Building Materials & Construction Terminology


CONCRETE: is a hard building material made from a mixture of cement, gravel, water, and sand. CEMENTO/HORMIGON
IRON: is a metal building material that is used to make steel. HIERRO
REBAR: or reinforcing bar, is a steel bar that is encased in concrete to make a structure stronger and able to support more weight. BARRA REFUERZO
BRICKS: are rectangular blocks made of hardened clay used for building walls and similar structures. LADRILLOS
SAND: is a loose, grainy substance made up of tiny rock particles. ARENA
I-BEAM: is a steel bar that supports heavy loads and which looks like a capital I. 
METAL:  is a building material that is hard, shiny, and malleable.
STEEL: is an extremely strong metal made from iron and carbon. ACERO
CEMENT: is a powder that builders mix with gravel and sand to make concrete.
MORTAR: is a mixture of water, sand, and lime that is used to hold bricks and stones together. MORTERO


1) A         2)   B        3)    D
1) True     2)   False       3)    False

Supplier: Thanks for calling Builder’s Choice. This is Tim. How can I help you?
Client: Hi. I was wondering if you carry bricks?
Supplier: Yes. They’re seventy-five cents per square foot.
Client: I’ll need about two thousand square feet. Could you fill that order today?
Supplier: Certainly. And we can deliver it to your site.
Client: Great. How much is your rapid-set mortar?
Supplier: It’s $15 for a 60-pound bag. Would you like me to start the order?
Client: I’m just checking prices for now. I might call again this afternoon.
Supplier: All right. Thanks for calling.


DRYWALL: is a material that is used to make walls, consisting of large sheets of paper and plaster. PANEL YESO
PLASTER: is made of sand, lime, and water and hardens when it dries. YESO
FIBERGLASS: is a strong, rigid substance made from thin strands of glass that is used to create various products, including building materials. FIBRA VIDRIO
RUBBER: is a strong, elastic substance made from plants and often chemicals. GOMA
GLASS: is a hard material that is usually transparent and is often used to make windows. VIDRIO
PLASTICS:  is a lightweight substance made from chemicals that is used to create a wide range of products, including building materials.
TILES: are flat pieces of stone or clay that are used to cover a surface, such as a floor or wall. LOSAS
MARBLE: is a type of smooth stone that is often polished and used as a building material. MARMOL
PORCELAIN: is a smooth, delicate substance that is made from heating clay. PORCELANA
TIMBER: is wood that forms part of a building. MADERA


1) TRUE         2)   FALSE        3)    FALSE
1) B     2)   C
Client: Hi, this is Kelly Nolan. I got your email about available materials.
Architect: Hello, Ms. Nolan. Do you have any questions?
Client: Actually, yes. You said you have windows made from plastic?
Architect: That’s right. They are less expensive than glass, but they scratch more easily.
Client: I see. And either type is easy to install?
Architect: Yes. They also come in the same sizes. They’ll fit right into your drywall.
Client: In that case, I’ll go with the glass. I’d rather not see a lot of scratches.


ARCHITECT: is a person who plans and designs buildings. ARQUITECTO
SELF-EMPLOYED: he or she works for him- or herself instead of an employer. TRABAJADOR CUENTA PROPIA 
FIRM: is an unincorporated business involving the partnership of two or more people. EMPRESA
CLIENTS: are the people or entities for whom a project or business contract is completed.
CONTRACTORS: are people responsible for the physical construction of a building.
CONSULTANTS: are experts in a given field who are hired to provide professional advice.
LAND SURVEYORS: are people who verify or determine the boundaries of a property. 
GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYORS: are people who assess the earth at the building site in order to determine the proper foundation materials.
BUILDING SURVEYORS: are people who measure and draw the existing building and landscape features prior to construction.
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS: are people who work within the architectural design to make sure a building is structurally sound.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS: are people who design a building’s electrical systems.
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS: are people who design a building’s mechanical systems, such as heating and ventilation.
ACOUSTIC ENGINEERS: are people who specialize in aspects of design related to noise reduction.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS: are people who design the outdoor spaces surrounding a building.


1) C         2)   A        3)    C
1) FALSE     2)   FALSE    3)   TRUE
Architect 1: Hey, Josie. Have you heard back from the contractor for the Anderson project?
Architect 2: Not yet, Mark. Not since we sent him the client’s revisions.
Architect 1: That’s not good. I wonder what’s taking so long?
Architect 2: I don’t know. Have you been in touch with the engineers?
Architect 1: I talked to the electrical engineer and the mechanical engineer. They’re all ready to go.
Architect 2: What about the acoustic engineer?
Architect 1: She’s still going over the plans. She said she’d let me know by the end of the week.
Architect 2: How long do you think it’ll be before we can begin construction?
Architect 1: I think we’ll be ready sometime in the next two weeks.
Architect 2: All right. But it all depends on that contractor.
Architect 1: Yes. Do you think we should order the materials now, or wait for him?
Architect 2: Let’s just order them now. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait even longer for the materials to arrive.


SITE: is the location where a building will be constructed.
FACE: something is to have the front pointed in that direction.
ORIENTATION: is the direction an object is facing.
NATURAL LIGHT: is illumination from the sun.
SOLAR HEAT GAIN: is the increase of thermal energy inside a building due to exposure to direct sunlight.
HEAT GAIN: is a measure of a building’s ability to gain/hold heat, especially when outdoor temperatures are cold.
POSITION: is the location of something relative to its surroundings.
SHADOWS: are areas of partial darkness created when an object fully or partially obscures a light source. OSCURIDAD
PREVAILING WIND: is a recurring wind that blows from a specific direction. VIENTO PREDOMINANTE 
PLACEMENT: is the chosen location for an object or space, such as a room within a building. COLOCACION
RISES: is to come up above the horizon, especially in reference to celestial bodies. ALTURA
SETS: is to go below the horizon, especially in reference to celestial bodies. CONJUNTOS


1) A        2)   C        3)    B
1) FALSE     2)   TRUE   3)   FALSE
Client: Hi, Ted, I have a question for you about the orientation of the house.
Architect: Sure, Natasha. What is it?
Client: In your email, you said we should build the house with a southern exposure. But, I thought we wanted the house to face west.
Architect: That’s what we were planning initially, yes.
Client: So why the change in orientation?
Architect: There are two main reasons. For one, if the house faces south, it’ll maximize heat gain in winter.
Client: Okay. And what else?
Architect: Well, the trees block most of the natural light from the west.
Client: Oh, I see. I don’t want to cut down any of the trees.
Architect: Of course not. Also, if the house faces south, it’ll help keep snow off the driveway.
Client: That’s definitely a plus. I guess that it makes more sense now.
Architect: Great. Let me know if you have any more questions.


LAYOUT: is the arrangement of rooms within a building. DISPOSICIÓN
ROUTE: is the path by which people move through a building. RECORRIDO
DESIGN:  is a plan for the construction of a building. something is to plan the way that something will be created.
MATERIALITY: is the use of particular materials or substances when building a structure.
HEATING: is a system for providing warm air to a building. CALEFACCIÓN
VENTILATION: is a system for distributing air throughout a building.
LIGHTING: is a system for providing illumination in a building.
INTERIORS: is the inside of the building.
EXTERIORS:  is the outside of the building or the area immediately surrounding a building.
DRAINAGE: is a system for allowing water to flow away from the building. DRENAJE
LANDSCAPING: is the arrangement of plants and other aesthetic features around a building. PAISAJISMO
FORM: is the structural and aesthetic considerations of a building.


1) TRUE        2)   FALSE        3)    FALSE
1) C     2)   B
Client: Lamar Morrison speaking.
Assistant: Hi, Mr. Morrison. This is Natalie at Sanchez-Clarke Architecture. I’m calling to set up an appointment.
Client: Oh, hi. That would be great. I do need to talk to Anne about the design.
Assistant: Yes. That’s what she said. She wants to discuss some ideas for layout and materiality.
Client: Great. I’m getting overwhelmed with all these options. I’m eager to hear her recommendations.
Assistant: I understand. Are you available at 10:30 on Tuesday morning?
Client: Yes, 10:30 sounds great. By the way, could you give Anne a message from me?
Assistant: Of course.
Client: I’m confused about the lighting proposal. She talked about letting in more sunlight. But I don’t understand how she plans to do that.
Assistant: I’ll make a note of that and let her know to include it in your meeting. Have a good day, Mr. Morrison.
Client: You too, Natalie. Thank you.


CONSTRUCTION: is the process and method of assembling a building.
FOUNDATIONS: are the bases of a building that touch or are built into the ground. CIMIENTOS
ROOFS: are the external protective structures on top of a building. TECHOS
OPENINGS: are empty spaces in something that people or things can move through. APERTURA
SLAB-ON-GRADE: is a shallow foundation consisting of a concrete structure formed from a mold and set on the ground. LOSA EN GRADO
PILE-DRIVEN FOUNDATION: is a deep foundation consisting of thick rods that are inserted into the ground. CIMENTACION PILOTES
STRUCTURE: is a basic system that holds something together.
SOLID CONSTRUCTION: is a type of construction in which the walls support the building.
SUPPORT: something is to bear its weight or prevent it from collapsing. 
FRAMEWORK CONSTRUCTION: is a type of construction in which the building is shaped and supported by a skeleton-like structural system. CONSTRUCCION MARCO
FRAMEWORK: is a skeleton-like network of parts that provides the structure for a building. ESTRUCTURA
LOAD-BEARING WALLS: are walls that support the weight of a building. MURO CARGA
CURTAIN WALLS: are external walls that do not support the weight of a building. MUROS CORTINA


1) D       2)   A        3)    B
1) FALSE     2)   TRUE    3)   FALSE
Architect: Hi there, Sarah. How is construction coming along?
Contractor: The foundation is finished and the walls are ready to go up.
Architect: That’s great. Did you get the revisions I sent you?
Contractor: Yeah, I did. To be honest, I’m a little concerned about the changes.
Architect: You mean the additional openings?
Contractor: Yes. The client wants to put a door in a load-bearing wall.
Architect: Are you concerned that the wall won’t be able to support the weight?
Contractor: Frankly, yes. I’m afraid the door will weaken the structure.
Architect: Don’t worry about it. I talked to the structural engineer, and it’s going to be fine.
Contractor: Well, as long as you’re sure it’ll support the roof.
Architect: I’m sure. But let me know if you notice any issues during construction.
Contractor: Will do.