Catalan Literature: Romanticism to Modernism

Catalan Literature: From Romanticism to Modernism

Romanticism (late 18th – mid 19th century)


  • Emerged as a reaction against Neoclassicism.
  • Influenced by the French Revolution (1789-1792).
  • Championed freedom, individualism, emotion, and imagination.


  • Rejection of rigid rules in art.
  • Emphasis on passion, feeling, and subjectivity.
  • Exaltation of nature and the individual.
  • Interest in the Middle Ages and national identity.

The Catalan Renaissance (mid 19th century)


  • Marked by the publication of “La Pàtria” by Bonaventura Carles Aribau in 1833.
  • Renewed interest in the Catalan language and culture.

Key Figures:

  • Jacinto Verdaguer: Epic poet known for “L’Atlàntida” and “Canigó”.
  • Àngel Guimerà: Playwright known for “Terra Baixa” and “Maria Rosa”.
  • Narcis Oller: Novelist who introduced realism and naturalism with works like “La Papallona” and “La Febre d’Or”.

Jacinto Verdaguer (1842-1902)


  • Patriotic poetry: “Pàtria” (1888).
  • Religious poetry: Expressed his faith through poems.
  • Epic poetry: “L’Atlàntida” (1877) and “Canigó” (1885).
  • Prose: “Dietari d’un pelegrí a Terra Santa”.

Àngel Guimerà (1845-1924)

Literary Work:

  • Stage 1 (1879-1890): Romantic tragedies like “Gal·la Placídia” and “Mar i Cel”.
  • Stage 2 (1890-1900): Introduced realism in works like “La Boira” and “Maria Rosa”.
  • Stage 3 (1900-1921): Continued success with plays like “La Santa Espina” and “La Reina Jove”.

Narcis Oller (1846-1930)


  • “La Papallona” (1882): Introduced realism.
  • “L’Escanyapobres” (1884): Naturalistic novel.
  • “La Febre d’Or” (1890-92): Depicted social and economic change.
  • “Pilar Prim” (1906): Psychological novel.

Modernism (late 19th – early 20th century)


  • Formative Years (1888-1900): Aggressive and programmatic.
  • Consolidation and Triumph (1900-1911): Became a more bourgeois movement.

Key Figures:

  • Joan Maragall: Poet known for “Visions & Cants” and “Cant Espiritual”.
  • Victor Català (Caterina Albert i Paradís): Author of “Solitud” and “Drames Rurals”.

Joan Maragall (1860-1911)

Poetic Work:

  • Influenced by Nietzsche and Ibsen.
  • “Visions & Cants” (1900): Modernist work.
  • “Enllà” (1906): Nature-inspired poems.
  • “Sequences” (1911): Includes “Cant Espiritual”.

Victor Català (Caterina Albert i Paradís) (1869-1966)

Life and Work:

  • Adopted the pseudonym Victor Català due to societal constraints.
  • “L’Infanticida” (1898): Controversial work that won a literary prize.
  • “Drames Rurals” (1902-1907): Collection of rural tragedies.
  • “Solitud” (1905): Her most famous novel.

Modernism Timeline

1st Stage (1888-1900):

  • 1888: 1st Barcelona Universal Exposition.
  • 1892: 1st Modernist Festival in Sitges.
  • 1897: Opening of the “Els Quatre Gats” artistic gathering place.

2nd Stage (1900-1911):

  • 1901: Foundation of the Regionalist League.
  • 1906: Publication of “Els Fruits Saborosos” by Joan Maragall.
  • 1909: Tragic Week in Barcelona.
  • 1911: Deaths of Joan Maragall and Ramon Casellas, marking the end of Modernism’s peak.