Broken Mirror: A Tale of Family, Secrets, and Tragedy


Teresa Goday of Valldaura

A strong-willed and ambitious woman who becomes one of the richest and most envied ladies in the city. She is not intentionally malicious or vengeful, but she is willing to sacrifice others to achieve her goals.


A humble maid who is fiercely loyal to the Valldaura family. She is in love with Eladi Farriols, but she knows that her feelings are unrequited.

Sofia Valldaura

Teresa’s daughter, who is refined and cultured. She is constantly at odds with her mother, and she eventually marries Eladi Farriols, a man she does not truly love.

Eladi Farriols

The heir to a prestigious clothing store. He is attracted to Sofia Valldaura, but he also has a relationship with Pilar, a showgirl. He is a weak-willed man who is unable to make his own decisions.

Salvador Valldaura

A wealthy man who is deeply in love with Teresa. He is a kind and compassionate man, but he is also haunted by his past relationship with a violinist who committed suicide.

Amadeu Riera

A notary who is a close friend of Salvador Valldaura. He is a discreet and professional man, but he is also secretly in love with Teresa.

Pilar / Maria

A showgirl who has a daughter with Eladi Farriols. After her daughter is adopted by the Valldaura family, she becomes a strange and independent girl who falls in love with her brother Ramon.

Michael Masdeu / Jesus Masdeu

A poor lamplighter who has a relationship with Teresa Goday. Their son, Jesus, is raised by Teresa’s aunt, Adela.


Teresa’s friend, who is married to a wealthy industrialist. She is a kind and generous woman, but she is also envious of Teresa’s success.

Ramon Farriols

Sofia and Eladi’s son. He is a kind and compassionate young man who is deeply affected by the revelation that he is Maria’s brother.

Nicholas Rovira

A wealthy man who marries Teresa after Salvador Valldaura’s death. He is a kind and loving husband, but he is also unaware of Teresa’s past.

Quim Bergadà

Eulalia’s husband and Rafael’s brother. He is a wealthy industrialist who is a close friend of Salvador Valldaura.

Sta. Rosa

An unmarried woman who is a friend of the Valldaura family. She is a kind and compassionate woman, but she is also lonely and resentful.


Teresa’s aunt, who raises Jesus Masdeu after his mother’s death.


A violinist who had a relationship with Salvador Valldaura in Vienna. She is a passionate and romantic woman, but she is also doomed to tragedy.


Sofia and Eladi’s son. He is a sickly child who dies in a drowning accident.

Marina Riera

Amadeu Riera’s sister, who has a daughter named after her.

Rafael Berguda

Eulalia’s husband and Quim’s brother. He is a wealthy industrialist who is assassinated by his workers.



Water appears in several situations throughout the novel, and it has two main meanings. First, it symbolizes youth and childhood. Second, it symbolizes death.

The Garden

The garden is a symbol of life. It is a place where children play, adults relax, and memories are made. However, as the family declines, the garden also begins to die.

The Mirror

The mirror is a symbol of death and destruction. It is a reminder of the past, and it can also be a source of temptation and danger.

Organization of Internal

The novel is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the characters and sets the stage for the story. The second part focuses on the relationships between the characters and their inner lives. The third part follows the family as they decline and eventually come to an end.


Broken Mirror is a novel that tells the story of the Valldaura-Farriols family, a wealthy bourgeois family in Catalonia. The novel begins with the marriage of Teresa Goday and Salvador Valldaura, and it follows the family through several generations. As the family grows and changes, so too does the world around them. The novel ends with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, which forces the family to flee their home and start over.

The novel is a complex and multi-layered work that explores themes of family, love, loss, and betrayal. It is a powerful and moving story that will stay with readers long after they finish reading it.