Catalan Nationalism and Social Unrest: 1901-1925

Moroccan Conflict and the Tragic Week (1906-1909)

In 1906, the Algeciras Conference established a Hispano-French protectorate in Morocco. Spain was assigned the Rif region, with the obligation to pacify and administer it. The Spanish presence in this area was met with continuous attacks from the Rif people, organized in Kabylia.

In 1909, the Battle of Barranco del Lobo resulted in a major defeat for Spanish troops, with heavy casualties (13,000 officers). In response, the Spanish government decided to increase the number of soldiers by conscripting reservists from the Rif. This decision sparked a significant popular protest movement in the city, known as the Tragic Week.

The mobilization was directed against the war and the unjust system of conscription. On July 24th, a strike committee was founded, which called for a general strike. The popular uprising lasted for a week, exceeding its initial objective of protest and evolving into a strong anti-militarist movement, with a rejection of the social and cultural hegemony of the Church.

Street barricades were erected, clashes with police forces occurred, and more than 80 religious centers were burned. The authorities declared a state of war and sent reinforcements to quell the demonstrations. The high number of dead and wounded further radicalized the insurrectionary movement.

The repression by the government of Maura was severe. The government’s actions triggered a wave of protests that ultimately brought down the conservative government.

Evolution of Anarchism (1902-1918)

  • 1902: Workers were divided between:
    • Lerrouxism: Majority
    • Anarchism: Minority
  • 1907: Formation of Solidarity Workers.
  • 1911: Foundation of the CNT (National Confederation of Labor).
  • 1918: Congress of Sants – The organization of trade unions shifted to a single union structure.

The Evolution of Catalan Nationalism (1901-1914)

  • 1901: Formation of the Regionalist League.
  • 1904: A split within the Regionalist League.
  • 1906: Formation of the Republican Nationalist Center.
  • 1905: Assault on the editorial offices of Cu-Cut and The Voice of Catalonia.
  • 1906: Law of Jurisdictions (a law directed against Catalan nationalism).
  • 1907-1909: Catalan Solidarity – Electoral victories.
  • 1909: E. Prat de la Riba becomes President of the Barcelona Provincial Council.
  • 1910: Foundation of the UFNR (Federal Nationalist Republican Union).
  • 1914: Pact of San Gervasio.

The Commonwealth of Catalonia (1914-1925)

The Commonwealth of Catalonia was established on April 6, 1914. Enric Prat de la Riba served as its President, alongside eight assembly members. The Commonwealth represented a delegation of functions that were already included in the provincial councils, albeit with limited powers compared to what they previously held. The Regionalist League maintained a significant presence within the Commonwealth.

Work of the Commonwealth Government

The Commonwealth pursued two primary objectives:

  • Creation of an administrative infrastructure and basic public services to promote economic development.
  • Promotion of the Catalan language and culture through a cultural and educational project.

Regarding the economy, the Commonwealth invested a portion of its resources in a plan to improve the road network, as well as postal and telephone systems. It also initiated an action plan for agriculture.

In terms of culture and education, an ambitious project was launched, focusing on the reaffirmation of the Catalan language and culture. Pedagogical renewal was also promoted.