Catalan Political Articulation During the Bourbon Restoration

Key Events and Movements

Memorial de Greuges (1883)

Manifesto launched by Valentí Almirall during the Second Catalanist Congress (1883). It reflected the discomfort of Catalanist ideologues towards Spanish dynastic parties, free trade policies, and the intention of Spain to suppress Catalan culture and language. It was delivered to King Alfonso XII in 1885, which led to tensions with Spanish politics.

Tancament de Caixes (1898)

Protest movement of Catalan traders and manufacturers who refused to pay extraordinary taxes after the defeat of 1898.


Cultural movement promoted by intellectuals and religious institutions in the city of Vic. It aimed to strengthen the Church against secular Catalanism, particularly Valentí Almirall’s ideas.

Jurisdicciones Act

Law passed by the dynastic parties, stating that any offense against the military or homeland would be judged by a military court.

Mancomunitat de Catalunya (1914)

An organization that granted tax-collecting powers and resources to the four provincial councils of Catalonia. It became the main concession of self-government achieved by Catalonia, granted by decree from the central government.

Tivoli Program (1914)

Election program of the Catalan nationalist coalition Solidaritat Catalana, requesting the repeal of the Jurisdicciones Law and self-government for Catalonia.

Pact of Sant Gervasi (1914)

Agreement between the Republicans and Lerroux’s Radical UFNR to defend the left-wing front in 1914. Ideological differences would later cause the pact to fail and provoke the UFNR’s decline.


The colonial crisis favored the emergence of intellectual currents that questioned the Restoration system and defended the need for modernization of Spanish political life, both from within the dynastic parties (dynastic reformism) and from the opposition.

Martial Law (1917)

Provision that extended military jurisdiction to the civilian population. It implied the immediate removal of the civil judicial power and the concentration of authority in the military. Martial law was decreed by the government in response to the general strike of August 1917 as part of the repressive measures against workers.

Suspension of Constitutional Guarantees (1917)

Invalidation of the rights and freedoms envisaged in the Constitution. It served as a resource for social control in times of turmoil and implied the cancellation of Parliament’s functions and the transfer of all powers to the executive branch. This extension of government power was used by Dato following the political crisis of 1917.

Ley del Candado (1910)

Measure applied by the dynastic reformists at the request of the army, which sought to limit the creation of new religious orders in Spain.

Solidaritat Obrera (1907)

Born as a response to the Catalan solidarity movement and encompassed a large part of the socialist and anarchist workers in Barcelona. It tried to regain strength for the worker’s movement and eventually led to the creation of the CNT.

CNT (1910)

Born from the initiative of Solidaritat Obrera, it embraced the anarcho-syndicalist current. It became the hegemonic union and managed to extend its influence to other areas such as Andalusia and Valencia. During the Primo de Rivera dictatorship, its opposition to the regime caused a split within the CNT between possibilists and faístas.

Fugues Act

Provision established by the civil governor of Barcelona during the pistolerisme period. According to this law, the police could shoot at fleeing detainees if they attempted to escape. This repressive measure was intended to intimidate the workers’ movement.


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Articulation delcatalanisme polític.Valenti Admiral.: Figure: Admiral Valenti. And Bourbon Restoration stage. Admiral, alcatalanisme political transition towards federalism, 1 pk admiral was most prominent leaders delsRepublicans Federal Catalonia. 1881 Admiral breaks with Pi i Maragall, evolving towards Concepcio
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