Bilingual English-Spanish Phrases & Grammar Practice

Bilingual English-Spanish Phrases

Puede que llueva esta tarde porque está muy nublado

It might rain this afternoon because it is very cloudy

Estos teléfonos son fabricados en China

These phones are made in China

Ellos me dijeron que el avión había salido a tiempo

They told me that the plane had left on time

Yo quiero que tú vengas mañana

I want you to come tomorrow

Deberías ir al médico si estás tan cansado

You should go to a doctor if you are so tired

Su madre había estado trabajando en esa tienda antes de la jubilación

His mother had been working in that shop before retirement

Es tan inteligente que no necesita estudiar para tener magníficas notas

He is so intelligent that he doesn’t need to study to get great grades

Se venden libros en inglés aquí

English books for sale here

Ojalá no viniera con nosotros

I wish he did not come with us

Yo voy a trabajar este verano para hacer ese viaje que me gusta

I am going to work this summer to take that trip that I like

Mientras que ella es ahorrativa, él gasta todo el dinero que gana en tonterías

While she is thrifty, he spends all the money he earns on foolish things

Puesto que no encontramos el libro aquí, podríamos pedirlo por internet

Since we don’t find the book here, we could order it online

The Importance of Learning English

Write a paragraph to your class magazine about the importance of learning a foreign language like English? How is learning English going to help you in your future life?

I think that it is very important to learn another language like English because English is the most important language and especially because you can talk to people from other countries. Furthermore, English is very important too, because it helps you to find a job easier. If you know English, you can go abroad to work.

Learning English will help me in my future, because I will be able to work in most companies and I will go abroad.

In my opinion, everyone should learn English because it is the language that the majority of people use to understand when they go abroad and a lot of companies use to work with other companies in other countries.

Interrogative and Negative Sentences

Interrogativa y negativa: The shops open at 5:00 o’clock .

What time do the shops open?

The shops don’t open at 5:00 o’clock

2. They gave the news on TV.

Where did they give the news?

They didn’t give the news on TV

3. The funeral was watched by thousands of people

How many people watched the funeral?

The funeral wasn’t watched by thousands of people

4. Martin used to go trekking when he was young

Who used to go trekking when he was young?

Martin didn’t use to go trekking when he was young

5. I have made the cake

Who has made the cake?

I have not made the cake

6. That football? It’s the children’s.

What kind of football is this?

That football? It isn’t the children’s

Según la television la policía ha encontrado a los terroristas de Boston

According to the television, police have found the terrorists of Boston

Esta mañana ha llegado el libro que yo estaba esperando

This morning the book that I was waiting for has arrived

¿Cuándo la viste? La vi ayer por la tarde

When did you see her? I saw her yesterday afternoon

Ésta es la tarea más fácil que he hecho

This is the easiest homework I have done

Almería, que está situada en el sureste de España, es una ciudad de pocas lluvias y temperaturas suaves.

Almeria, which is located in the southeast of Spain, is a city with little rain and mild temperatures

Ojalá no tuviera tantas cosas que hacer

I wish I didn’t have so many things to do

Aunque ella me invite, no podré ir a su fiesta

Although she invites me, I will not be able to go to her party

Interrogativa y negativa: She goes to school three times a week

How often does she go to school?

She doesn’t go to school three times a week

2. They met the secretary at the congress

Who did they meet at the congress?

They didn’t meet the secretary at the congress

3. She has been working in the same company for eight years

How long has she been working in the same company?

She has not been working in the same company for eight years

4.That football? It’s the children’s.

What kind of football is this?

That football? It isn’t the children’s

5. Today it’s May 6th.

What day is today?

Today it isn’t May 6th

6 I started learning English two years ago.

When did you start learning English?

I didn’t start learning English two years ago

SO y NEITHER :She likes coffee. So do I (yo también)
She doesn’t like coffee. Neither do I ( yo tampoco)