Chilean VAT Regulations: Taxable Persons and Exemptions

Persons Subject to Chilean VAT

According to the Ministry of Law, the following are subject to the effects of duty established by tax provision:

VAT Applicability

The following are subject to VAT:

  • Seller in a convention
  • Natural person engaging in operations
  • The amount of these operations
  • The buyer when the resident has no vendor in Chile
  • The company referred to in letter C, Article 8, each partner will be responsible
  • Payment of tribute corresponding to foreclosed assets
  • The contributor, contributions to the company
  • The recipient of the service, if the person is providing foreign services
  • The letter E contractors, Article 8, and in real estate by bill rows.

Article No. 12 Provisions

Sales and Transactions

That fall on the following property:

DL No. 825, are exempt from this tax
Exempt Items and Transactions

The following items and transactions:

Exempt Property
Used motor vehicles
Except: movable and immovable tangible goods, Article 8 l. m before being transferred
12 months from the date of acquisition. / / Option to buy a contract leasing
The species transferred by way of royalties to Tabajaras water, electricity.
The raw material national resident for case address of import national.
Such matter intended for production, elaboration, or fabrication destined for export.
Which must be purchased by persons not issued by fact. or PR
Point B: Import of species made by the Ministry of Defence National and in
Machinery when they are related to your arms war items fabrication.
2. – a) The representations of foreign countries accredited in the country.
b) The institutions or bodies7. – The award amounts to be
to Chile internationalor cultural or sports trophies, but not
c) The diplomats and officialscommercial
countries with international8. – The national artist on
3. – The passengers, when speciesWorks
constitute baggage of travelers, be theyexecuted by them, in cases
New or used if they are exemptthat are established in the
customs duties.Customs Tariff.
5. – The crew of aircraft and other ships
vehicles when species constitute
baggage and are free of duties

Tax Debit

Article 20 of Decree No. 825 states that the “tax debit monthly” is the amount of tax surcharges on sales and services made in the respective tax period (monthly).

For these purposes, you should recognize that established in Article No. 23, No. 1
specifying that the tax credit is obtained as follows
“This credit will be equal to the tax of this title, leaning against the bills
evidencing their purchases or use of services, or in case of import.
paid for the import of species into the country over the same period”

Tax Credit

Tax Credit will be entitled to the tax paid

or on transactions that fall
Species tangible property or services
intended to be part of its Current assets
(Assets) or Fixed Assets and Other Assets
and those related to other types of expenses
general (overhead) to say regarding
the taxpayer’s business or activity.
Also entitled to tax credit in
invoices issued in the lease.
Not entitled to tax credits for the import
or acquisition of goods or services using
events affecting unencumbered by DL No. 825, on
Value Added Tax.