Catalan Literature: From the 16th to the 20th Century

Catalan Literature: 16th to 20th Century

16th Century: Decline

  • Causes: Spanish nobility and remoteness of the court, the ‘DOR’ literature of the Spanish century.
  • Consequences:
    1. Valencian revolt
    2. War of the Reapers
    3. Treaty of the Pyrenees

The printing press favored Castilian. Humanism: the measure of all things.

  • Poetry Authors: Peter Seraph (Barcelona), John Timoneda (Barcelona), Christopher Despig (Valencia)

17th Century: Baroque Influence

Copy of Spanish Baroque literature.

  • Poetry Authors: Rector Vallfogona (eschatological poetry, Tortosa), Francesc Fontanella (Barcelona, Perpignan)

18th Century: Literary Poverty

Influence of the Enlightenment, Neoclassicism, banning of publications in Catalan.

  • Authors: Baro of Maldà, Juan Ramis (theater), Lucrecia

Renaissance: Recovery of Language and Literature

Historical and cultural movement that recovered the language and literature.

  • Objectives:
    • Retrieve the ‘LUS’ of the tongue in cultural and literary aspects.
    • Recover the medieval past and the Catalan tradition.
    • Create a unique literature.
    • Reset floral motifs.

Industrialization: steam engine, railway (industrial bourgeoisie and the proletariat).

Romanticism: Individualism and Imagination

  • Individualism and empowerment of self.
  • Feelings and imagination over reason.
  • Freedom of creation, spontaneity, and originality.
  • Idealization of reality leading to dissatisfaction.
  • Themes: Middle Ages, popular culture, search and evaluation of beauty.

Poetry: Jacinto Verdaguer

Creator of modern literary language, ecclesiastical studies (Vic), floral motifs. Works: L’Atlàntida, Canigó.


Types: Cult (historical melodrama -> Bourgeois), Popular (parody of the cult drama, Seraph Pitarra).

Authors: Guimerá Angel

Works: Sea and Sky, Maria Rosa, Terra Baixa (Earth Floor), The Daughter of the Sea.

  1. Romantic (Sea and Sky)
  2. Romanticism and Realism (Maria Rosa, Terra Baixa, The Daughter of the Sea)
  3. New aesthetic trends
  • Features: Miscegenation in the works, location of women as lovers.
  • Romantic Drama: Historical drama, violence, struggle, passion.
  • Rural Tragedy: Farmers, shepherds…

Narrative: Narcís Oller

Procurator court, romanticism and realism adapted to naturalism (objective view of reality), naturalism (unpleasant, sad, pessimistic).

  • L’escanyapobres (Capitalism, industrialism)
  • La febre d’or (Bag, Ascona, bourgeois)
  • La bogeria (Crazy dunk history)
  • Pilar Prim (Descriptions of the characters)

Modernism: A New Movement

Established as a movement.

Great Industrialization

Catalan political and trade unions. New ideas, desire for modernization. Literary, artistic, and intellectual splendor.

  • 1890-1900: L’Avenç – language reform, European culture. Santiago Rusiñol. Sitges Festival.
  • 1900-1910: Consolidated modernism as a movement, less aggressiveness, youth magazine.
Poetry: Literary Currents
  • Decadence, symbolism (suggest mood with the description of real elements), individualism.
  • Human life in the world.
  • Social concern for social facts and marginalization.
  • Harmony between man and nature, Parnassianism.

Joan Maragall

(Barcelona) Poet and journalist, collaborated with L’Avenç, influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche. 3 genres: poetry, essays, newspaper articles.

Kind of Poetry:
  • Spontaneist (individual creativity)
  • Regenerationist (Nietzsche and Catalan bourgeois)
  • Poesies
  • Visions i cants
  • Enllà
  • L’elogi de la paraula (poetry and essays reflecting on the creative experience)

School of Majorca: vision of the landscape, containment of feelings, influence of the classics.

  • Llobera
  • Costa and Juan Miguel and Maria Antonia Alcover Salva
Narrative Features:
  • Creation of poetic prose, less realistic.
  • Protagonist rebels and nonconformist.
  • Character psychology.
  • Symbolic space and descriptions.
  • Determinism, sensuality, and mysticism.
  • Víctor Català (Drama rural)
  • Prudenci Bertrana (Josafat)
  • Josep Pous i Pagès (Quan bull la olla)
  • Joaquim Ruyra
  • Raimon Casellas


  • Didees drama: social conflicts, workers, intellectual anarchists.
  • Josep Pous i Pagès and Ignacio Iglesias
Symbolist Theater:
  • Short pieces, intense, suggestive language.
  • Minority public.
  • Santiago Rusiñol and Adrià Gual
Theater Authors:
  • Joan Puig i Ferreter (naturalistic theater)
  • Santiago Rusiñol (Bohemian stages: conflict between artist and bourgeois, approximation to reality, floral motifs)