Body Schema Development in Children
EMOTION: Emotion is the way to be involved in situations, including that experience a way of being the body tense when trying to attack or flee, in apathetic relax when we are sad, in excitement when we are happy or love .. . EMPATHY: The ability to understand the needs, feelings and problems of others, getting sulugar, and correctly respond to their emotional reactions. COMMUNICATION; union d link between empathy and afectivo.CONCEPTO SCHEDULE D CORPORAL.Según Le Boulch is “overall intuition or immediate knowledge we have of our body in static or moving situation and relations between their different parties and especially their relationships with space and objects around us.
“Other definitions:
Pieron from the reference space is defined as” a representation that each makes of his body. “conceived from a Ajuriaguerrra”Feeling” of our body and our body space. Wallon, the body schema is not an initial data or biological fitness, but the result of the relationship between the individual and his medio.Pierre Vayer is “the organization of feelings regarding their own body in relation to data from the outside world . Cost: “The result of the experience of the body of the individual conscience volume gradually, and how to relate to the environment, with its own possibilities.” Legido “three-dimensional image at rest and in motion that the individual has segments of his body. “ESQ DEVELOPMENT CORP.El development, neurological maturation depends also of the experiences a child has. It reaches its full development until 11 or 12 years. It is the product of a progressive ontogenetic development and from the following sensations: a) interoceptive (visceral). B) exteroceptive, essential for vision and tacto.C) Proprioceptive, that come from the muscles, tendons and joints, and report on the contraction or relaxation of Body. Throughout his psychomotor development, the picture is the child of her own body is made from mu ltiples sensory information from internal and external to the perceiver.From an evolutionary standpoint, they first occur interoceptive sensations, sensitivity of the gut and oral activity from birth. From food and excretory functions, the child is experiencing his own experiences about Body. A second stage, children experience feelings of cutaneous origin, this will yield exteroceptive sensations, then discover their hands as part of itself and as a liaison between the outside world and their world interno.Las hands are not just part of his body but exploration instruments. Later will discover other parts of his body as his feet and gradually the scheme will incorporate your corporal.A as the child develops motor skills, be able to walk, move and more complex postures will receive information on the different positions adopted and will become aware that this body will pertenece.A three years, a child will become aware that your hands, feet, trunk and started driving as a whole will discover your organization’s image total.La body plan is the starting point for numerous possibilities of action and plays an important role in the development of children.
STAGES OF PREPARATION: Pierre Vayer: 1st stage:
birth a2 (Period maternal). They begin to straighten and move the cabeza.Enderezan then tronco.Llegan to the sitting position with the support first and then without support. The identification and use of the members are gradually creeping and then the use of members gateo.El allows muscle strength and balance control, this in turn allows you to: (straightening up the upright posture. / The balance and standing with help and then without ella. / The RUNNING / The first global coordination associated with the grip) 2nd stage:
2a5.A through action, the grip becomes increasingly accurate, partnering locomotion increasingly coordinada.La andthe motor kinesthetic (feeling which is perceived by muscle movement, position of our members) allow the child the knowledge and increasingly precise use of his body entero.La relationship with the adult is always a essential factor in this development, which allows the child to detach from the outside world and recognized as an autonomous individual.
3rd stage:
5a 7 (Transition Period) Developing the potential of muscle control and breathing control. The final confirmed every n handedness (dominance of one side of your body). The knowledge of right and independence of the arms izquierda.La relation alcuerpo.4 th stage:
7 to 12 (finalizing the body schema ) Because the child becomes aware of the various body parts and the control of movement develops: (Whether global or segmental relaxation (in whole or certain part of the body / The independence of the arms and trunk relation to tronco. / The independence of the right with respect to izquierda. / Functional independence of various segments and elements corporales. / The implementation of self-knowledge to knowledge of others.) From this stage, the child and have won their independence. As we become aware of body parts and its entirety, will be able to imagine or make a mental picture of the movements you make with your body, it will plan your actions before proceeding. EFFECTS D DL A BAD MATURATION SCHEME COR.
Perceptual level:
are people with a given ficit in spacetime estructuració No, do not know orient in space or time, they have no control over the Duració ny order of actions.
Flat driving:
are people clumsy and uncoordinated movements.
Level relationships with others:
are people failing to control his body, manifest insecurity that make music out of business fl for lack of confidence in themselves.