Carmen Sotillo’s Lament: A Widow’s Monologue

as was the mentality of people during the war and the difficult situation where you are. So we have a novel in which Carmen Sotillo, our protagonist, has just lost her husband, Mario. This, however, there appears to be dead, something that is proud to Carmen. It starts with the family viewing, where family visits take place and friends who exaggerate their feelings. Above all it embodies can be seen, the sister of Mario, who made a scandal and it had to go. Carmen she was convinced that the reason for the scandal was the fact that he was the lover, but could not secure because of the lack of communication that had existed between the two spouses. After the wake, the story focuses on what is central to the novel, Carmen, with the intention of spending the last hours with Mario, the corpse, remembering their past together. Here begins a monologue messy, emotionally charged, lamentations and reproaches, which the woman is recovering memories, telling facts and experiences with Mario, and realizes the mistakes it has made, and the frustration that has led to the he married and never had it in mind, highlighting the contradictory spirit of her husband. Carmen would have liked that Mario would have more details with her, because she did not give importance to things which accounted for her happiness, such as a coche.Ella narrates moments of his life, and in parallel reading paragraphs underlined her husband , demanding the attention of Mario, dead. History did not follow any logical order, as Carmen is speaking out of order, taking one issue after another and mixing them. You can highlight some facts which Carmen is repeated throughout the book. One of them concerns the wedding night.
She felt a deep humiliation, because Mario did not want to maintain relationships, but got into bed, gave him good night and turned. Carmen says this will not be able to forget while I live. Another might be the fact that he was convinced that Encarna was behind Mario, since her husband, Elvira, died. In fact, he believes that Mary is stuck with it. Carmen complained of distrust of her husband, among other things. He also repeated several times that Mario is not never bought a car, which took it to the janitors, she said. With this, note that, while in the bus queue, Paco, a guy who for twenty-five years since he spoke, he stood and offered to take her to the center. She was amazed by the car, and especially by him, the big switch had done during that time.

Carmen attaches great importance to the family, and appreciates his parents, unlike Mario. This can be demonstrated when the mother dies of it, which does not release any tears. Carmen, throughout history, is realizing what kind of life that has led, which leads her to repent. In fact mentioned several times that their children do not hear a single word to say Mario. Finally, end the night and begins a new day, where, earlier, a son of Carmen, Mario, goes looking. This is the final chapter, which recounts the moment just after the funeral, when employees come to the house to collect the body. It is the last farewell to Carmen and Mario.
CARMEN: Carmen Sotillo is the wife of Marius, and who tells the story. Physically, the book reveals to us many aspects, although it is mentioned several times the beauty of his generous heart. It also refers to the fact that you have so many children spoil the body. Psychologically gets deeper. You can appreciate the feeling of frustration that accompanies each of his words, for various reasons, among which, considering that her husband not only has shown understanding for his ideas, but also to their needs, always bothered because Mario does not take into account.There is little communication between the spouses, and even his wife intended to be heard against the lifeless body of Mario. She has her system of values based on the success that gives a good position, and performs a complete rejection of the entire system of values and beliefs of Mario. It opposes all social reforms supported by her husband. Save face seems to be the fundamental issue that haunts the widow.
Some of the things that affected him was in the wedding night, which had no relations in the wedding night, and she felt as a humiliation would never forget while I live. Another is the fact that Mario did not want to buy a car she wanted. She likes to distribute the alms directly to the poor to see them express their gratitude and to ensure that only those who deserve it receive it. Should be mentioned that Carmen is a hypocritical person, gives much importance to appearances, self-absorbed, fascist and smug. Want to impose their values and beliefs to their children, and complains of having to carry everything about herself to the house and care for children without any help from her husband, and that Mario never treated as a woman, in fact, even he was unfaithful. This is analyzed by Carmen, who then held it against her deceased husband.