Challenges in Education: A Tale of Rural Life

Test 1, First Bimester: Physics

Oscar Acosta, Alejandro Cortes, 3rd Grade, #10

In the activity of the race, we observed how some individuals have more opportunities than others, and yet, some manage to succeed with fewer opportunities. Similarly, the film *Not One Less* presents a situation where we can compare the opportunities available in a village versus a city.

The movie tells the story of Minzhi, a 13-year-old girl who needs money. The mayor assigns her the difficult task of being a substitute teacher for a month in a small, isolated mountain village. Minzhi not only lacks the necessary facilities to teach her classes but also lacks adequate training. However, she manages to succeed.

The village is a small town with limited economic resources, and there is little to no assistance from government agencies. One striking detail is the school’s economic limitations: they had only one room for all students and could only use one piece of chalk each day.

After a few days, Minzhi becomes frustrated that the students do not obey her and stops teaching. Following this, the students want to go to the city, and a mischievous boy named Zhang Huike manages to escape the village.

This film has many similarities to daily life in Mexico. For example, many people do not have the privilege of a basic education because they are forced to work and earn money, just like Zhang Huike, who escapes from school and goes to the big city in search of work. Another similarity is Minzhi, who is forced to work and become a teacher instead of receiving a basic education (secondary school). Both the film and Mexico share the reality of low income in some areas. An example is Cerro de la Silla, a very poor area that lacks the financial resources necessary for education and a decent living.

Returning to the film, after Zhang Huike’s successful escape, Minzhi decides to go to the city to bring him back. However, she lacks the money for the trip. She finds a job moving bricks to earn enough money. After obtaining the funds, Minzhi embarks on the task of going to the big city and searching for her lost student. Finding a missing person in such a large city seems impossible, but Minzhi is fortunate to meet a reporter and manages to convey a message on television. She finds Zhang Huike and they return to the village, concluding her task as a teacher.

Agents of Change

Another aspect I want to highlight is the concept of “agents of change.” These are people who promote a transformation in society by contributing their skills and talents. Minzhi could be considered an agent of change, as she went to great lengths to fulfill her obligation as a teacher. Initially, she may have been motivated by the promised 10 yuan, but gradually, she grew fond of her students. By the end, when Zhang Huike escaped, she didn’t want him to come back for the money, but because she missed him.

Minzhi’s initiative had a huge impact on society and set a great example, not only for the students but for the entire city. She demonstrated her commitment by traveling so far and searching everywhere for the missing student.

This film is excellent, with a very good plot. It leaves a very important message about agents of change: an agent of change is not only someone who helps others but also a role model who motivates others to experience this change. Another lesson is that being an agent of change doesn’t require grand gestures; even the smallest act of help can make a difference.