Body Parts, Illnesses, and Medications
Body Parts in English and Spanish
- Stomach: estómago
- Neck/Throat: cuello/garganta
- Back: espalda
- Shoulders: hombros
- Fingers: dedos
- Hand: mano
- Elbow: codo
- Hair/Head: cabello/cabeza
- Tongue: lengua
- Ears: orejas/oídos
- Arm: brazo
- Wrist: muñeca
- Chest: pecho
- Lips/Mouth: labios/boca
- Chin: mentón
- Nose: nariz
- Knee/Leg: rodilla/pierna
- Foot/Feet: pie/pies
- Ankle: tobillo
- Toes: dedos de los pies
Common Illnesses
- A toothache: dolor de muela
- A headache: dolor de cabeza
- A stomachache: dolor de estómago
- A fever: fiebre
- A backache: dolor de espalda
- An earache: dolor de oído
- The flu: gripe
- A cold: resfrío
- A cough: tos
- Sore eyes: ojos irritados
- A sore throat: dolor de garganta
Common Expressions
- What’s wrong?
- What’s the matter?
- I have a headache.
- I have the flu.
Other expressions:
- That’s too bad.
- I’m sorry to hear that.
- I hope you feel better soon.
How do you feel?
- I feel sick.
- Sad
- Bad
- Awful
- Horrible
- Terrible
- Fine (Well)
- Happy
- Good (Better)
- Great
- Terrific
- Fabuloso
Doctor-Patient Conversation
Dr. Young: Hello, Ms. West. How are you today?
Ms. West: I feel terrible.
Dr. Young: So, what’s wrong, exactly?
Ms. West: I’m exhausted.
Dr. Young: Hmmm. Why are you so tired?
Ms. West: I just can’t sleep at night.
Dr. Young: Ok. Let’s take a look at you. I’m going to give you some pills. Take one pill every night after dinner.
Ms. West: Ok.
Dr. Young: And don’t drink coffee, tea, or soda.
Ms. West: No soda?
Dr. Young: No. And don’t work too hard.
Ms. West: All right. Thanks, Dr. Young.
Common Medications
- Aspirin
- Antacid: antiácido
- Muscle cramp relief
- Cough syrup: jarabe para la tos
- Eye drops: gotas para los ojos
- Cold pills: pastillas para el resfrío
- Cough drops: pastillas para la tos
Advice and Recommendations
- Go to bed and sleep.
- Don’t go to school this week.
- Don’t eat any heavy food today.
- Go home and relax.
- Get some exercise every day.
- Go out to a restaurant.
- Don’t go outside.
- Take two aspirins.
- Do something fun every evening.
- Go to a store and buy some food.
- Eat some toast and drink some tea.
- Don’t eat desserts.
- Close your eyes for ten minutes.
- Call your family on the phone.
Frequency Adverbs
I hardly ever get a headache or a toothache.
I sometimes get a cold in the winter.
Giving Advice
How does she feel? She feels terrible. Advice: Take two aspirins.
What’s wrong with him? Advice: Take antacid or drink herbal tea.
Giving Directions
- Turn left: doblar a la izquierda
- Turn right: doblar a la derecha
- Walk up / Go up: camina/vaya hacia arriba
- Walk down / Go down: camina/vaya hacia abajo
- On the left: a la izquierda
- On the right: a la derecha
- From: desde
Example Directions
Explain how to get to the airport from the hotel: Walk up Moonlight Road to Heaven Avenue. Turn right. Walk for one block. The airport is between Breeze and Down Way.
Prepositions of Place
- In: dentro
- On: sobre
- Next to/Beside: al lado
- Behind: detrás de
- Close to: cerca de
- Between: entre
- Under: debajo
- In front of: en frente de
- Corner: esquina
- Across: cruzando
Going to (Future Tense)
Personal Pronoun + Be + Going to + Verb + Complement
Personal Pronoun + Be + NOT + Going to + Verb + Complement
Be + Personal Pronoun + Going to + Verb + Complement?
When is Christmas?
Christmas is on December 25th.
How do people celebrate Christmas?
On that day, people receive and give presents, sing carols, and families have dinner together.