Business Terms, Conditionals, and Grammar Exercises
Business and Finance Terminology
Back office / any department or office, as a private office or a department of record keeping that is not usually seen by customers/depart adm
Business process / any activity that is essential for a firm to conduct its business / proceso de neg
Database / a collection of related data, in electronic form that can be gathered, analyzed, or retrieved by a computer/ base de datos
Downsize / to make in a smaller size /reducir
Knowledge work / work that involves using knowledge / trabajo de conocimiento
Offshoring / transferring work to an outside supplier based in another country / deslocalizacion
Outsource / transferring work to an outside supplier /externalizar
Overhead / costs of running a business, example rent, lighting, and heating / gastos generales
Pilot project / a trial project to test performance / Proyecto de prueba
Productivity / the relationship between the output of goods and the resources needed / productividad
Saving / money and materials saved /ahorro
Service provider / a company that provides services / proveedor de ss
Shortage / the condition of not having enough / escasez
Balance Sheet / a statement showing the wealth of a business / balance de la emp
Bankrupt / unable to pay your debts /insolvente , quiebra
Bottom line / last line on a financial document is the final result / resultado final
Expense / money spent / gasto
Financial statement / document showing the state of the finance / doc financiero
Forecast / an estimate of future / estimacion
Income statement / a financial statement showing revenue and cost /cta de result
Mismanagement / poor quality management/mala gestion
Profit and loss account/ cuenta de pda y ganancias
Regulator/ a agency responsible for overseeing an activity/ regulador
Securities exchange commission/ agency responsible for stock market regulation/intercambio de valores
Conditional Sentences (Type 1-3)
- If she saw the car, she wouldn’t have had that terrible accident.
- If my club wins this coming weekend, I will celebrate all night.
- It would be nice of you if you helped me with my luggage.
- They would remodel their house if their bank gave them a loan.
- If she were smarter – which she isn’t – she would learn her irregular verbs.
- If there were a possibility to get this job, would you take it?
- They would weaken Al-Qaeda more if they found Osama Bin Laden.
- If I met him, I would tell him the news.
- I would be rich if I were the boss, but I’m just the errand boy.
- If we had had a better economic climate last year, our company would be doing better today.
Adjectives and Adverbs
- The bus driver was seriously injured.
- Kevin is extremely clever.
- This hamburger tastes awful.
- Be careful with this glass of milk. It’s hot.
- Robin looks sad, what’s the matter with him?
- Jack is terribly upset about losing his keys.
- Our football team played badly last Friday.
- Don’t speak so fast, I can’t understand you.
- Maria slowly opened her present.
- He quickly reads a book.
- Max is a good singer.
- It’s a terrible day.
Relative Pronouns: Error Correction
Sentences a-f each contain one mistake relative pronouns. Add, change or delete relative pronouns where necessary.
- The process that was set up for testing quality simply is not working properly.
- Mike is the Human Resources Manager who hired you.
- Enron, which was an American company, was one of the biggest financial scandals in history.
- It’s reading all the CVs that takes up all the time.
- The people who qualified haven’t accepted our offer.
- We didn’t even bother to read those whose CVs didn’t include the minimum requirements.
Relative Pronouns: Fill in the Blanks
Now fill the spaces with the correct relative pronoun(s); put it into brackets where possible.
- The man who is on the roof is a carpenter.
- The bosses in our company, who also get a big salary, have company cars.
- The girl (whom) you met in the subway is my sister.
- Jim, whom I like a lot, has received a raise in salary.
- I remember the night (that/when) we spent on the beach.
- The dog that bit me the other day is my aunt’s.
- Mr. Taylor, whom we never have seen doing anything wrong, is accused of robbing a bank.
- Someone (whom) you’ve lied to once will never trust you again.
Now fill the spaces with the correct relative pronoun(s); put it into brackets where possible.
- The man who is on the roof is a carpenter.
- The bosses in our company, who also get a big salary, have company cars.
- The girl (whom) you met in the subway is my sister.
- Jim, whom I like a lot, has received a raise in salary.
- I remember the night (that/when) we spent on the beach.
- The dog that bit me the other day is my aunt’s.
- Mr. Taylor, whom we never have seen doing anything wrong, is accused of robbing a bank.
- Someone (whom) you’ve lied to once will never trust you again.
Conditional Sentences (Type 1-3)
- If she had seen the car she wouldn’t have had that terrible accident.
- If my club wins this coming weekend I will celebrate all night
- It would be nice of you if you helped me with my luggage.
- They would remodel their house if their bank gave them a loan.
- If she were smarter- what she isn’t- she would learn her irregular verbs.
- If there were a possibility to get this job would you take it?
- They would weaken Al-Quaida more if they found Osama Bin Laden.
- If I met him I would tell him the news.
- I would be rich if I were the boss, but I’m just the errand boy.
- If we had a better economic climate last year our company would do better today.
Adjectives and Adverbs
This pie chart shows the differences between the three sectors are striking. Our Europe markets fell dramatically compared with last year. Though this market still clearly much bigger for us than latin America and North America, the fall has remained steady now for the last three years. This next graph shows you that Latin American markets fluctuated slightly but general trend is slowly upwards. North America on the other hand, after suffering some poor months, came back strongly in the second half of the year.
Fill the spaces with the correct relative pronoun(s); put it/ them into brackets where possible.
- The man who served dinner also Works at Mcdonald’s.
- The church (that) they painted freshly used to be a bank.
- The worker (whom) we observed unloading the van is from Boston.
- Jimmy, whom we all remember well, was arrested by the cops.
- She won’t be able to forget the accident (that) she had a week ago.
- The lady who lost her purse on the subway asked me for help.
- I remember the park (where) we camped at.
- Rachel, whom we always considered a friend, stole my mum’s necklace.