Barrow Test, Disorders vs. Disabilities, Tournament Downsides

Barrow Motor Ability Test

Q1. Explain three items of the Barrow Motor Ability Test?

Ans: The purpose of the Barrow Motor Ability Test is to develop an easily administered test of motor ability for college men. A test battery consisting of the medicine ball put, zigzag run, and standing broad jump was recommended for indoor use, and a more complete test battery was recommended for outdoor use.

Disorder vs. Disability

Q2. Difference between Disorder and Disability


Disorder can be characterized as a blip in the typical functioning of a man. Basically, disorder is any disease that aggravates the health of a man. Disorders prevent a man’s execution and decrease his/her proficiency. Disorders seem paltry at the onset; however, they regularly become guilefully in a man. Commonly, a disorder can’t be identified in time, as an aftereffect of which, a basic issue transforms into disability. With regards to disorders, the most prevalent and usually related term is mind disorder. This is on account of mind disorder are extremely intricate in nature, and very fascinating to the workforce of mental studies, since they regularly request a cure that is a takeoff from typical ways or systems.


Disability is the outcome of a weakness brought on to a man. It is basically a restorative condition, which doesn’t permit a man to work in a normal way. Disability can be available in a man since conception, or can occur amid his/her lifetime. Disabilities can be described into different structures, for example, physical disability, sensory disability, mental disability, olfactory disability, and so forth. It is seen that individuals experiencing disability can’t retreat to being as they were some time recently, which is the reason disabled individuals in different nations are qualified to get uncommon concedes and benefits. They’re qualified for get a waiver in medications, programmed reservation, dedicated compartments/seats out in the open transport vehicles, extraordinary gifts concerning instruction and livelihood, and so forth.

Knockout Tournament Disadvantages

Q3. Describe disadvantage of knock out tournament?

Ans: Disadvantages

  • It may be possible that stronger teams being matched together in early rounds get eliminated early, which can lose the charm of the tournament.
  • It may be possible that a weak team got the position in the tournament.
  • Due to the fear of elimination, players play with fear, which is not good for their health & sports performance.
  • Talented players sometimes are not selected due to the elimination of their team in early rounds.

League Tournament Advantages & Disadvantages

Q.4 Describe three disadvantages of league tournament?


  • It decides the true winner.
  • Every team will get a full opportunity to show its efficiency or performance.
  • It helps in ranking all the teams.
  • Sports and games can be made popular through league tournaments owing to the maximum number of matches.
  • A team need not wait for the competition of the other round as in a single knock out tournament.
  • Appropriate opportunities are available to the players and teams to improve their performance.


  • It requires more time.
  • It is expensive.
  • It requires more arrangement for sport officials and teams.
  • There is no provision of seeding for outstanding teams.
  • Teams that get defeated often will lose interest in the game, and that particular match becomes boring for the participants, spectators, and even for officials.