the character sketch a gesture of satisfaction. A completely unusual scene in Baroque painting.
Today it is considered a symbol of female power. The influence of Caravaggio is seen in the monumentality of his figures, naturalism, the use of gloomy. And the dramatic sense of the scene while a richer use of color and variety and virtuosity in the depiction of fabrics and materials refers more to his father and the Florentine atmosphere. Artemisia can not access the complete knowledge of the male anatomy but through love and transit to the sexual act. His work ranks among the Caravaggios: monumental figures, chiaroscuro and dramatic sense of the scene. His best pictures are for this style. Also visible in his work the influence of Michelangelo.
Facing the audience develops an execution: a woman dressed in luxurious robes, one hand holds the hair of a man, lying on the bed while the other holds a sword upright, halfway to curtail its head. A little behind both figures, another woman, leaning over the victim, helps sustain. Blood spills abundant, unstoppable, staining the bed, running between the folds of the sheets to the box frame. The man struggles furiously, but it’s useless. Your order is determined. The colors, warm, passionate, theatrical light and accentuate the drama. Characteristics of Baroque painting: predominance of the color on the drawing .. Bright colors … The application of the gloomy .. Realism and naturalism in the works .. _ Jesus drove MERCEDERES TO TOWN: Miranda shown here inside the church, classical invoice. In the center of the composition apreço a dome raised on scallops, while the sides look half-point and oval. In the center of this scene is located Jesucristo, qe apareec oriented toward the left side of the work. The sides of the composition contained two triads of Solomonic columns, which give dynamism to the scene. Alongside them are some ancionaos, while moving mercederes themselves uneasy about the scene, so a group of them fled to the door to the right of the painting. The lighting part d two foci, the most important is on the left, qe is the Jesus Christ that enlightens. The play has quite colorful. The brushwork is precise in the center, while the rest of the scene seems sketchy. Miranda goes into this work to the engravings as a source deinspiracion pra their works. The character that appears in the bottom center area of your painting repertoire does nothing but a detail of another expulsion from the temple, the recreated in the Gospel story of the Jesuit Mallorcan Nadal. The dog that runs around the border area of the work of Miranda gue frequent motif in the painting Seiscento. The characteristics of Baroque in the Canary Islands are payable are: riqeuza decorative realism of the works, predominance of curved lines, dominance of bright colors, the dark essentially applied by Caravaggio, and so on.

CHRIST: No stuamos against free qe figure comes to completing the process of the Passion, in consecuenciam a religious theme that inspires feelings of fervor and piety. His head, crowned with thorns, leans forward and your right. The symbols of suffering are the cross, crown of thorns and blood wounds.Their ojso closed-lam’s a sure sign uerto. The body only covered by the cloth of purity, perfection is very naturalistic, inspired by classical models or school Castellana and Andalusia. Christ did not find a three nails rsultado gives a dramatic composition and dynamics. His body has been treated with great aboutness and ready with a slight twisting movmiento, qe far from distorting the logic work detracts rigidity imposed by the wood. Purity stick uan creating distributed movmiento area where the vertical breaks the stillness. It becomes the busiest area of conjutno. As we can see is a carving, wood and polychrome lla. Domina uan sober palette: ocher, somewhat greyish tones of clothing, contrasting with red putuales. THE Polychrome is the work of painters in the workshop colobaroraban Lujan Perez. The issue of Cruxificion is uan cosntante in Western art, perp here we see that it follows the tenets Counter where the prevailing values of religious emotion. Tb shows perfectly the perfect balance in strength tre spiritually and physically weak. But all in a classic beauty tonod and transmitted through the harmony of form and the excellence of the image. Aprescia very well be the realism of the Bora, one need only look at the heavy eyelids, semic or mouth ajar, his face tilted. Her hair is very well worked by the author. Tb volume and depth of the body. The characteristics of Baroque painting are the following: realism and naturalism of works – religious scenes (Christ’s suffering in this case) – the study perspective, tenebrimo, etc.-_ Tup The Anatomy Lesson: setrate of include conducting a work with the technique of oil on canvas. Feels characters placed around the head of the cadaver, Aiste to the class of Dr. Tulp, who is Separated from the group. The three individios the center, set up trngular uan, carefully watching the forceps and the surgeon’s hands while others look toward the viewer or to the doctor’s face. The picture is artificial light comes from above. It is light and warm golden tones that resltan the animated expressions and also infuses the scene and persoanjes. The tenbrismo and air quality and ultra-bright otrogan emosión to the scene. One present holding a sheet with the names of the seven portrayed pra qe paid to attend the lesson from the doctor. The dead body of the practices that sse is made a criminal conido executed. The eyes of each of the figures speak for themselves and make the player feel esepctador tb of the scene and the lesson intregere, thus fulfilling the classroom and tulp to the room where the table is exposed. The painter is interested in the contrasts that cause and clra ptente light that illuminates some areas deep enough and leaves the rest of esapcio, there are the chromatic austerity suits that time, encouraged by white collars and cuffs. Caracateristicas Baroque painting: stresses the realism and naturalism of the works, meaning through their expressions: surprise, excitement, attention etc. – The dark, (carcaggio), a carcatrsica sencial of the time. – Predominance of the color on the drawing-bright colors. Diagonaldiad work, concern for translating the movement and so on.