Business English: Key Terms and Expressions

Essential Business English

Lesson 4

GREETING = Hello, this is…

ENDING = Thank you for your time, nice speaking to you.

ASKING FOR SOMEONE = Could I speak to…? Is available?

Lesson 5

FORMAL = Being serious and official.

MESSAGE = The main part of an email.

INFORMAL = Being relaxed and casual.

ATTACHMENT = A file that is sent along with an email.

SUBJECT = The title of an email.

Lesson 6

  1. The sender types the letter and puts it in the email. When it arrives at its destination, it is opened by the recipient.
  2. A person’s signature is handwritten beneath the closing.
  3. It is a good idea to thank the reader in the closing.
  4. The greeting should begin with “Dear Mr. or Ms.”
  5. Write your full name, not just your first or last.

Lesson 7

  1. Use the number buttons on the fax machine / keypad.
  2. Did the machine give a notification that the document was sent? / Confirmation
  3. The telephone number goes on the first page on the fax / Cover Sheet
  4. Please send this through the fax machine / Send a Fax
  5. Type the code for the recipient’s fax machine / Fax Number

Lesson 8

  1. The company is having its AGM on Thursday.
    • A) Associated Growers Meet.
    • B) Annual General Meeting (Correct)
  2. New staff members must attend an induction meeting.
    • A) A meeting to discuss employee problems.
    • B) A meeting to introduce staff to the company (Correct)
    • C) A meeting to brainstorm new ideas.
  3. An hour is long enough to have a chat.
    • A) Brief Talk (Correct)
    • B) Formal Meeting
    • C) Argument
  4. The problem was addressed by the manager.
    • A) Discussed (Correct)
    • B) Forgotten
    • C) Written Down

Lesson 9

  1. Write a message saying sorry if you cannot attend.
    • A) State your opinion.
    • B) Send your apologies (Correct)
    • C) Ask for an explanation.
  2. It is unprofessional to argue in an immature way during meetings.
    • A) Interrupt (Correct)
    • B) Disagree
    • C) Bicker
  3. It’s rude to talk when other people are talking.
    • A) Repeat yourself
    • B) Talk over other people (Correct)
    • C) Take note of other people
  4. During meetings, Jane says the same thing again and again.
    • A) Repeats herself (Correct)
    • B) Disagrees
    • C) Interrupts

Lesson 10

INTRODUCE = To tell someone a person’s name when they meet.

OUTLINE = To give the main ideas without all the details.

EYE CONTACT = The act of looking someone else in the eyes.

SUMMARIZE = To repeat the most important points or facts.

MOVE ON = To change to a different topic.

PREPARE = To get ready.

Lesson 11

DISTRACTION = Something that prevents concentration.

INTERRUPTION = Something that stops a person who was talking or working.

COMPLETION = The act of finishing a job or activity.

DELEGATE = To give your work to someone else.

DELAY = To make something happen later than planned.

PRIORITIZE = To order things based on importance.

Lesson 12

  1. Just stop demanding what you want.
    • A) Anticipate
    • B) Back Down (Correct)
    • C) Close the Deal
  2. The parties are very eager to argue with each other.
    • A) Intense
    • B) Mutually Acceptable
    • C) Confrontational (Correct)
  3. Mr. Brown will offer a deal, so try to think about it beforehand.
    • A) Anticipate it (Correct)
    • B) Close the Deal
    • C) Negotiate
  4. Try to discuss and change the contract terms.
    • A) Close the Deal
    • B) Anticipate
    • C) Negotiate (Correct)
  5. Give up something in order to get something more important if you have to.
    • A) Trade-off (Correct)
    • B) Party
    • C) Interest

Lesson 13

  • Employees should ask customers to rectify problems.
  • A company with a large customer base has high customer satisfaction.
  • Employees who go beyond the call of duty are appreciated.
  • Word of mouth recommendations are good for a business.
  • Bosses don’t like employees who go the extra mile.
  • If you see a problem, bring it to the boss’s attention.

Lesson 15

  1. You need several injections that prevent the spread of disease = Inoculations
  2. Be sure that you bring any drugs prescribed by a doctor = Medication
  3. The airline recommends that passengers arrive early to register for their flight = Check In
  4. Visitors may not enter without a document that provides identification = Passport
  5. Keep the hotel’s phone number and address with you = Contact Information
  6. Do you have a paper displaying streets and major attractions of the city? = Map
  7. The trip across the ocean is much faster than it used to be = Journey
  8. Read a book with information about an area before leaving = Travel Guide