Carl Rogers and Humanistic Therapy: Understanding Human Nature

Carl Rogers: American Psychologist and Humanistic Therapy

Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, was one of the originators of humanistic therapy. Humanistic therapy suggests that we wear a “mask” to hide aspects of ourselves and conform to societal expectations. As we grow, we adopt different masks to be accepted. Rogers proposed that therapy should help us remove these masks and find genuine happiness. Happiness is often seen as corny, but humanistic theory encourages embracing it.

Rogers’ Method

Open yourself to new experiences and begin to remove the mask. Start to prioritize your own desires over the need to satisfy everyone. Embrace the fear that comes with doing what you truly want.

The Emotional Animal

Hume’s concept of emotivism suggests that we are driven by emotions. We perceive things as good or bad based on our emotional sensitivity. Emotional intelligence is not something to be conquered; it is innate. We value people based on their emotional intelligence, which encompasses the ability to:

  • Create: The ability to get excited.
  • Receive: Accepting the feelings of others. Absorbing another person’s feelings can create many problems for humans.
  • Control: There are both positive and negative emotions. Control does not mean suppressing emotions but managing their momentum.

Thomas More’s Utopia

Thomas More’s political idealism is presented in his book “Utopia,” divided into two parts:

  1. The first part analyzes the political landscape of England during his time, focusing on political socialization.
  2. The second part describes an ideal society on an island called Utopia.

In Utopia, there is no state. The community is responsible for the sick and elderly. The foundation of this society is its educational system, where knowledge is power. Education focuses on human development based on reason, and the society is patriarchal.

The Spiritual Animal

Humans are the only spiritual animals. When we have most of our basic needs met, we begin to contemplate new things, leading to the emergence of unproductive activities and art. Religion allows itself the luxury of wasting time on something productive, which marks the starting point of religious thought. As culture evolves, so does religion.

  • Judaism: Christians are not sure when it arose, but it is considered to have taken the best of Judaism.
  • Islam: It emerged around 600 years after Christ, with the fundamental idea that men and women are equal.

The Social Animal

Aristotle described humans as political animals for two reasons: material and spiritual needs. This leads to two contrasting political positions:

  • Machiavelli’s “The Prince”: Advocates for political realism.
  • Thomas More’s “Utopia”: Presents an ideal society.

Politics exists because humans are inherently flawed. Machiavelli believed that “the ends justify the means” and that a ruler must be willing to use violence if necessary to maintain order. Any action taken in defense of the people, even if seemingly negative, is justified.