Beauty Tips: Makeup, Skincare, and Healthy Living

8 Tips to Look More Beautiful

1. First of all, take care of your skin. Hydrate well and take care of cellulite, stretch marks, and blemishes.

2. Watch your diet; if you’re healthy on the inside, you will look healthier on the outside. It shows in the skin and on the scale.

3. Try to style your hair. A layered cut and some highlights can modernize long hair. Also, remember to take care of your hair with creams, etc.

4. Dress in the latest fashion. Be careful what you choose to wear, whether you want to go for an elegant or casual look, as there is an outfit for every occasion.

5. Apply makeup according to the time of day and activity you’re going to do. Something light for the morning and more dramatic at night.

6. Footwear is important. High heels stylize your figure and look sexy. If you have to walk a lot, choose more modern flats that won’t hurt your feet.

7. Exercise. Improve your fitness and release some stress.

8. Feel beautiful. Attitude is very important, and others notice it.

I hope my advice serves you well. Kisses and good luck in your “transformation.”

Makeup for Beginners

Many girls begin to make up at a certain age and don’t know how, especially if they have no one to teach them or give them a few basics. Also, many women always wear the same makeup, losing interest in makeup because they don’t know how to change their look. Knowing what is right and necessary to apply makeup can help you let go of all those unnecessary products and give yourself a makeover to be beautiful and impressive.

Assuming that there are lots of beauty products and makeup available, the basics that any girl should have in her bathroom are: foundation, concealer for dark circles, concealer for red areas, eye shadow, powder, blush, eyeliner, lipstick, lip gloss, and highlighter.

All that is left out of this list are products not so necessary in creating a good makeup look. Now, if you don’t always know the order of each product or how to apply it, or why, read on below.


The foundation is the starting point when beginning to apply makeup. As the name suggests, it is an absolutely necessary base. With the foundation, we will try to unify the tone of the facial skin, so it is important to choose our foundation well. When purchasing your foundation, you can get advice on which is best for you, depending on your skin type and the coverage of the product.

Furthermore, the foundation is not going to add a tan; that’s what bronzer is for, which gives a very polished look, is easily removed by washing the face, and can replace blush.

Concealer and Corrector for Red Zones

It is important to have a concealer and a redness corrector on hand, but if you have oily skin and don’t have many pimples or blackheads, the redness corrector will not be necessary for you. There are redness correctors to be applied before applying foundation and others to be applied afterward.

As for concealer, there is a very wide range. Some have more coverage and others less; choose yours based on your dark circles, whether you have marked dark circles or they are nearly imperceptible to the eye.

As a general rule, after applying these two products, the face changes dramatically. Try it and notice how you get a lot more light, symmetry, and uniformity across the face.


It is applied to the usual shine, called the T-zone of the face (so named for the shape it makes), i.e., the forehead, nose, and cheekbones. If this is your case, there are matte powders, meaning that after applying it, the shine disappears. You’ll find a huge amount of powders to buy, however, the most comfortable is translucent.


Eyeshadow is a very important makeup basic. Without eyeshadow, our eyes do not stand out, and it can give great strength and intensity to the eyes. Choosing the color of eyeshadow is a whole other world, which can vary greatly, and the effect caused by the same tone on a light eye or a darker one, with a certain dress, etc. Therefore, in the coming days, we will discuss eyeshadow in detail.


As for eyeliner, the undisputed king is the color black. It gives intensity to any look if applied correctly. The only thing to mention is that blonde girls are usually better off applying a brown eyeliner over a completely black one.


When it comes to blush, you can choose from many colors, and in the end, each person gets used to their favorite and ends up always using it. If you don’t know where to start, ask for an earth tone.


Not to mention the amount of lipstick shades you can find when entering a beauty and cosmetics store. Although everyone is free to use the lipstick tone they prefer, the ideal for a good makeup look and a perfect finish is to use the lipstick tone that most closely matches the color of your lips. Lips vary greatly from one woman to another: thickness, texture, color… if you look closely in the mirror, you will notice that your lips are redder than others, or brownish…


The final touch to your lips. Personally, one of my favorite products. If one day you don’t wear lipstick or eyeliner, you can always apply gloss; it always gives a much more appealing look to your lips.

The Importance of a Good Makeup Remover

Surely after a long day, you’re too lazy to remove your makeup and think, “Who cares if there’s no trace of makeup left after so many hours?”

Even if we didn’t wear makeup, we would have to cleanse our skin, so imagine if we wear makeup and add more impurities.

Not cleansing the skin is the first step to developing problems: blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, acne in general… Also, if you don’t make a habit of cleansing your face every day, your skin’s appearance will deteriorate significantly, looking older, dull, and lacking a healthy glow.

The best thing to do is to cleanse once or twice daily with a gel cleanser or astringent if you have oily skin, or a cleansing milk or wipes if your skin is normal or dry.

Breast Augmentation with Hyaluronic Acid

Undergoing surgery is a real trauma for many women, and for others, undergoing cosmetic surgery means taking an unnecessary risk. Whatever the reason you are reluctant to have cosmetic surgery, you have a solution at your fingertips if you would like to change the size of your breasts.

Compared to traditional silicone implants, which are inserted surgically, there is now another alternative: hyaluronic acid. It is a compound found in the human body and acts as a hydrating, lubricating, and maintenance agent. This material has a high rate of biocompatibility, with low cases of allergies and hypersensitivity.

The treatment the patient must undergo is as follows: they are subjected to the injection of hyaluronic acid into the dermis using a special needle designed to increase volume and firm tissue without scarring. This is done in one session lasting approximately thirty minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient can continue with their normal life, although they should avoid strenuous physical exercise for the next five weeks.

Faced with numerous advantages, there is a downside: the treatment is not permanent. The component manages to lift the body’s tissues but biodegrades quickly, so an annual application is recommended, with a touch-up application six months after the first gel injection.

The injected volume will also depend on the area, but in no case can it exceed 120ml in the same place. Thus, hyaluronic acid can be used in other areas of the body to restore volume and redesign the body contour of the buttocks, chest, and legs, in addition to correcting imbalances in the chest, legs, or arms without using prostheses to correct volume loss or asymmetries after illness or injury, and to correct problems of symmetry and volume as a result of surgical treatment (such as depressed scars or sequelae).

Tricks to Slim Your Legs

We get some inquiries to our email asking for tips to slim the legs, or tricks to slim the tummy or buttocks. Well, although we often want to lose fat from one part of our body because we think the rest is fine, we can’t.

Weight loss in just one body part is not possible because the body will burn fat evenly from all parts of the body slowly. So there are no diet tricks that make you lose weight in the stomach or legs more than the rest of the body, although most think that by exercising that part of the body, they will lose more weight there.

So, to slim the body part you want, the right thing to do is follow a good diet, get some exercise each week, and eliminate bad habits. We’ll help you a bit so you don’t have to start from scratch:

  • Drink two liters of water a day to lose weight.
  • How to speed up your metabolism to burn more fat.
  • Exercise? Try cycling.
  • Leg exercises you can do at home.
  • Find out how many calories you need daily.

Protein Shakes for Weight Loss

Some of you will think, “What is all this about protein shakes? But isn’t that for guys who go to the gym?”. Because of these erroneous beliefs and because protein shakes are very good for your diet, let’s talk a little about them.

Normally, when you see a bottle of protein powder or someone says they drink these kinds of shakes, people’s reaction is usually the typical “Are you doping?” and “I would never do that,” “That’s crap,” and so on. The truth of all this is that these thoughts are wrong because protein shakes are just another way to get the protein your body needs. I’ll say more, anyone can drink protein shakes, not just bodybuilders or people who are crushed in the gym.

At this point, we already know that drinking a protein shake is like eating a food that has protein. Let’s go a step further: we can integrate protein shakes into our diet and replace one meal a day with them, especially if we eat 5 meals a day or more.

In addition, there are different flavors: chocolate, strawberry, and even berries. There are also special ones to drink at night, but if you want protein shakes that will help you with your diet and not gain weight, ask for them without carbohydrates.

How to Lose 5 Kilos in a Week

Can you lose weight 5 kilos in a week? Yes. Is it healthy? Absolutely not. It’s one thing if someone occasionally needs to lose weight quickly, and I mean something very specific, like a girlfriend (or boyfriend) who is getting married and, due to wedding nerves, has gained weight and needs to fit into the wedding dress a few months later, or for work requirements, or in any sport (it is very common to monitor weight in various sports).

Only in these kinds of “emergencies” can you follow a diet to lose 5 kilos in a week. Under no circumstances should this be done for more than a week.

Forget about snacking. Your friends are fruits and vegetables. No meat, no fish, no deli meats, nothing but very light salads or pieces of fruit, and at most one or two a day. If you drink a little water, fluid retention will make you lose a little weight. Barely touch dinner, a very light salad and no dessert. No yogurt, soda, or any drink other than water.

No “miracle” diet pill will help you; they can cause tachycardia and worse if you take them. At the end of the week, you will notice the rebound effect; if you don’t take care of yourself a little, you will surely gain back those 5 kilos you wanted to lose and some extra “gifts.”

The Protein Diet

The protein diet aims to help you lose many kilos in a short period of time. It is a dissociative diet, meaning you don’t mix food groups while you are on it.

Specifically, the protein diet tells us that we can only eat meat (well, all we want) and lose weight as well. Where’s the catch? The first is that meat is a food that satisfies us, or rather, it gives us the feeling of fullness much earlier than eating other foods.

The most typical thing is to eat meat (chicken, beef, pork, lamb… hamburgers, steaks, cold cuts…), but you can also eat protein in the form of shellfish, fish, or any dairy product.

Secondly, and the main reason we can lose weight with the protein diet, is longer to explain, but we can say the following: let’s say that gasoline is the body’s fat, and to function, it needs gas every time, so it takes it from its reserves. But let’s say that the “cheapest” gasoline is the one extracted from carbohydrates. But what if with our protein diet we are not giving our body carbohydrates? You guessed it, it will get fuel from what it has on hand, and that’s the protein.

The difference is that you burn more calories “getting fuel” from protein than from carbohydrates, which is why with this diet you can lose weight quickly in a short time; the caloric expenditure is greater just to give your body protein.

Now, as everyone knows, a diet is not miraculous; always accompany it with some exercise, even a brisk walk for twenty minutes a day.

Regulars of this diet will defend it, even stating that it is very good for eliminating cellulite.

So far, the protein diet has been explained, and it all seems like a fairy tale, but it also has its drawbacks. The most dangerous thing is to follow this diet for prolonged periods because it causes a lot of strain on the liver, and when the liver is annoyed, bad things happen… so it is very important to drink plenty of water a day, more than the recommended two liters.

If you want to test the results of the protein diet for yourself (although not recommended at all), do not do it for more than a week or two. After that time, go to your dietitian to follow up with blood tests and checkups.

Dietapack: The Convenient Diet Delivery Service

Dietapack is a meal plan system where they send you lunch and dinner every day, and they suggest what to have for breakfast, mid-morning snacks, and afternoon snacks, which are all things you usually have at home, like a piece of fruit, coffee with skim milk, yogurt, or cereal. With the table, you can visualize it much better; click to enlarge it:

What is striking is that they are quite elaborate meals, and the variety is great for my taste. This is great to avoid falling into the topic that on a diet you always eat the same thing. In addition, there is a different menu for week 1 and another for week 2, so you can alternate weeks without repeating the same meals.

Another important aspect is that they give you the same table when you receive the meals so that you are aware at all times of what you are going to eat and don’t mix foods from different days. The calories in the diet are also written down. Furthermore, each dish is sealed, dated, and labeled accordingly with the name of the dish, ingredients, and weight (everything is carefully calculated to comply with the low-calorie diet). You probably find this obvious, but there are dishes that are not easy to differentiate by sight, and besides, it never hurts to have that detailed information.

When you place your order, Dietapack gives you the option to choose the day you want to receive it at home. Keep in mind that you will receive a lot of food (it all arrives on the same day), and you will have to make room in the fridge, especially if instead of the 5-day diet you order the 7-day one. As for the packaging, everything arrives perfectly packaged in a refrigerated (isothermal) container via Seur to be kept cold during transport in the same condition it left the kitchen. Upon receiving the food, the laziness of dieting disappears, and you have everything in the fridge, ready to take out of the tupperware and eat, forgetting about weighing everything you eat and also avoiding cooking yourself.

Needless to say, it has nothing to do with fad diets. With the menu they offer (1300 calories to 1700 calories for women and men, respectively), you lose weight and eat healthily, with home-cooked meals. For example, the tastiest meals I found were the white beans with clams, the maki sushi, and the pork with baked potatoes, but they were all good. In my case, I didn’t go hungry on the diet, but I did stick to the five meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner.

In short, Dietapack may be the first option for women (or men) who, when on a diet, don’t want to cook at home, eat out regularly, or don’t have time to prepare a balanced diet like this. You also have to like all kinds of foods, because it includes everything: vegetables, fish, meat… What do you say? Have you tried this method? I leave you the official Dietapack website so you can expand the information.

Watermelon Smoothie

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 1 kilo peeled and chopped watermelon
  • 2 limes, peeled
  • Ice

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

This smoothie is prepared in a blender.

1. Add the watermelon and limes to a blender.
2. Blend well and serve in a glass with ice.

More about this smoothie:

Watermelon is the fruit that contains the most water. 90% of a watermelon is water, and it is therefore highly recommended for weight loss. Watermelon is very satisfying because of its high water content.

Considerations for Weight Loss Diets

  • Consult a physician before following any diet.
  • Note that diet shakes or low-calorie juice diets can replace a main meal (lunch or dinner).
  • Smoothies and juices should be included in low-calorie diets.
  • More information about diets at
  • Do some type of exercise and physical activity daily.

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 300 ml cranberry juice
  • 10-15 strawberries
  • 1 banana

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

1. Peel and chop the banana.
2. Add the cranberry juice, strawberries, and banana to the blender.
3. Blend until there are no lumps.
4. Crush ice cubes by putting them in a plastic bag and hitting them with a rolling pin.
5. Serve immediately.

More about this smoothie:

Cranberry is a fruit rich in fiber and cholesterol-free, fat-free, and sodium-free.

Strawberries are diuretic and laxative. They also reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Considerations for Weight Loss Diets

  • Consult a physician before following any diet.
  • Note that diet shakes or low-calorie juice diets can replace a main meal (lunch or dinner).
  • Smoothies and juices should be included in low-calorie diets.
  • More information about diets at
  • Do some type of exercise and physical activity daily.

Mango, Coconut, and Lime Smoothie

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 1 mango
  • 70 ml coconut cream
  • The juice of one lime
  • Ice

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

1. Peel and pit the mango.
2. Add the mango, coconut cream, juice of one lime, and about 200 ml of ice cubes to the blender.
3. Serve immediately.

More about this smoothie:

Mango is a good blood regenerator, a good laxative, lowers blood cholesterol, aids digestion, and is good for the kidneys.

Lime reduces cholesterol and is anti-carcinogenic.

Considerations for Weight Loss Diets

  • Consult a physician before following any diet.
  • Note that shakes to lose weight or low-calorie juice diets can replace a main meal (lunch or dinner).
  • Smoothies and juices should be included in low-calorie diets.
  • More information about diets at
  • Do some type of exercise and daily physical activity.

Mango, Coconut, Lime, and Mint Smoothie

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 1 mango
  • 70 ml coconut cream
  • The juice of one lime
  • Ice
  • 6 mint leaves

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

1. Peel and pit the mango.
2. Add the mango, coconut cream, juice of one lime, mint, and 200 ml of ice cubes to the blender.
3. Serve immediately.

More about this smoothie:

Mango is a good blood regenerator, a good laxative, lowers blood cholesterol, aids digestion, and is good for the kidneys.

Lime reduces cholesterol and is anti-carcinogenic.

Considerations for Weight Loss Diets

  • Consult a physician before following any diet.
  • Note that diet shakes or low-calorie juice diets can replace a main meal (lunch or dinner).
  • Smoothies and juices should be included in low-calorie diets.
  • More information about diets at
  • Do some type of exercise and physical activity daily.

Cherry, Strawberry, and Pear Smoothie

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 100 grams of pitted cherries
  • 2 pears, peeled
  • 300 grams of strawberries
  • Ice
  • Optional: Peppermint

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

This smoothie is prepared in a blender with ice.

1. Add 6-8 ice cubes to the blender.
2. While the ice is crushing…
3. Add the strawberries, cherries, and pears and blend well.
4. Serve and garnish with optional mint leaves.

Peach and Orange Smoothie

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 250 grams of canned peach juice (no sugar added)
  • 150 ml peach yogurt
  • 100 ml milk
  • 100 ml orange juice

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

1. Add all ingredients to the blender.
2. Blend until all ingredients are well mixed.
3. Serve immediately.

Banana and Vanilla Shake

Ingredients for the smoothie:

  • 1 banana
  • 200 ml vanilla ice cream
  • 3-4 tablespoons milk

Recommended Tools:

  • Blender
  • Scale
  • Measuring spoons
  • Ice Bucket

Prepare the smoothie:

1. Peel and slice the banana.
2. Add the banana, ice cream, and milk to the blender.
3. Blend for about 1 minute.