Challenges Faced by Young Families: Social Support

Family Composition and Initial Challenges

The configuration of this family presents multiple problems and is inherently unstable. The family consists of a young couple who partnered early in life and their minor child. Their youth has hindered their ability to secure sufficient funding to establish or sustain a family, let alone maintain decent housing.

Alterations in Parenting and Marital Disharmony

This family is clearly characterized by an alteration in parenting and marital disharmony. There is no equilibrium in their marital interactions, and it is marked by difficulties in organization and distribution. This is evident in the disorganization of their housing and their failure to complete household chores.

Furthermore, the functions of socialization and nutrition are deteriorating. The child is not being cared for adequately; they are not given enough affection or food and are kept in a state of neglect. Additionally, the parents lack the social skills necessary to communicate effectively with the community.

Recurring Patterns and Lack of Responsibility

Recurring patterns are visible in their home life. The young man left his own home due to abuse from his father, and now, in one way or another, he is mistreating his son by not providing the education, food, and hygiene that he deserves.

They also demonstrate a lack of responsibility. Despite their problems, they do not seek help from social services. If the young woman is a single mother, it is likely that the city council has offered support.

They are unwilling to accept that they have problems and refuse help from social services. This is harmful, primarily to their child and subsequently to themselves. However, one positive aspect is their vulnerability, which makes them open to being persuaded by social workers.

Risk Factors Affecting the Child

Several risk factors are negatively impacting the child, most notably truancy. This could lead to physical disabilities, language delays, and impaired motor skills. The child may also experience problems and difficulties during the first years of schooling.

This situation jeopardizes the child’s future. Falling behind in their education could result in school failure and possibly dropping out of school altogether.

Structural Crisis and the Need for Change

In conclusion, the crisis in this family is structural, stemming from the family’s organization, which is the parents’ responsibility. The supposed adults in this family are essentially adolescents with temporary employment and substance abuse issues. They lack the capacity to carry the burden of maintaining a house and raising a child, let alone doing so effectively.

Solutions for a Balanced Future

To overcome this crisis, several factors that promote balance and problem-solving must be addressed. These factors include:

  • Genuine Awareness: Recognizing that these young parents cannot manage their family, their child, or their home without assistance.
  • Seeking Support: Accepting adequate support from their environment, social services, and the city council.
  • Developing Capabilities: Enhancing the capabilities of these young parents to help them overcome the crisis.