Catalan Literature: A Journey Through History

1. Medieval Literature

The Middle Ages (476-1453)

  • Emergence of the Western Roman Empire to the fall of Constantinople


  1. Economic organization based on feudalism, three social groups (knights, clergy, and peasants)
  2. Christianity and the Church played a central role in medieval culture
  3. Romance languages were formed and developed

Poetry of the Troubadours

Poetry created by troubadours, accompanied by music and written in Occitan. Authors include Wilhelm Bergueda and Ramon Vidal de Basalú. Courtly love was a central theme, exploring the feelings of the troubadour (lover) towards the lady (starches/senhal), courtesans (lausengiers), and husband (gilós).

2. Ramon Llull

Prose in Catalan (13th Century)

Until this century, prose was written only in Latin. Llull’s work was objective, didactic, and focused on religion and morality. He created diverse materials in several languages.


The story of a character and family who leave the world to become hermits. Llull proposed an organization of the church and society guided by God.

Book of Marvels

Features Felix, a hero who travels to learn. Divided into 10 parts, emphasizing the book of beasts (didactic).

3. Chronicles

These works were intended for propaganda, long prose narratives with a historical and often war-focused character. They narrated contemporary events, often centering on the monarch to exalt specific actions. They promoted patriotism and nationalistic spirit.

Four major chronicles:

  1. Book of the Deeds of James I (13th Century)
  2. Chronicle of Bernat Desclot (13th Century)
  3. Chronicle of Ramon Muntaner (14th Century)
  4. Chronicle of Peter IV of Aragon (14th Century)

4. Humanism

A cultural movement emerging in Italy during the 14th century. It moved away from theocentric theories towards an anthropocentric worldview. Important Author: Bernat Metge

Lo somni

A work that bridges the medieval and humanistic periods. It features elegant prose and narrates Doctor Bernard’s journey, divided into four books:

  1. Dialogue between Bernard and King Joan I
  2. Causes of Joan I’s death
  3. Orpheus recounts his life and journey to hell (example of humanistic approach)
  4. Tirèsis’ speech warns Bernard against misogyny, leading to a critical reflection by the protagonist.

5. Golden Age

The 15th century is considered a golden age for Catalan literature due to humanism modernizing the language and the advent of printing, increasing readership and distribution.

Chivalric Narratives

Unlikely narratives: These featured imaginary landscapes, lacking temporal or spatial references, with fantastic elements (dragons), and knights who always win.

Chivalric novels: More realistic, lacking fantastic elements, with credible characters and identifiable geography.

Joanot Martorell (1413-1468)

Tirant lo Blanc: Features verisimilitude in war episodes, historicism (historical facts and figures), descriptions of daily life, eroticism, and humorous scenes.

Ausias March

A great poet of medieval literature. He analyzed his most intimate feelings and sought perfection. He presented a new concept of women, portraying them as having souls and capable of understanding the poet’s aspirations. His style was realistic.

6. 16th, 17th, and 18th-Century Literature

Catalan literary production decreased due to political and social changes and the suppression of the Catalan language following the Nueva Planta decrees.

Renaissance Literature

Emerging in Italy in the late Middle Ages, it represents the triumph of humanism.

Baroque Literature

Developing during a time of upheaval, it reflects a pessimistic worldview and abounds in elaborate figures of speech.

Enlightenment Literature

Poetry showed little change from the Baroque period. Narrative began to recover. In theater, plays were tragedies free of excessive Baroque language, credible, and with educational and moral purposes.

7. Romanticism

An escape from reality, both temporally and spatially. It magnifies death as a means of supreme evasion and freedom. It contrasts with reason and light, embracing darkness and featuring melancholic or sensitive characters, or heroes and revolutionaries.

8. Renaissance

A movement affecting political and social aspects, aiming to adopt the most current representative styles in Europe: Romanticism and Realism. Authors: Jacinto Verdaguer and Àngel Guimerà. Newspapers and magazines were important platforms. Women played a significant role in the movement, particularly in the Floral Games (promoting patriotism, faith, and love).