CAD and Product Design: Stages, Models, and Benefits
CAD and Product Design
In product design, a prototype is developed and evaluated to determine the acceptance, rejection, or revision of the design.
Model Trial and Evaluation
In CAD, the topology, shapes, and dimensions of the product are graphically displayed on a computer.
Geometric Modeling
This stage of CAD is important for communicating design information to other areas without loss of information.
Documentation and Information Interchange
In CAD, the design is evaluated to check if it complies with customer specifications and requirements.
Engineering Analysis
This stage involves communicating the design project and must be supported by top management.
Final Design
The main objective of this stage of CAD is to optimize the design.
Design Evaluation and Revision
This type of 3D object offers the advantage that they are easily transferred among different design software without losing quality and design information:
This type of 3D object contains all the information for the representation of a model, including characteristics that will be used during the fabrication of the product.
The main application of this type of 3D object is Engineering Analysis.
What is a neutral file?
It is used for data exchange; it’s a type of file that allows the engineer to use the design software of their choice.
Where does any design process start?
During the preliminary design stage, the product is defined in terms of its purpose, how it will be manufactured, and other physical attributes and specifications.
(True or False: A 3D Model is enough to represent all the geometry and other parameters of product in an engineering drawing)
Mention 5 elements that should be included on a title block of an engineering drawing:
tolerances, surface finish, dimensions, Drawing number, Original scale
Explain the concept of CAD
Computer-Aided Design is a Geometric Modeling System that helps to automate designs in a manufacturing process.
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- Verde = independencia
- Rojo = unión