Building Structures & Geotechnics: Exam Solutions 2009-2010

ITEM 1: Mechanics

Question 11: Product of Area and Squared Distance

Answer: Moment of Inertia

Question 12: Support Type – Vertical Movement

Answer: Joint Field

Question 13: Zero Tension Graphical Representation

Answer: Neutral Fiber

Question 14: Balancing External Forces

Answer: Reactions

Question 15: Internal Stress from Slippage

Answer: Shear Stress

Question 16: Axial Stiffness Coefficient Formulation

Answer: Kn = EA / L

Question 17: Independent Load Analysis

Answer: Principle of Superposition

Question 18: Solid Sections – Deformation

Answer: Law of Navier / Bernoulli

Question 19: Cross-Section with Only Bending Moment

Answer: Pure Bending

Question 20: Relationship – Poisson’s Ratio, Modulus of Elasticity

Answer: Hooke’s Law

ITEM 4: Actions in Buildings

Question 11: Partition Load Classification

Answer: Permanent load (weight)

Question 12: Load Types in Building Code

Answer: Permanent Loads – Variables – Accidental

Question 13: Housing Partition Load

Answer: 1kN per m2 of floor area

Question 14: Residential Overload (kN/m2)

Answer: 2kN/m2

Question 15: Snow Load on Flat Roofs (<1000m Altitude)

Answer: 1kN/m2

ITEM 6: Wood Structures

Question 11: Bending Stress Index

Answer: (To be answered based on specific context)

Question 12: Wood vs. Steel Resistance

Answer: 3 to 4 times more resistant

Question 13: Wood vs. Concrete Resistance

Answer: 3 times stronger

Question 14: Wood vs. Steel Longitudinal Modulus

Answer: 30 times lower

Question 15: Modulus Coefficient ‘K’ Usage

Answer: Values for calculating the strength of wood

Question 16: Wood Decay Organisms

Answer: Rot fungi, insects and insect larvae (social cycle)

Question 17: Data for Wood Reception Identification


  1. Name and address of the supplier.
  2. Name and address of the factory or mill.
  3. Delivery date.
  4. Quantity supplied.
  5. Distinctive quality.
  6. In Timber:
    • Species and strength class.
    • Nominal Dimensions.
    • Moisture content.
  7. Check general appearance and condition of supply.
  8. Verification (sawn wood) of the space, strength class (Annex C of DB SE-Wood), dimensional tolerances (UNE EN 336 in conifer) and moisture content (less than or equal to 20%).

Question 18: Wood Placement Considerations

Answer: Exposure to moisture, soil, weather, construction detail (accumulation of water)

Question 19: Advantages of Vent Walls with Wood Structures

Answer: Reducing the humidity below 20%.

Question 20: Characteristics of Wood Reinforcement

Answer: Type of material used (wood-wood, concrete-wood, chemical-wood, steel-wood). Check the increase in rigidity and resistance achieved.

ITEM 7: Construction Control

Question 11: Objective of Execution Control

Answer: To verify that construction processes are organized and developed to ensure conformity to the project.

Question 12: Shallow Foundation Checks


  • Precautions to avoid damage to adjoining structures.
  • Compaction of the supporting soil.
  • Steps taken for water elimination.
  • Concrete pouring cleanliness and thickness.

Question 13: Maximum Time for Ready-Mixed Concrete Acceptance

Answer: 90 minutes

Question 14: Definition of Collection

Answer: Amount of material or product stored together after entry into the work until final use.

Question 15: Aspects Covered by Monitoring Program


  1. Identification of products and processes of control, defining lots and inspection units.
  2. Provision of material and human resources.
  3. Scheduling of control.
  4. Designation of the person responsible for taking samples.
  5. Control system documentation.

ITEM 11: Geotechnics

Question 16: Expansive Soils Classification

Answer: T-3. Unfavorable Land

Question 17: Grain Size of Gravel, Sand, Silt, and Clay


  • Gravel: 2 – 60mm
  • Sand: 0.06 – 2mm
  • Silt: 0.002 to 0.06 mm
  • Clay: <0.002 mm

Question 18: Slate, Gneiss, Schist, Quartzite, and Marble Classification

Answer: Metamorphic Rocks

Question 19: Minerals Found in Expansive Soils

Answer: Kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, and vermiculite

Question 20: Definition of Water Table

Answer: The subsurface boundary that separates unsaturated soil above from saturated soil below.

Question 21: Usage of Beam Centering

Answer: To resist applied moments in columns and distribute loads on the ground in isolated footings.

Question 22: Equivalent Diameter Calculation for Concrete-Screen Piles

Answer: When performing bearing capacity calculation by end.

Question 23: Diameter of Micro-piles

Answer: Between 114 and 220mm, but can be higher than 300mm.

Question 24: Rigid Zapata Definition

Answer: A Zapata with a flight (v) in the main direction larger than or equal to two times its song (h).

Question 25: Usage of In Situ Concrete Piles (0.45 – 1.00m Diameter)

Answer: When bracing exists in two orthogonal principal directions and ensures pile integrity.