Captain Alatriste: A thrilling adventure in 17th century Madrid

Captain Alatriste’s Adventures in 17th Century Madrid

Setting the Scene

The story unfolds in 17th century Madrid, as evidenced by numerous references to well-known locations and streets within the city, including El Escorial. The text vividly describes the setting: “I looked out the window. Above the roofs of the street of the Child, the gray clouds, threatening, crowding in the skies above Madrid did everything more sinister.”


A cast of memorable characters populates the narrative, including:

  • Captain Diego Alatriste
  • Inigo de Balboa
  • Francisco de Quevedo
  • Maria de Castro
  • Gonzalo de Moscatel
  • Luis de Alquezar
  • Angelica Alquezar
  • Philip IV
  • Gaspar de Guzman
  • Walter Malatesta
  • Lope de Vega
  • Lopito
  • Fray Emilio Bocanegra


The book begins with Captain Alatriste attending a theatrical performance by Tirso de Molina. He arrives late due to a prior engagement with a swordsman. At the theater, he meets with Quevedo and Inigo. After the performance, Maria de Castro, the lead actress and Alatriste’s former lover, summons him to her dressing room.

Quevedo is commissioned to premiere a play at El Escorial for the Queen and Cozar. Leaving the tavern where they discussed the commission, they visit Lope de Vega’s house, where Alatriste encounters the man he fought the previous day – Lope’s son, Lopito. Alatriste apologizes, leading to a reconciliation with Lope.

On his way to a rendezvous with Maria, Alatriste is ambushed but manages to fend off his attackers. Meanwhile, Inigo secretly helps Angelica spy on someone. He witnesses Alatriste’s duel and intervenes to save him. The next day, Saldana, an old friend, warns Alatriste against pursuing Maria, as the King has taken an interest in her.

Lopito confides in Alatriste about his love for Laura de Moscatel and their plan to elope. The plan succeeds, but Laura tragically dies three months later. Alatriste is lured into a trap orchestrated by Maria and Angelica, leading to a confrontation where Inigo is injured. The King intervenes, and Alatriste is wrongly accused of attempting to assassinate him.

Alatriste escapes imprisonment and seeks refuge with Bartolo Cagafuego. He later meets with the Count-Duke to plead his innocence. On his way to El Escorial, he encounters and defeats Martin Saldana. He is ambushed again and captured by those plotting to kill the King.

At El Escorial, Quevedo and Inigo learn of Alatriste’s innocence. Angelica attempts to manipulate Inigo to prevent him from helping Alatriste, but he sees through her deception. Inigo and Cozar join Alatriste in thwarting the assassination attempt on the King during a hunting trip. Alatriste’s bravery is acknowledged, and he is honored by the King.