Catalan Labeling Laws: ADEC and Consumer Rights
What is ADEC?
The Association in Defense of Labeling in Catalan (ADEC) was founded on March 18, 1987. The Association’s objectives are based on a comprehensive project to strengthen labeling in Catalan within the context of language standardization. This is one of the areas that needs more support because, in certain commercial sectors, this labeling is virtually nonexistent.
Labeling Legislation
Article 34: Information to Users and Consumers
1. The data contained in the labeling, packaging, and instructions for use of products that are distributed in the territory of Catalonia can be in Catalan, Spanish, or other languages of the European Union.
2. The compulsory and voluntary additional information contained in the product labeling of Catalan products with a designation of origin, name or designation for regional and craft products that are distributed in the territory of Catalonia must necessarily be, at least, in Catalan.
3. The Government shall regulate the rules for information to consumers and users of certain sectors, and labeling and instructions for use of industrial and commercial products that are distributed in the territory of Catalonia.
Article 37: Building Measures
1. The Government of the Generalitat shall promote, encourage, and promote the use of Catalan in labor, professional, commercial, advertising, cultural associations, sports, leisure, and other criteria.
Article 26: Use of Catalan in Information and Recruitment
In accordance with the provisions of Article 3.3 of the Statute of Autonomy:
a) Consumers are entitled to receive relevant information in Catalan for the consumption and use of goods, products, and services, especially the required data directly related to safeguarding their health and safety.
Food Labeling
The legal framework applicable in Spain to the labeling of food products is provided in Royal Decree 1334/1999 of July 31, approving the general rules on labeling, presentation, and advertising of foodstuffs. The Spanish standard has been gradually adapting to the changes imposed by EU rules.
Prior Definitions
Any mention, indication, mark, trademark, or drawing related to a food product contained in any container, label, or document accompanying the product in question.
Shows how a food product looks to someone to review and, if applicable, purchase.
Any form of communication made by a person or entity, public or private, in the exercise of a commercial activity with the aim of promoting, directly or indirectly, the purchase of foodstuffs: CONSUMER ACT.
Duty of Veracity and Adequacy of Food Labeling
The following information shall not mislead consumers:
- Labeling and the arrangements that make it
- The presentation, especially in the form or aspect of the product or its packaging
- Advertising
These items of data should not be such as to mislead the buyer, including:
- a) About the characteristics of the foodstuff and, in particular, its nature, identity, quality, composition, quantity, duration, and manner of origin or manufacture or procurement.
- b) Attributing to the foodstuff effects or properties that it does not have.
- c) Attributing to a food product properties for the prevention or curative treatment of human disease.