Christopher Columbus’ Voyages and Spanish Colonization

Christopher Columbus’ Vision and Initial Voyage

Christopher Columbus was an experienced sailor familiar with the African routes established by Portugal. He was also familiar with the theories of Toscanelli, who believed the Earth was spherical. Columbus formulated a plan to find a new route to Asia by sailing west, avoiding Africa.

Columbus presented his theory to the King of Portugal in 1482, but a committee of experts rejected it. He then took his idea to Castilla, explaining his plan to the Catholic Monarchs in 1486. They postponed their decision due to their involvement in the conquest of Granada. Finally, in April 1492, the monarchs and Columbus signed the Capitulations of Santa Fe. The Catholic Monarchs agreed to support Columbus’ mission, granting him the titles of Admiral and Viceroy of the lands, as well as one-tenth of the profit.

Columbus’ Voyages to the Americas

Christopher Columbus departed from the port of Palos on August 3, 1492, with a carrack, the Santa Maria, and two caravels, the Pinta and the Niña. After stopping in the Canary Islands and propelled by the trade winds, the expedition crossed the Atlantic and arrived at the island of Guanahani in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. Columbus then began to explore islands such as Cuba and Hispaniola.

After three months, he traveled back to the Iberian Peninsula, convinced he had reached the coast of Asia. Columbus made three other voyages. During the second, he founded the city of La Isabela on La Española. Later, he discovered more of America.

Spanish Tactics and Conquest

The Catholic Monarchs sought to legitimize their right to occupy the discovered territories, which Portugal opposed. They signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, establishing a line dividing the planet into two areas of influence: lands west of the line belonged to Castilla, and lands east of the line were for Portugal.

Key Factors in the Spanish Conquest:

  • Hierarchical Societies: The indigenous empires had very hierarchical societies, so the conquistadores attacked the center of each empire directly to capture the emperor, causing the defenses to collapse.
  • Internal Conflicts: The indigenous peoples in America had suppressed other tribes to gain power, leading to rivalries. The conquistadores exploited these rivalries, recruiting indigenous fighters.
  • Military Equipment: The conquistadores used firearms, metal armor, and horses.
  • Disease: The resistance was weakened by infectious diseases introduced by the Europeans. Having never encountered these diseases, they had no immunity, resulting in many native deaths. In some areas, more than half of the indigenous population died.

Spanish Colonial Administration

The Spanish established several institutions to govern their new territories:

  • Casa de Contratación: Created in Seville to control trade, exploration, and colonization.
  • Council of the Indies: The supreme governing body of Spain’s colonies in America.
  • Audiencias: Similar to those in Castilla, these were the highest judicial institutions.
  • Viceroyalties: Large territories governed by a viceroy in charge of administrative, military, and judicial matters.
  • Cabildos: City governments or councils.
  • Encomiendas: Created in farming areas, land was shared between colonists. Each colonist was in charge of a group of indigenous inhabitants, who had to work in exchange for food and protection.

Impact of Colonization and Social Structure

After the conquest, a major population crisis occurred in America. It is estimated that in some regions, over three-quarters of the indigenous population died, mainly due to transmitted diseases. Colonists’ abuse of the natives also led to high death rates and indigenous revolts.

Missionaries like Bartolomé de las Casas criticized the harsh treatment of the natives, condemning the colonists’ actions. As a result, the Crown introduced the Laws of Burgos and the New Laws, abolishing the encomienda system. However, forced labor systems persisted. Enslavement of natives was also prohibited. However, the colonists needed a workforce, so they began importing slaves from Africa.

Natives, Africans, and European colonists had children together. Their offspring were called mestizos. However, society was controlled by the criollos.