Catalonia’s Economy: Agriculture, Industry, and Tourism

Agriculture in Catalonia

Agriculture in Catalonia is characterized by the small size of holdings, a high level of mechanization, and crop diversity.

Recent Developments in Agriculture


  • Increased agricultural productivity.
  • Generated migratory flows.
  • Stagnation and aging of the population.

Implications of Agricultural and Fishing Policies

  • Maintain a number of farmers to ensure production and preserve the existence of a family farming landscape.
  • Prevent emigration of farmers to guarantee environmental protection.
  • Foster the development of underdeveloped regions.
  • Set controls on fishing.

Mediterranean Agricultural Landscape

Occupies the coastal strip. The climatological features vary:

  • Sufficient rain further north, cultivation of unirrigated crops (cereals, fruit trees) livestock (cattle, swine, sheep).
  • El Maresme and Baix Llobregat – irrigated agriculture predominates (vegetables, fruit trees).
  • South of the Garraf and to the lower Ebro, irrigated lands are more scarce and there are unirrigated crops (vineyards, hazelnuts).
  • The plain of the Ebro Delta is extending irrigation (rice and vegetables).

Agricultural Landscape Within

It is more diversified than the rest.

  • Dominant crops are cereals, irrigated crops (rice, maize), industrial plants, unirrigated crops, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Dry crops dominate almost the whole area (cereals, vines).
  • Intensive farming (pig and poultry farms).

Agricultural Landscape in the Mountains

Livestock farms and forests.

  • Livestock is the most important activity (milk, cheese, butter).
  • Exploitation of forests (timber and fuelwood).
  • Agriculture is of little importance.

Energy Resources

  • Coal: Scarce production in the Pyrenees.
  • Electricity: From Pyrenean rivers.
  • Oil and gas: On the coastal platform.
  • Nuclear energy: Ascó 1, Ascó 2, Vandellòs 2.

Beginning of the Industry

Industrial development attracted people from rural areas in Catalonia and throughout Spain and favored the appearance of a solid urban area. The railways enabled the linking of the textile colonies located along the rivers with raw materials from Barcelona.

Industry in Recent Years

In 1970, unemployment was a constant of the crisis, and the closure of many factories transformed patterns of industrial location.

Current Industrial Structure

The most important sectors in Catalonia are metal, chemical, textile, and food.

Services Sector in Catalonia

It is a wide and diversified industry, with outstanding trade and transport. But the activity that has grown the most in the last decade is tourism, offering varied tourist attractions. Important social services are also currently available, with people from 3 to 16 years old now guaranteed a place at school.

Foreign Trade

  • Exports of motor vehicles, chemicals, machinery, etc.
  • Imports of chemicals, motor vehicles, food products.


Roads have a radial configuration. There are two new ones:

  • Transversal: Passes through 8 counties.
  • Ebro axis: Follows the river course.


There are local lines that serve as an interurban metro. In 1997, the Euromed high-speed train was introduced.

Ports and Airports

Barcelona Airport has tripled its passenger traffic since the 1992 Olympic Games and therefore must have an approved expansion. The Girona and Reus airports handle charter flights.

Tourist Offer

Especially for tourism of sun and beach, many foreign tourists come for holidays.

Where do the Tourists Come From?

More than 50% of foreign tourists are French. 74% of foreigners come to the USA.