Capitalism and Labor Market: A Historical Analysis

Capital and Labor Market

Capitalism was configured as a system in which the instruments of production and the interactions that occur are private properties. This property was just the bourgeois or capitalist class as workers or proletariat, only had to work in exchange of rent and wages. Capitalism is an unplanned free initiative system whose objective is to obtain maximum benefits. Supply and demand cause periodic crises correcting or adjusting the cost of production.

The New Industrial Society

The triumph of capitalism and industry led to a profound transformation of society. The new bourgeois values were based on the exploitation of private property. The family continued to be the core, housing and family became a symbol of prosperity and social status.

Women in Industrial Society


Life of women in the class average and high-class, its main tasks that were made to take care of the house and children, were domestic servants. Leducacciode consideraba women subsidize their studies adquirían basics of reading, writing and calculation and also very different femenines.Era materials for women farmers with the onset of industrialization were women workers, were long journey of ten or twelve hours to which the addition of Shaver dedicated to taking care of home and family.


The causes of the revolution:


They wanted some changes. Prices had risen and see a boom of business and industry. The bourgeoisie high achieving economic benefits but clashed with free trade and production. Illustrated with new ideas, the bourgeoisie demanded political changes. A powerful aristocracy saferrava Lantic in feudal model. The privileged perjudicavben concerned with the prices that those like them, lived on fixed incomes, sesforçaven to consolidate and increase their privileged! Is strongly opposed to any attempt canvi.Una severe economic crisis complicates the situation. The royal finances were in a situation of bankruptcy because laristocracia not paying taxes and only 3 were charged to the tribes was made.


The national convention: a democratic republic:


The National Convention was formed on 20 September 1792 which led to the 1st victory of the new Republican Army against the absolutist Europe. Predicted to abolish the monarchy and proclaim a republic.


Girondins convention:


The government was at the hands of Bordeaux, the Gironde cause that faces the mountain. The girondisn with King Louis XVI eras to punish supporters of traiccio not volian until the war ended, but his heart condemned to a female character too radical revolution and was guillotined on 21 January 1793. He gave an impetus to European anti-revolutionary coalition Exacerbated by the insurrection of the peasants of the Vendée, and hungry new lleves.A Paris, the sans-culottes demanded social reforms and egalitarian.


Jacobin convention: Terror


With the support of the sans-culottes, the Jacobins arrest and execute some of the main stage inaugurated Girondins and the radical Jacobin Convention Revolucio.Van approval of a Constitution (1793) established popular sovereignty and universal male suffrage.Also establish a revolutionary government and began a policy known as the terror, which aimed to overcome enemies and groups popular satisfy radicals.El + Committee on Public Salvation, Roberspierre controlled, concentrated all the powers and predicted measures exceptional. They also implemented a series of reforms socials.Tambe took a series of measures to change the French society that marked the beginning of the Republic (1792). The Jacobins have demanded more equality, while the moderate bourgeois volian stop reforms Jacobin. Robespierre faithful were removed and their opponents and carried out a bloody repression. But all his enemies joined forces and were executed on 10 Thermidor.