Celebrity Vocabulary: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & Collocations
Autograf = Autograph. Person’s signature. That of a famous person for keeping as a memento.
Guardia espatlles = Bodyguard. A person or group of people who escort and protect someone
Tripulació= Crew. A group of people working together.
Multitud= Crowd. A large group of people.
Energia = Drive. Strength, power
Entreteniment = Entertainment. Distraction from one’s regular thoughts.
Promes/a= Fiancée. A woman who is engaged to be married.
Hereva = Heiress. A man or woman who is an heir.
Idol= idol. A person or thing greatly admired or loved
Fascinació = Infatuation. Great attraction
Vianant= Passer-by. A person that is passing or going by on foot.
Actuació= Performance. An entertainment presented before an audience
Actor= Performer. To present or enact (a play, concert, etc) before or otherwise entertain an audience.
Polític= Politician. Unscrupulous person who handles money and black clothes to benefit himself.
Popularitat = Popularity. The quality or fact of being popular.
Pressió= Pressure. Coercion is done on a person or group.
Publicitat= Publicity. Widespread mention in the news media or by word of mouth or other means of communication.
Model a seguir= Role model. One whose behavior is imitated by others, by younger persons
Premsa rosa= Tabloids. Designed to appeal to a mass audience and readership
Caça talents= Talent scout. A person whose occupation is the search for talented artists, sportsmen, performers, etc, for engagements as professionals
Moda= Trend. Use or custom mode that is in effect and is still transiently.
Aparèixer= Emerge. Manifest, to be seen, usually unexpectedly.
Enganyar= Fool. A person tricked or deceived into appearing silly or stupid
Xafardejar= Gossip. Idle talk, conversation, or rumor, about the private affairs of others.
Perseguir= Pursue. To follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase:
Admirar= Worship. Worship a sacred personage, or a sacred object.
Conflictiu= controversial. Person of strong character or conflicting
Escandalós= disgraceful. That cause or causes scandal
Impresionant= impressive. Causing admiration because of size, conduct, manner, etc
Instantani= instant. A very short space of time; moment:
Luxós= lavish. Having or showing class
Luxós= luxurious. Having or showing class
Marevellós= marvellous. Causing great wonder, surprise, etc; extraordinary
De mala fana= notorious. A person who is famous for done something bad, scandalous.
Ofensiu= offensive. Causing resentful displeasure.
Extravegant= outrageous. Unusual or rare for being overly original
Agoviat= overwhelmed. Cause great discomfort or fatigue
Mimat= spoilt. Pampered and spoiled
Directe= straight. Right or Direct
Envoltat= surrounded.
Riquesa= wealthy. Abundance of goods and valuables
Disposat= willing. Ready for use
- Catch (agafar)
A bus= agafar el bus
A cold= agafar un encostipat
Fire= incendiar-se
One’s breath= recuperar-se
Sight of= veure amb dificultat
Someone’s eye= cridar l’atenció.
- Take (fer)
A photo= fer una foto
Charge= encarregar-se
For garanted= donar per suposat
One’s time= pendre’t el teu temps
Pride in= estar orgullós
Someone by surprise= sorprendre
- Go (anar)
Abroad= anar a l’estranger
Bald= quedar-se calvo
Blind= perdre la vista
Mad= tornar-se boig
Missing= perdres
Wild= tornar-se boig
In the spotlight= ser el centre d’atenció