Basque Language and Literature: History & Forms

The Testimony of the Basque Language

1. What is the historical range of the Basque language? Where did people speak Basque?

The historical Basque territory is smaller now than it once was. Basque was spoken in many places, but its reach has decreased over time. It extended through the Pyrenees and Aquitaine. It has been spoken in Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, and Navarre. For centuries, the Basque territories have changed, but the territory where Basque was spoken was once much broader. Basque place-names still exist in those territories. The territories of the Basque language must be understood historically.

2. And so, what is the proof of this? What do we focus on to say that?

Some evidence can be found, for example, in certain Basque words that have appeared in the Pyrenees. Later, in the 10th century, glosses and some other phrases appeared in Basque in the Monastery of San Millán. Luis Núñez Astrain also published a book based on this, titled *”El Basco Arcaico: Parentescos y Extensión”* (Archaic Basque: Kinships and Extension), which helps determine the era of the Basque language.

3. What are the ways that you can investigate?

There are five main approaches:

  1. Tombstones written in Basque.
  2. Basque stelae with archaic names written in Latin.
  3. Classic Latin texts with Basque names.
  4. Medieval texts in Latin or Romance languages with Basque names.
  5. Current place names.

4. What are the first words that appear written in Basque?

The first words written in Basque are found in cemeteries in the Pyrenees and Aquitaine. These could be the names of gods and goddesses, such as: *sembe* (children), *anderoxo* (young lady), *cison* (man).

5. What are the first sentences written in the Basque language?

So far, the earliest phrases written in Basque appear in the Glosas Emilianenses from San Millán. These glosses were: *’guec ajutuezdugu’* (we do not help) and *’jzioqui we’* (we turn on).

Oral Literature

1. Is oral literature important in our literature?

Basque oral literature has been of paramount importance since Etxepare in the 16th century. The first written literature in Basque did not appear until that century.

2. What is oral literature?

Oral literature is a form of literature in the Basque Country based on memory and oral transmission. It predates written literature and includes songs, stories, old verses, and romances.

3. What are its characteristics?

Oral literature is very popular in the village where it was created and developed. It is based on folklore and the festive atmosphere, and it often had a pedagogical purpose, used for teaching.

4. Stories

In oral literature, folk stories, characters, place, and time were vague. Therefore, linguists like Lafitte classify stories taking into account context and content. Stories had a similar structure:

  • Precision was not described.
  • Most were based on superstition.
  • Respect for the King, Queen, etc.

Stories are valuable resources for analyzing the habits of the time.

5. Atsotitzak (Proverbs)

Atsotitzak are public collections of philosophy. They are dense and rich. They are very short and have been passed down for many years. Short, simple sentences are stored in memory.

6. Romance-Ballads

These are based on the telling of events and are included in the epic literary genre. Natural images are often used in the first two lines.

7. Decorative Poems

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8. The Old Verse

These are based on ancient traditions and are sung at certain social events. For example, St. Agatha’s Eve. Certain forms still exist, and, like ballads, they often mention nature.

9. Eresiak (Dirges/Elegies)

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10. Bertsolaritza

Bertsolaritza is a special form of Basque oral poetry based on improvisation. Its characteristics are:

  • Improvisation is done in reverse; that is, the last point is thought of first, and then the rest of the verse is invented.
  • Rhythms and sounds from many songs and verses are used, as is the subject matter.
  • Verses come in different sizes.

Improvisation dates back to the Neolithic period, and it is thought to be as old as the Basque language itself. It has strong roots among the population.