Camino de Santiago Stages 22-34: A Detailed Guide

Stage 22: Mansilla to León (18.4 km)

Leaving Mansilla de las Mulas by the medieval bridge over the Esla River, the route joins the N-601. After less than 1 km, near Villafalé, it diverges onto a dirt road parallel to the N-601. Across the road is the route to Sandoval and its monastery.

After 1 km, the path passes under a hill with the ruins of Lancia. In Villamor, it crosses the road, continuing on a dirt road. After 2 km, it crosses the historic bridge over the Porma River.

After the bridge, the former Pilgrim’s Hospital stands near the N-601, which is crossed at Villarente Bridge. At km 316.5, the route turns right onto a road that crosses the Canal Porma, passing a spring and a sink, and climbs to Arcahueja. From there, it’s a short distance to Valdelafuente.

From Valdelafuente, bypassing the gas station on the left, rejoin the N-601 around km 321. Continue to Alto del Portillo, offering the first view of León.

Descend into Puente Castro, crossing the Torío River. The route passes Santa Isabel hospital before entering León via the Barrio de Santa Ana. Follow the route to the Cathedral via Baker Street, Gate Currency, Market Square, Calle de la Rua, Plaza de San Marcelo, and Broad Street, which leads to the Plaza of the Rule. From the Cathedral, Calle del Cid leads to the Basilica of San Isidoro.

Stage 23: León to Villadangos del Páramo (21.8 km)

From San Isidoro, continue along the streets of Renews and Suero de Quiñones to the Hostal de San Marcos, crossing the Bernesga River.

For just over 1 km, the route follows the N-120 until after the railway. Turn left onto a road that curves right, crossing the N-120 again, and continues through Trobajo del Camino on a parallel street, eventually rejoining the N-120.

Before the end of the curve, cross the N-120 and take a road to the right, ascending to a high point with the remains of a cross. Follow the road parallel to the N-120 to the Sanctuary of the Virgen del Camino.

From the Sanctuary, continue on the N-120, then turn left onto a road bordering the cemetery. Continue parallel to the road across the arid Páramo until descending to the Fruévano Creek valley, where it rejoins the N-120 just before the A-66 junction. Continue for 2 km to Valverde de la Virgen, crossing the Oncina stream.

After 1 km, in San Miguel del Camino, leave the N-120 and cross the village on a parallel street. Rejoin and cross the N-120, continuing parallel for 8 km to Villadangos del Páramo. The route may become indistinct at times, crossing the Arroyo Valdecelada before entering Villadangos.

Stage 24: Villadangos to Astorga (26 km)

Leaving Villadangos, the route passes magnificent poplars and a stream, continuing parallel to the N-120. After 4.5 km, it reaches San Martín del Camino, rejoining the N-120, passing irrigated fields.

After 6.5 km, near an irrigation canal, turn right towards Puentes de Órbigo. Cross the bridge and enter Hospital de Órbigo via its main street, passing the old hospital and the church of San Juan. At the end of Calle Camino de Santiago, the route branches left towards the N-120 and Villares de Órbigo (2 km).

Take a paved road to Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias (2.5 km), then a dirt track (1 km) ascending Monte del Colomba. At a fork, take the left path into a valley. At another fork, take the right, a paved road through oaks and scrub. Leave this road for a wide track on the right, ascending a mountain. Descend into a valley, cross the Arroyo Grillo, and ascend to a plateau with views of Teleno and Astorga.

Pass a pasture on the right. At a crossroads, take the ramp to the Santo Toribio cross, then descend to San Justo de la Vega. (The right fork at the crossroads, called Stone Farm, leads to San Justo’s Calle Hospital.)

Leave San Justo via Calle de los Vientos, crossing the Órbigo River bridge on the N-120. Immediately leave the N-120 for a parallel road on the right. After 3 km, cross a Roman bridge and the railway to enter Astorga via Calle Puertasol.

Stage 25: Astorga to Rabanal del Camino (20.6 km)

Leave Astorga on the N-VI, then take the LE-142 towards Santa Colomba de Somoza, Rabanal, and Foncebadón, starting on Calle de los Mártires. After 1 km, pass Valdeviejas and the Chapel of Ecce Homo.

After 2 km, reach Murias de Rechivaldo, crossing the Jerga River. Continue to Castrillo de Polvazares (1 km). The Camino then leaves the LE-142, continuing for 2.5 km and crossing where the branch to Santa Catalina begins.

Remnants of pavement mark the old roadway. This narrow paved road leads into the foothills of Mount Irago. After 2 km, reach Santa Catalina de Somoza, continuing on the main street. Rejoin the road, ascending to El Ganso (4.5 km).

Cross El Ganso, passing the church of Santiago. After less than 5 km, reach the Reguerinas Arroyo valley, crossing the Puente del Pañoto. A detour leads to Rabanal Viejo (2.3 km), passing the Roman mine La Fucarona (1 km from Puente del Pañoto).

Continue through a pine forest, passing the Pilgrim’s Oak. Further on is the chapel of Santo Cristo, where the path rejoins the LE-142. Enter Rabanal del Camino on the pilgrims’ towpath, leading to the church of the Assumption and Gaucelmo Refuge.

Stage 26: Rabanal to Molinaseca (24.7 km)

Exit Rabanal on a path to the right of the LE-142, rejoining it after 1 km. Continue ascending Mount Irago through oaks, gorse, and heather. At km 27.5, leave the road to cross the ruins of Foncebadón, continuing upwards, passing a water source.

The path curves around a hill, rejoining the LE-142 near the Cruz de Ferro and the shrine of Santiago.

After 2.5 km on the road, reach the ruins of Manjarín. At km 36, the western slope of Mount Irago comes into view. At km 37.5, the Camino leaves the road, rejoining it briefly at km 38, then leaving again at km 39.

Descend to Acebo, crossing the village and continuing on the LE-142 until just before Riego de Ambrós, which is entered by a road. At the town square, turn right and descend to the Prado Arroyo valley, following its course briefly before rejoining the LE-142 at km 11. Leave the road again, descending into the Pretadura River valley, then climbing a promontory. Continue along the promontory and descend to the LE-142 just before Molinaseca, entering the village via the bridge over the Meruelo River.

Stage 27: Molinaseca to Villafranca del Bierzo (30.5 km)

From the main street, turn onto the LE-142, following it until km 4.2. Take a right path through vegetation, rejoining the road at km 3.5. Take a rocky path down to Campo, crossing a landfill near the Boeza River.

Cross the Arroyo Moriscal via the Escaril bridge and enter the Puente Boeza district. Cross the Boeza River bridge into Ponferrada. Follow the streets Hospital, Salinas, Temple Square, and Commander Street to the Basilica de Nuestra Señora de la Encina.

Continue on Calle Matías Garza to the bridge over the Sil River. Cross the bridge and continue on the road to Madrid. Turn right onto Paseo del Sacramento, crossing the railway and reaching the Compostilla Power Plant slag heaps. Cross the Canal del Bajo Bierzo and continue through Compostilla, passing the parish church.

In Columbrianos, part of Ponferrada, join the C-631 towards Villablino, then turn left onto Calle Eras (Camino Real). Pass under the railway to reach the road to San Justo de la Vega, continuing for 2 km through houses and orchards.

Cross Camponaraya’s main street, continuing through fertile fields (1 km). At the exit of Camponaraya, turn left in front of a wine cooperative. Continue through vineyards, ascending a small hill and descending to Cimadevila, then entering Cacabelos via Calle del Peregrino.

Exit Cacabelos via the bridge over the Cúa River on the N-VI, passing the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows. After 2 km, reach Pieros, passing the hill with the ruins of Castrum Bergidum. At km 406.8, leave the N-VI and take a path that crosses the Arroyo de los Valtuille, narrowing through vegetation and emerging onto a wider track (Camino de la Virgen de Valtuille).

After 2 km, reach the church of Santiago at the entrance of Villafranca del Bierzo.

Stage 28: Villafranca to O Cebreiro (30 km)

Follow Calle del Agua, the pilgrims’ route, across Villafranca to the bridge over the Burbia River. Two options exist from here to Trabadelo (10 km):

  • a) Follow the N-VI along the Valcarce River valley. This is the old route, but it’s uncomfortable and dangerous due to traffic.
  • b) Take an alternative route over Monte del Real, more tiring but scenic. From the Barrio de los Tejedores, a steep 3 km climb begins through heather, gorse, pine, chestnut, and oak. Enjoy views of the Valcarce valley, Villafranca, and Mount Teleno. After reaching the top, continue along the ridge, overlooking Pereje. At a stone fence, turn left, continuing through chestnut trees. Rejoin a paved road descending to Trabadelo, where it meets option a).

From Trabadelo to La Portela, follow the old N-VI to km 419.2, then cross to enter Ambasmestas. Continue to Vega de Valcarce (2 km), Ruitelán (1.5 km), and Herrerías (2 km), with its English Hospital district.

From Herrerías, ascend a small road, turning left after 1 km onto a path down to the Valcarce River. Cross the river and begin a steep climb on a paved road. After 2 km, enter La Faba.

Climb for 2 km through heather to Laguna de Castilla. After 1 km, a cairn marks the border between Castile-León and Galicia. After another 1 km ascent, reach O Cebreiro.

Stage 29: O Cebreiro to Triacastela (20.6 km)

Descend from O Cebreiro, following the road to Linares (3 km). The road then deviates left, crossing back to climb to Alto de San Roque. Rejoin the road and enter Hospital da Condesa, exiting on a path to the right, rejoining the road 100 m below.

After 2 km, leave the road again, crossing Padornelo and ascending to Alto de Poio. Continue to Fonfría, leaving the road to descend parallel to it, entering Biduedo. Cross Biduedo and continue descending for 2 km to Fillobal, crossing the road again.

Continue descending to Ramil (1 km) and Triacastela.

Stage 31: Sarria to Portomarín (22 km)

From the Convento de la Magdalena, descend steeply, passing the Sarria cemetery, to the C-546. Follow it right briefly, then turn left, crossing the Celeiro River via Ponte Aspera. Continue along the river, crossing the railway near Sancti Michaelis, and advance 100 m along a track to a creek. Cross the creek, turn right, and ascend through a Carballeira to Vilei.

Join a paved road to Barbadelo, continuing through oaks, meadows, and farmhouses to Rente and Mercado da Serra.

Cross the C-535 and continue through Monzón, Xisto, A Brea, Leimán, and Peruscallo on a paved road (2.5 km) through chestnut and oak trees and pastures with slate slabs. Continue on roads through Cortinas, Lavandeira, and Brea (1.5 km) in a rugged landscape. Below Monte Morgade, reach the town of Monte Morgade, cross the Ferreiras Arroyo, and ascend to Ferreiros.

Continue ascending on a paved track through oaks, descending to Mirallos, then continuing to Pena and Couto, and Rozas. Reach Pena, then Cervo, and descend to Moimenta, the Mercadoiro River plain, and A Moutran.

Continue for 1 km to Ligüerre, leaving the paved track for a path (600 m) that enters Vilachá, with views of Portomarín on the Miño River, which is also reached by the C-135 from Sarria.

Stage 32: Portomarín to Palas de Rei (23.9 km)

Descend Portomarín’s main street to the C-135, crossing the Belesar reservoir’s arm via a footbridge. Ascend Mount San Antonio, with the Torrens River on the right. After 2 km, rejoin the C-135 near San Mamede, passing Cortapezas and a pottery workshop.

After 2 km, reach Toxibo, and after another 3 km, Gonzar. Leave the road for a dirt track to Castromaior. Continue through oaks, pines, and broom.

Rejoin the road, ascending for 1 km, then turning left onto a path to Hospital da Cruz. Cross the N-540 and take a paved track that joins the N-547 in Brea after 10 km.

Along these 10 km: after 1.5 km, reach Salnés, then ascend to the Sierra de Ligonde, descend to Prebisa, and reach Ligonde and Lameiros. Descend, cross the Ligonde River, and ascend to Airexe, continuing uphill to Portos, then descending.

After Portos, a detour leads to the Romanesque church of Vilar de Donas (3 km). After 1 km, pass Lestedo, the cemetery, and the church of Santiago, ascending to Os Ranchos. After 1 km, pass Mamurria, joining the N-547 in Brea.

Continue for 3 km on a path parallel to the N-547 to reach Palas de Rei, passing the sports facilities.

Stage 33: Palas de Rei to Arzúa (28.6 km)

Leave Palas de Rei on the N-547, turning left at km 36. Descend to San Xulián do Camiño (3 km). Continue on a paved road to Pallota, taking a road through dense vegetation to Outeiro da Ponte.

Cross the Pambre River and pass Pontecampaña, ascending among pines and oaks, passing Casanova. Descend to the Villar River valley, crossing a meadow. After 1 km, reach A Brea, rejoining the N-547 and entering Coto and A Conrnixa, crossing from Lugo to A Coruña province.

After the N-547, take a paved road lined with cypresses to Leboreiro. Continue to Disicabo, crossing the dry river via the Magdalena bridge. Take a dirt road lined with poplars through a forest to Furelos.

Leaving Furelos, rejoin a dirt track, entering Melide’s San Pedro district (1 km). The road branches left to the Santa María district, crossing the river and Carballal. The paved Camino continues through oaks and eucalyptus to Raído, rejoining and then leaving the N-547.

Continue through pines and ferns, crossing the Valverde Arroyo and descending to Boente via A Peroxa. Leaving Boente, pass under the N-547 and descend to the Boente River valley, crossing and ascending to the N-547, entering Castañeda.

The road deviates left to O Pedrouzo, descending to O Río along the Ribeiral Arroyo, then ascending through eucalyptus trees. Descend to the Isas River, passing through Ribadiso da Ponte. Leave the town on the N-547, entering Arzúa.

Stage 34: Arzúa to Santiago de Compostela (38.4 km)

Continue along Rúa do Carmo, leaving Arzúa and descending to As Barrosas, turning left onto the N-547. Leave the N-547 for a dirt road that climbs to A Calzada, crossing the river. Rejoin the N-547 briefly, then turn right onto a track passing through Cortobe, A Pereiriña, A Calzada, Calle, and Ferreiros to Boavista. From Boavista, a dirt road (1.5 km) leads to Salceda, on the N-547.

Leave Salceda on a road to the right, then turn left onto another road through pine and eucalyptus, passing Brea (crossing the N-547) and rejoining it after 500 m.

Continue on the N-547 for 1 km. At the Santa Irena junction, turn right onto a path that crosses the N-547 and enters Santa Irena, rejoining it after passing the Santa Irena shelter.

Cross the N-547 again near a mill, continuing to Rúa do Burgo. After 1 km, near a petrol station, cross the N-547 again and approach Arca. Continue for 3 km to Amenal, crossing the road and continuing through lush vegetation to Cimadevila. Ascend a logging road, passing Lavacolla airport.

After 2 km, reach the N-544, descending to the San Paio turnoff. Cross another road and, after 1 km, enter Lavacolla. Descend to the Lavacolla River, cross the road, and ascend Monte San Marcos.

After 1.5 km, passing Vilamaior, the road passes the TVG and TVE headquarters. Enter San Marcos on Monte do Gozo, with Santiago in view.

From the San Marcos chapel, leaving the Monte do Gozo complex, descend to the N-544 and enter the San Lázaro district. Continue through the Polígono de Fontiñas, Concheiros, and Rúa de San Pedro to Porta do Camiño. Continue via Rúas das Casas Reais and das Ánimas to Plaza de Cervantes and Rúa da Acibechería, passing under the Archbishop’s Arch to Praza do Obradoiro.