Basque Language: Structure and Usage in Text
Basque Language: Structure and Usage
The Backend
Iz. Sintagma (Noun Phrase)
- Konpletiboak (Completive): -la, -I (what), -t(z)ea(s), to disseminate.
- Questions: -n
- Izenlagun Funtzioa (Adjective Function)
- Erlatibozkoak (Relative): -tion, -Rico, on
Perpaus Bakuna (Verb Phrase)
- Denborazkoak (Temporal – when): -(e)n, -(e)lari, -(e)netik, -(e)ino, the rest of
- Arrunta (Regular – how): -(e)an, -(e)nez, as well as, -ta
- Kausazkoak (Causal – why): -(e)lako, because, -agatik
- Helburuzkoak (Final): -agatik, so
- Konparaziozkoak (Comparative): … and how many weeks ago, …, … as much as, more than …
- Kontzesiboak (Concessive): -(e)no, but, but (in), there is …, -(e)s if the I-
- Baldintzazkoak (Conditional): (if any) .. Yes, -(e) if s, t(s) EKOTEK, if not, so … t(s) to
- Kontsekutiboak (Consecutive): … so, so that, so what, and that he/non…bait-/-n
Aditza (Verb)
Aspektua (Aspect)
- Burutua (Complete): -tu, -du, -i, O
- Burutugabea (Incomplete): -t(s)en
- Gertakizuna (Event): one, go-, -(r)en
- Puntukaria (Intensive): A + + being adtz.lag.
- Aspek.mark.EZ: O
Aldia (Period)
- Present: has to …
- Past: he was on
- Fictitious: Well, if, if …
Modua (Mode)
- Indikatiboa (Indicative): one-
- Baldintza (Conditional): CC-, -able, well .., ba-ke ..-
- Subjuntiboa (Subjunctive): (n):…- desire to prevent
- Ahalera (Potential): -smoke, be-
- Agintera (Imperative): CC-, -able
Izena (Name)
- Nor/Nork/Nori/Nor-Nori/Nor-Nori-Nork
Kasua (Case)
- Singular: O
- Plural: -s, -it, -gion, -bytes, de …
Partizipioa (Participle)
- + -tu, -du, -i
Hondoa (Base)
- OR, organize a visit ….
Erroa (Root – Intensive only)
Aditz Izena (Verb Name)
- + t(s)
Edukiaren Egokitasuna (Text Suitability)
- Text Type: Descriptive, Argumentative, Narrative, Explanatory, Dialogue …
- Genre: Opinion article, News, Interview, …
- Sequence
- Published by: Individual/Collective (1st, 2nd, 3rd person)
- Target: Universal, readers (this reference)
- Communicative Purpose: Inform and convince the recipient
- Subjective/Objective
- Tone: Uncertainty, irony, anger
- Presuppositions
- Code: Written in Basque
- Post
- Channel: Newspaper, Magazine …
- Necessary Encyclopedic Knowledge
- Register: Standard, Incorporated, Specific
- Intertextuality (“…”)
- Poliphony (in italics)
Kohesioa (Cohesion)
Erreferentzia Mekanismoak (Reference Mechanisms)
- Deixis
- Deixis Pertsonala (Personal Deixis): Pertsona izenordainak (me, us), aditz pertsona morfemak (you Nauka)
- Denborazko Deixisa (Temporal Deixis): Denborazko aditzoinak (yesterday, today, more)
- Lekuzko Deixisa (Local Deixis): Lekuzko aditzondoak (there, here), aditzlagunak (in front of, behind)
- Hitz Ordezkoak (Substitute Words): Some, several, some (vague)
- Elipsiak (Ellipses)
- Anaforak (Anaphora): Mike is my friend, he is a pastor.
- Kataforak (Cataphora): He is a pastor, my friend Mike.
- Errepikapena (Repetition): Repeated word (keyword to understand the text)
- Sinonimoak/Antonimoak — Hiponimoak/Hiperonimoak (Synonyms/Antonyms — Hyponyms/Hypernyms)
Lotura Mekanismoak (Connection Mechanisms)
- Antolatzaileak (Organizers – amended at the beginning): Start, end, as a result, I think ..
- Konektoreak (Connectors – amended):
- Emendiozkoak (Additive): And, in addition to …
- Hautaketa (Alternative): Or, or …
- Aurkaritza (Oppositional): However, while ….
- Ondoriozkoak (Consequential): So, so, so …
- Kausazkoak (Causal): In fact, but …
- Modalizazioa (Modalization):
- Modalizatzaileak (Modalizers): Estimate of necessity, probability, certainty
- Aditz Modua (Verb Mode): Indikatiboa—orain/lehen
- Irony/Rhetorical Question
- Sentence Types: Statement, command, uncertainty, surprise …
- Mendeko Perpausak (Subordinate Clauses): Konpletibo/Zehargaldera/Erlatibo/Denborazko/Arrunta/Konparaziozko/Kausazko/Helburuzkoa/Kontzesiboa/Baldintzazkoa/Kontsekutiboa
Balorazio Kritikoa (Critical Assessment)
- The goal is met, the tone is appropriate, and the register is proper.
- There is a good organization of ideas, the message is understandable, things make sense, repetitions are avoided.
- Punctuation, connectors, and organizers of the phrases are used successfully to understand the message.
- Agreement/disagreement with the news.
- Express your opinion with maturity.