Byzantine and Arab Civilizations: History and Culture

Byzantine Civilization: The Eastern Roman Empire

Constantinople was its political and theocratic center, ruled by a despotic monarchy. The system was characterized by Caesaropapism.

Arab Civilization: A Theocratic Society

Climate of the Arabian Peninsula

The Arabian Peninsula has an extremely hot and dry climate.

Oases and Their Importance

Oases are small, vegetated areas. Without them, the presence of nomadic peoples of Semitic origin in the region would be impossible.

Settlement of the Arabian Peninsula

Settlement occurred due to the continuous migration of nomadic groups searching for oases in the predominantly desert land.

The Bedouins

The Bedouins lived by grazing and engaging in small-scale trade.

Location of the Arabian Peninsula

The Arabian Peninsula is located on the right bank of the Red Sea, extending to the Persian Gulf to the east and the Indian Ocean to the south. It is part of the Middle East.

Political Organization of the Bedouins

The Bedouins were organized into tribes and formed temporary settlements across the Arabian desert, each headed by a sheikh.

Predominant Religion Among the Ancient Bedouins

Their predominant religion was polytheism.

Pre-Islamic Arabia

The period before the rise of Islam is known as pre-Islamic Arabia.

The Importance of Muhammad

Muhammad united the Arabs around the Islamic religion from the seventh century CE.

“In order to act without gods and idols, the Bedouins wandered into the city of Mecca.”

Consequence of Religious Pilgrimage to Mecca

The constant religious pilgrimage favored the Meccans, and the town became an important shopping center.

The Emergence of Islam

The Prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was born in Mecca in the late sixth century. As a merchant, he established business contacts with various Jewish and Christian communities, through which he gained knowledge of monotheistic cult practices.

Muhammad’s Influence by Monotheistic Conceptions

Muhammad believed that God showed him he had a unique and important mission: to unify the Arab people around a new religion.

The Meaning of Islam

Islam means absolute submission before Allah.

Reaction of the Local Elite in Mecca

Besides not accepting the religious unification proposed by Muhammad, the aristocracy organized a persecution of the prophet, forcing his withdrawal from the holy city.

Yathrib’s Name Change to Medina

Muhammad led a peaceful rebellion in Yathrib, becoming a savior for the local population. The city’s name was changed to Medina in his honor.

The Hegira

The Hegira was the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina).

Formation and Expansion of the Arab State

Religious unity made possible the formation of a single, centralized state.

Death of Muhammad and the Emergence of the Caliphs

After Muhammad’s death, the Caliphs (successors of the Prophet) emerged.

First Caliphate

The first Caliphate had an expansionist project, seeking new fertile lands, accumulation of riches, and domination of trade routes.


The state was founded on the Islamic faith.