Bécquer’s Rhymes: Analysis of Key Themes and Metrics

Bécquer’s Rhymes: Analysis

Rima II

Abstract: Abstract poetry means that you are born but then do not know what the future holds, where you will go, what you will do, or what will happen.

Theme: Melancholy.

Metric: There are 20 verses. The lines are assonant pairs, each consisting of eight-syllable verses of minor art. It is a romance.

Rima VII

Summary: The poet sees a room in which there is a dusty harp not being used and thinks of those strings waiting to be played as the talent of people who are inside and need something to do that appears.

Theme: Poetic creation.

Metric: There are 12 verses, 10 and 2 hexasyllabic ten syllables, rhyme assonance in pairs. Stanza broken foot.

Rima XII

Summary: In this rhyme, Bécquer is looking for a woman among many women, choosing the poetry of the woman who is unattainable and that may never reach the sea. Bécquer perfected both the woman who wants love, that can only be a dream, like a phantom.

Theme: Unattainable love.

Metric: There are 15 verses divided into three stanzas, with censorship (pause), 2 hemistiches, rhyme and assonance in pairs. Serventesio stanza. Art major.

Rima XIV

Summary: The poet sees the eyes of a lady and is taxed in memory. Everywhere he goes, awake or asleep, he sees the lovely lady’s eyes as he looks.

Metric: Composed of 16 verses divided into four stanzas of four lines each, rhyming assonance in pairs, verse heroic verse. 4 serventesios.

Rima LII

Summary: At the beginning of the rhyme, nature (sea, wind, and clouds) is asked to take him far away from here with its strength. Bécquer implies that he wants to die. The end of the rhyme explains that the reason for his desire to die is his ode to being alone with their pain.

Theme: Fear of loneliness and pain.

Metric: It is a poem of four stanzas, three lines of heroic verse and heptasílaba last stanza, rhyme, assonance on the verses pairs. Art major. Silva is a arromanzada.


Summary: The poetry said that there was great love between two people who just for some reason and then tells you that ja find someone else to want to come back but as he did not want to go back to anyone.

Subject: The purpose of a great love.

Metric: There are 24 verses. The lines are assonant pairs, acute a. His verses add 11 syllables of high art and low art seven syllables of some of the verses.


Summary: In this rhyme, the poet anguished faces of death, feels old, abandoned and Attic drama relates his grave with solitude, for the solitude of her life scarier than death itself. The poet is describing the way leads to his death, which is the tomb of solitude, where he sometimes seems to cling to life and other demands their presence.

Theme: Existential angst.

Metric: There are 16 verses. Assonance rhyme in lines pairs. It is a silva.


Summary: Bécquer first wants to represent the spirit emerges from our body while we sleep. Then you want to display a number of unknowns about the human being. Is indecision, insecurity and ignorance to that which is human life.

Theme: Uncertainty whether there is life beyond.

Metric: There are 20 lines. Assonance rhyme in pairs. It is a silva.