
What type of cells relay information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles = motor neurons.
The resting membrane potential for most neurons is about= -70 millivolts.
Which of the following is part of the conducting zone of a motor neuron= axon.
By what process does the sodium-potassium pump move ions across the membrane of a neuron = active transport.
A resting membrane potential is the voltage difference between = the inside and outside of a neuron’s plasma membrane.
An action potential = is an all-or-nothing event.
Which occurs first during an action potential = sodium gates open.
In reflex arc sensory neurons synapse directly on motor neurons.
A myelin sheath = wraps around an axon.
Where would you find neurotransmitter molecules= axon ending of a motor neuron.
Where in the body would you find interneurons= in the spinal cord.
Which of the following is a junction between two neurons = a sypnase.
In the reflex arc, the synapse between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron occurs where = in the spinal cord.
The autonomic subdivision of the nervous system would innervate all but which of the following = skeletal muscle.
Signals from the parasympathetic nervous system cause which of the following = lowers blood pressure.
At the outermost edge of the cerebrum, we find the = cerebral cortex.
Most of the brain centers dealing with analytical skills, speech, and mathematics reside in the = left hemisphere.
The ventricles of the human brain are filled with = cerebrospinal fluid.
Conscious or voluntary activities of the body are controlled primarily by the = cerebrum.
The basic units of structure and function in the nervous system are =neurons.
The sense of taste and smell involves sensory receptors called = chemoreceptors.
The semicircular canals in the inner ear and the two tiny sacs located behind them help maintain = body position and balance.

Which of the following types of muscle tissues is found in the walls of the stomach,
intestines, and blood vessels = smooth muscle.
Which of the following types of muscle tissues is responsible for moving most parts of
the body = skeletal muscle.
A sarcomere =is the functional unit of muscle contraction, uses ATP, consists of myofibrils.
Muscles that cause a joint to bend are called= flexors.
Skeletal muscle: moves the body.
The dermis= contains nervous tissue and blood vessels.
Which of the following is secreted by oil glands in the skin = sebum.
Which of the following is not a function of the layer of fat cells beneath the dermis = produces oil.
Hair and nails are composed primarily of =keratin.
Which of these muscle components is the smallest= myofibril.
The thick filaments of a myofibril are composed of: myosin.
Skeletal muscle appears striped because of: the arrangement of thick and thin filaments. 
A sarcomere=contains actin and myosin filaments arranged parallel to its long axis, shortens when a muscle contracts, is the area between two Z lines.
The site of communication between a neuron and a muscle fiber is called a: neuromuscular junction.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction= when a muscle fiber is not contracting, the thin fibers are not connected to the thick fibers.
The fluid in the sarcoplasmic reticulum contains a high concentration of calcium ions, which are released when an action potential stimulates it.
Myosin is part of the thick filaments; actin is part of the thin filaments.
In skeletal and cardiac muscles, relaxation occurs as calcium ions are pumped back into the sarcoplasmic.
Smooth muscle in the human body includes the: muscles of the uterus
Bones store: phosphorus 
Bone-forming cells are known as: osteoblast.

Which of the following is not a type of white blood cell = erythrocyte.
A person suffering from anemia has an abnormally low number of = erythrocytes.
The SA node serves as the cardiac pacemaker.
Blood pressure is highest in the arteries and lowest in the veins.
Which of the following is not part of the lymphatic system = thyroid gland
Which of the following carries well-oxygenated blood = pulmonary veins.
The velocity of blood flow is greatest in the= arteries.
When circulating in the blood, cholesterol is bound to proteins as high-density lipoproteins
HDLs)= False.
Inspiration occurs when = the diaphragm pushes upward.
Most of the oxygen in the blood is = bound to hemoglobin.
The cells that line the human respiratory passages secrete: mucus.
The vocal cords are located in the: larynx.
The tiny tubes that carry air to all parts of lungs are called: bronchi.
Where do air from the nose and air from the mouth join = pharynx.
Which of the following events causes exhalation= relaxation of the diaphragm.
The function of the epiglottis is to: prevent food from entering the airway.
Small organs associated with lymphatic vessels are termed = lymph nodes.
The lymphatic system functions include = reabsorbing fluid lost from the capillaries and transporting it to the blood, absorbing fats from the digestive system and defending the body against infectious disease.