Billing System: Data, Processes, and Meter Management

Billing System Reference Data

Overview of Billing System

Description of flow of information amongst various modules belonging to the Billing System.

Description of Customer Account modelling + table design.

Category, Supply Type association determining Tariff

Association between accounts – Bulk Meter, Docker’s Flat

Description of Living Quarters

Grouping of Accounts by walks, sections, areas for meter reading.

Flags: Bill NOT Bill, Disconnection Flag

Description of views: bil_vat_categories, bil_item, bil_item_groups, bil_utilities, bil_companies which now takes their data from cis_vat_categories, cis_items, cis_items_groups, cis_utilities, cis_companies respectively.

Description of Screens.

Meter Sizes

Maintenance of meter readers

District Meter Areas

Areas and Sections

Item Codes and parameters like G/L Code, rounding figures, default VAT category

Account Classes and Compute Type to determine how volume of account is computed.

Maintenance of Customer Accounts

Maintenance of VAT Exceptions

Association between accounts and sub-accounts

Group Accounts

Input Connection, Re-connection + automatic meter reading insertion into bil_meter_rdngs

Input Disconnections

Maintenance of walks and automatic re-shuffling of walk sequences during update, insertion, shifting, deletion

Meter Readings

Description of table design for bil_meter_rdngs, the base table for storing meter readings.

Description of access restrictions by meter reader by walk, section, areas, all

Description of restriction by status code for modifications of existing meter readings

Description of indicators V (Meter Rolling), A(Average), N(No Reading)

Introduction to the concept of average volume and running average.

Description of validations: ratio of consumption > 3 or

Force volume, using different computation type.

Automatic shifting of connection/re-connection reading upon input of normal reading in same period.

Screens and Reports

Input Meter Readings

Change/Delete Meter Readings

Change previous reading for current period volume computation

Change running average

Force volume

Batch change of date read

Meter Readings Report.

Walk Approval

Approval of Walk

Approve walk by SMR

Unfreeze Walk by SMR

Set Walk Status – all walks at once

Unfreeze individual accounts

Introduction to the concept of average volume and running average.

Description of validations: ratio of consumption > 3 or

Force volume, using different conputation type.

Automatic shifting of connection/re-connection reading upon input of normal reading in same period.

Screens and Reports

Input Meter Readings

Change/Delete Meter Readings

Change previous reading for current period volume computation

Change running average

Force volume

Batch change of date read

Meter Readings Report.

Walk Approval

Approve walk by SMR

Unfreeze Walk by SMR

Set Walk Status – all walks at once

Unfreeze individual accounts

List of walks not yet past status

Bill Processing

Description of tariff tables. Description of Tariff version and its importance when computing bills on pro-rata during tariff change and when automatically amending previous bills.
(bil_tariff_headers, bil_tariff_versions, bil_tariff_components, bil_component_rates)

Break up between taxable items and non-taxable items in tariff components. Use of VAT exceptions when determining VAT Category by item.

Description of minimum charge.

Distinction between deposit (one time only) and other tariff components (recurrent on each bills)

Description of versioning in meter rents based on meter size.

Description of how to define Waste Water Tariffs and Waste Water Accounts

Introduction to concept of PRE-PROCESSING and PROCESSING.

Description of error handling features in bill processing code.

Purpose of tables bil_bill_vali_logs and bil_bill_proc_err_logs to store errors/warnings from pre-processing and processing respectively for printing of checklist of errors/warnings after pre-processing and processing

Meaning of consumption days falling below 25 days, Pro-rating of volume consumed when consumption days exceed 35 days

Description of application of tariff on a pro-rata basis in case of tariff change for volume related charges.

In depth description of package bil_proc, used to apply tariffs on volumes computed to generated bills

In depth description of package bil_vol, used to compute volumes from meter readings for all kinds of account classes, including computation of running average volume and volume chargeable for bulk meter parent accounts.

Description of posting of bills raised to RMS from billing side.

Bill Processing

Description of tariff tables. Description of Tariff version and its importance when computing bills on pro-rata during tariff change and when automatically amending previous bills.
(bil_tariff_headers, bil_tariff_versions, bil_tariff_components, bil_component_rates)

Break up between taxable items and non-taxable items in tariff components. Use of VAT exceptions when determining VAT Category by item.

Description of minimum charge.

Distinction between deposit (one time only) and other tariff components (recurrent on each bills)

Description of versioning in meter rents based on meter size.

Description of how to define Waste Water Tariffs and Waste Water Accounts

Introduction to concept of PRE-PROCESSING and PROCESSING.

Description of error handling features in bill processing code.

Purpose of tables bil_bill_vali_logs and bil_bill_proc_err_logs to store errors/warnings from pre-processing and processing respectively for printing of checklist of errors/warnings after pre-processing and processing

Meaning of consumption days falling below 25 days, Pro-rating of volume consumed when consumption days exceed 35 days

Description of application of tariff on a pro-rata basis in case of tariff change for volume related charges.

In depth description of package bil_proc, used to apply tariffs on volumes computed to generated bills

In depth description of package bil_vol, used to compute volumes from meter readings for all kinds of account classes, including computation of running average volume and volume chargeable for bulk meter parent accounts.

Description of posting of bills raised to RMS from billing side.

Meter Readings

Screen Layout


This Screen is used to purge the Billing Datas to History Tables. When the user purge into History Tables, the following Tables will be affected .


Enter the Section in the Section Column or select it from the list by pressing “F9”.

Enter the Period in the Period Column or select it from the list by pressing “F9”

After entering the period, Press “Enter” key. Following block will be filled up with Account code and Account holders name .

Then the user can click “Post ” to post the entire section.

User will be able to see the online messages.

After the process, User can click “Exit” button to exit from the application.

  1. Modifying/ Deleting Meter Readings

For modifying or deleting the entered meter readings, select the menu item Meter Reading – Change/Delete Meter Readings. The following screen will be displayed.

  1. Walk+Period Page